
Aug 9, 2021
Let me make sure I got this right. Do you think that Callista's seven-year-old son apparently got pissed at his mother and ran away from home, and his mother didn't notice shit, but Yvette is supposed to notice her daughter being isolated from kids in a park the moment that it happens?
If Callista's house is right by the park, you don't think she let the kids just go and play there on a regular basis? Secondly, where are Callista and Yvette having this alleged meeting? If Kane and Callista came together, then they CAN'T be meeting at the play area, else Kane would have seen what happened to Veronica. Therefore Yvette, Callista, and Kane have to be away from Veronica long enough for her to approach the play area, try to play, get rejected, and then run off, all out of site of Kane. Did Yvette really leave Veronica in a place that she has never been to or doesn't remember being previously (assuming it's the same park, but Olivia does say the family moved around a lot)?

Elena getting her kid stolen from her is negligence? The hell?
Good grief, NO, read the game. Callista said Elena was neglecting Olivia, and that she was the one actually raising the girl before the Leaving, and Elena agreed. So if Callista's actions are "overprotective", according to you, then what, in your mind, made Elena's treatment of baby Olivia even worse than Callista's lifelong treatment of Kane?
As for the rest of the stuff, this update explains Callista's reason for the gambit.
... WHERE?

C: If I refused [to raise Olivia] or let [Elena] know somehow...Kane's life would be forfeit.
...Then Alexander died.
... I knew it was safe to send [Olivia] back to [Elena]
So, Alexander kills Kane if either a) Callista doesn't raise Olivia, or b) tells Elena. When Alexander dies, Callista knows Kane is safe if she breaks "b". Why then is she letting him be put on mortal danger in the Gambit? She never said Alexander would kill him if he didn't do the Gambit, and she literally said that he is no longer a threat to Kane due to his death.
Bring peace to the companies? Again she said that the bridge is Olivia AND Kane, and rounding down to 4 Gambit fates for Kane (Head, middle-management, slave, dead) therefore only a 1/4 chance of success, and equal chance of death. Why is this route necessary? Wouldn't the safest route be to bring Kane with her to his family, while Olivia takes over KG, with the classic "divide and conquer"? How would making Kane head of KG ensure peace with DS anyway? They could just see this as a betrayal.
It's not the end of the world, that was just discovered, and again, best path for Kane would be DS with Olivia as KG head.

All this doesn't change the question: why is it necessary to ensure Kane does the Gambit? Where is the threat of his death, which is Callista's tip priority, coming from? Who's going to kill him if he never enters the Gambit? This is the single biggest unanswered question of the whole game.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
I want to leave this alone but I can't.

If Callista's house is right by the park, you don't think she let the kids just go and play there on a regular basis? Secondly, where are Callista and Yvette having this alleged meeting? If Kane and Callista came together, then they CAN'T be meeting at the play area, else Kane would have seen what happened to Veronica. Therefore Yvette, Callista, and Kane have to be away from Veronica long enough for her to approach the play area, try to play, get rejected, and then run off, all out of site of Kane. Did Yvette really leave Veronica in a place that she has never been to or doesn't remember being previously (assuming it's the same park, but Olivia does say the family moved around a lot)?
Ignoring the fact that no decent parent would allow their single-digit kid that far away from them without adult supervision, let alone one under Callista's circumstances. So you're now saying that Yvette took her kid to the poor person's park to play, and said park just happened to be close to Callista's residence? That would be one helluva coincidence. At some point you have to concede that Callista and Yvette were meeting while said kids were playing. Yes, it wasn't stated specifically, but common sense and context clues should give us the whole story of that day.


Aug 9, 2021
Ignoring the fact that no decent parent would allow their single-digit kid that far away from them without adult supervision, let alone one under Callista's circumstances.
Apparently you never frequent or pass/go through low-mid to low income neighborhoods. Kids there, ranging from 5 to 11, are always playing together on the streets or in someone's open yard (especially if that yard as anything resembling a swing or something to jump on) without an adult in sight. Especially common between the time school's out and the time parents get home, you can set your clock to it.
Again, what circumstances is that? Alexander won't kill him, since Callista is doing her job, she knows that he's tracking her, and Kane's familiar with the area and the local kids. What danger is he in?

Regardless, for "decent parent", you again haven't answered the important question:
Who is going to kill Kane if he never enters the Gambit?


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
The plot does seem as if it might possibly be at risk tripping over itself. Kane has to be part of the program/gambit because that's what Alexander wanted, and Veronica is enforcing that "will and testament" because she needs the Gambit Queen's help with "the last door" (probably a metaphorical one). Callista wants Kane in the program because it's apparently the only way to keep him safe/alive.

