Only thing I will say about Seth (brother) is that there are two very clear paths for him. A specific character or two (depends on player choices) will ultimately decide his fate. I understand the dislike of one possible direction and can only say I designed a story to try and show the edges of human goodness and redemption, but also the dark side as well. I don't think I could just do a vanilla outcome, so I understand if that's not anyone's cup of tea. And I certainly understand the game is not for everyone and in fact would not encourage anyone to play that might be bothered. The other option of course is to avoid playing in a very evil way, but if you want to be totally safe from being exposed, then yeah, maybe just try another game.
Games should of course be fun to each player. There are for example some horrible movies out there that show the very dark edges of how bad human beings can be, and some of those movies are also offensive to some (or even most people) but hopefully the people that don't like it can avoid it.
I for example have a hard time for whatever reason with certain kinds of incest because I actually worked a counselor job with real incest victims, but I also understand it is a massive fetish on this site, so I don't try and play that type of storyline too much. For someone like me, that type of behavior is actually quite evil to me (and having that fetish for me personally kind of bothers me in the sense I wouldn't date or marry such a person, but I am also very respectful of other people's own kinks and won't judge them harshly or anything either) in a way based on what I saw it do to real people. But, I also understand games are games and don't assume people playing such a thing actually would believe and/or do such things in real life, etc. Hopefully, the same is true for anything in my game too. Have fun out there all!