Can you please send her a dick pick(or 200) in my name? Thanks in advance (JK)Tess instructed me to respond with the following, in her name:
1) Death threats? How fucked-up is this? Probably happens only because she is a woman(also the reason why she gets paid as much a she is, apart from her game being superb), but damn, no developer should have to go through shit like this.
2) This is simple, her game, her links, her choice. We all get it for free eventually, so you don't have to complain, just wait and the links will magically appear.
3) Didn't she wrote a while ago that patreon and KB community basically saved her business? I might be mixing things up, but if not that's a pretty short memory on her side.
4) If you ever gett harassed with dick pick on f95, remember you are not defenseless! You can harass them back, for every 200 dickpick they send, send them double the amount of pussy pics and watch them squirm in agony in your DM section