If the Gambit Queen is Callista, then the entire plot is going to fall flat on its face.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
Apparently you never frequent or pass/go through low-mid to low income neighborhoods. Kids there, ranging from 5 to 11, are always playing together on the streets or in someone's open yard (especially if that yard as anything resembling a swing or something to jump on) without an adult in sight. Especially common between the time school's out and the time parents get home, you can set your clock to it.
Again, what circumstances is that? Alexander won't kill him, since Callista is doing her job, she knows that he's tracking her, and Kane's familiar with the area and the local kids. What danger is he in?

Regardless, for "decent parent", you again haven't answered the important question:
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So your hypothesis is that this happened at a different time at a different playground where Callista just happened to talk to a parent and a girl with "hair like fire?" No matter how hard you try, you're not going to shove a square block in a round hole.

Contrary to what movies will tell ya, if a parent gives a damn about their young kid, they won't be anywhere unsupervised, if not by them then by a sibling or babysitter. Just because you don't see them don't mean they aren't there.

It's established that Alexander is a madman; she'd be an idiot to just trust his word and leave herself to his whims if she believed him capable of killing her and her kid.

Callista's reasoning was literally just bought up this update. At least let Tess hint at an answer before expecting an answer to that question.
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
The plot does seem as if it might possibly be at risk tripping over itself. Kane has to be part of the program/gambit because that's what Alexander wanted, and Veronica is enforcing that "will and testament" because she needs the Gambit Queen's help with "the last door" (probably a metaphorical one). Callista wants Kane in the program because it's apparently the only way to keep him safe/alive.

If the Gambit Queen is Callista, then the entire plot is going to fall flat on its face.
I think you should maybe play it again, and actually read, very carefully, what is going on (and ignore any of Yu's fatastical ravings for the time being).

Then come back with any questions you have (I unfortunately don't have the time to disect and correct your post at the moment).
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Mar 8, 2024
I think you should maybe play it again, and actually read, very carefully, what is going on (and ignore any of Yu's fatastical ravings for the time being).

Then come back with any questions you have (I unfortunately don't have the time to disect and correct your post at the moment).
I have come to the understanding over the last few days that I have been here that some people read hardly anything story-wise in the game and just look at the sexy pictures
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
I have come to the understanding over the last few days that I have been here that people read hardly anything story-wise in the game and just look at the sexy pictures
I can't agree with that. You're judging by the last few days you've joined the discussion. But if you spend a lot of your time looking through most of the posts in our thread, you will see that there are a lot of intelligent, deep and interesting arguments and assumptions that actually make sense (unlike the nonsense that YuNobi1 writes). In addition, many points that for ordinary players became obvious only with the release of new updates, for many regular participants and visitors of this thread, became obvious long before that.

Well, and newcomers, asking stupid (as it seems to us) questions and making erroneous conclusions ... well, it is inevitable, like the ebb and flow of tides. But once upon a time we were newbies too, until we plunged our heads into analyzing the events taking place in the game and began to know more.;)
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Mar 8, 2024
I can't agree with that. You're judging by the last few days you've joined the discussion. But if you spend a lot of your time looking through most of the posts in our thread, you will see that there are a lot of intelligent, deep and interesting arguments and assumptions that actually make sense (unlike the nonsense that YuNobi1 writes). In addition, many points that for ordinary players became obvious only with the release of new updates, for many regular participants and visitors of this thread, became obvious long before that.

Well, and newcomers, asking stupid (as it seems to us) questions and making erroneous conclusions ... well, it is inevitable, like the ebb and flow of tides. But once upon a time we were newbies too, until we plunged our heads into analyzing the events taking place in the game and began to know more.;)
I was mostly referring to the ones whose outlandish theories are so bat shit insane that you can't help but laugh or don't really amount anything I know I used to be one of them until I actually started reading the story when the dread cruiser was in for repairs and was like hey this is fucking cool
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Aug 9, 2021
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So your hypothesis is that this happened at a different time at a different playground where Callista just happened to talk to a parent and a girl with "hair like fire?" No matter how hard you try, you're not going to shove a square block in a round hole.
Look at the facts, man, compare the scenes, even Dark Quean Olivia agreed with the assessment that these are different flashback periods.

Callista's reasoning was literally just bought up this update.
I'm a simple man, I ask a simple question: Where does Callista give her reasoning? Where does she explain how her goal to keep Kane alive, and putting him in the Gambit, align? Odds of dying without the Gambit entry: 0% (or at least no higher than the average human). Odds of dying IN Gambit: at least 25% chance of death, (I'm still crunching the exact numbers so far). Therefore, a sane honest person, who claims to want someone, would conclude that a place with 0% probability of death is better than 25+% probability of death. Where in this update does Callista state the reason that she believed BEFORE the Gambit began that the 25+% death probability was the best choice to keep Kane alive?


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Onto more important things...

one of the sisters is missing a good laughing pic time to rectify that

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Anybody want to do the same for ronny, have at it hoss, won't be me.
I've actually been going through the images looking for good laughing pics....there's actually an impressive shortage of manic sister laughing (ones worth using at least).


Mar 14, 2021
"Overprotective"? How? She nearly left him at a park, let's him go off by himself as a teenager to spend a whole day hiking on Karlsson property, abandons him for who knows how long making him think she's dead, and then let's him be falsely accused, imprisoned for 2 months, and go through this brutal program? If that's "overprotective" I hate to see what Elena's "negligence" looks like in your mind. What was she "protecting" Kane from? Alexander? She's said herself that as long as she did exactly as Alexander wanted, Kane would live, so as long as she raised Olivia, and kept her hidden from Elena (and KG), Kane was safe, and therefore should have been safest after Alexander's death, but now he's in the most dangerous situation of his life, regardless of path.

There's a difference between a group of kids not wanting to play with your child, and the entire group bullying you, and this can be seen from afar. The absolute proof that something is wrong is the child not returning to mommy, but running off alone, so a present parent, regardless of what else is going on, is going to go find their child who ran off. The same applies for a child who storms off from his mother in a public place. Veronica, having a valuable piece of tech in a poor neighborhood, is in significant danger if alone by herself, not to mention the potential for kidnapping a rich girl for ransom, regardless if the kidnappers know if she's a Karlsson or not.
yes i agree with this Callista is really not overprotective i don't thinks she even care this much a bout Kane and we can see this in the last update from her conversations with Elena and our only one and true goddess V i mean bro literally is being used as toilet seat and get his tongue modified to be a better ass/kitty cleaner and the way Elena treats hem at the end plus Olivia can let archers try kill him np
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Mar 8, 2024
If Callista knew Kane was gonna be in a future gambit why didn't she teach him any sort of survival skills weapons training anything that could give him an edge?
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
yes i agree with this Callista is really not overprotective i don't thinks she even care this much a bout Kane and we can see this in the last update from her conversations with Elena and our only one and true goddess V i mean bro literally is being used as toilet seat and get his tongue modified to be a better ass/kitty cleaner and the way Elena treats hem at the end plus Olivia can let archers try kill him np
Lol, what's Callista's fault? It's not her fault that certain players decided to turn unruly Kane into a pathetic whore and a lowly worm who worships sadistic bitches, right? So look for the problem in those who control Kane in this manner. Personally, to me, Callista in the Dom route looks like what a mother should be, who managed to raise her son properly, who even when put in an extreme situation did not let her down and justified the effort invested in him. Which, by the way, Elena happily reported. So look for the problem in yourself, not Callista.
screenshot0047.jpg -> screenshot0048.jpg -> screenshot0049.jpg
This woman did the best she could under the circumstances Alexander put her in (and is still fighting for her son to succeed and win the Gambit)..


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
If Callista knew Kane was gonna be in a future gambit why didn't she teach him any sort of survival skills weapons training anything that could give him an edge?
This comes down to the unknown deal that Alexander made Callista take. That's why as we see more and more, the 'escape' annoys me a little personally, Cole didn't help her escape...Alexander allowed it (remember, she took Olivia with her, which we now know was Alexander's idea).

Now, whether Cole knew all this or not is another qestion...or maybe the 'Olivia deal' came after the pier scene we see...who knows. There's unfortunately a hell of a lot missing that we are completely unaware of and that Callista has still not told anyone (that we've been allowed to see). Also remember, Alexander has been keeping tabs on them, they have video and phot's of them growing up. So Kane is educated to the best of Callista's ability but unfortunately for Kane, he is not a Karlsson and Olivia is, and Callista knew (she even says it people) that they 'will be coming for you soon'. Olivia had to be trained more to deal and take her sisters on. Kane did not need this, as he is the Neo and saviour. So you really think Alexander would not have not have noticed if Callista was breaking some terms of the deal and giving Kane combat and weapons training and whatever knows else?

And this comes back to Rai's comments earlier. Part of the Gambit, is for Kane to work his way up, to beat the odds, to do what Alexander did (although different circumstances). For rai1230 the whole point of the Gambit is for Alexander to get a grandson between Kane (Callista's blood) and one of his daughters. The only reason Kane is alive (and Callista and Olivia) is this gambit. Callista had no choice but to accept to keep her son alive. This is all perfectly explained within the story, if once again, people actually comprehend what they are reading. And yes, a mother doing whatever she has to do to keep her child called being a protective mother. You thinkm the richest, most powerful man in the world could not carry true on his threat?

Also, please, forget what happens on the sub path...a lot of it makes no contextual sense because (and I can't believe I'm having to say this...yet...again) is not the default path. everything said about Kane in the past (before GD01), especially by Olivia herself, proves this alone if nothing else.
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Mar 14, 2021
Lol, what's Callista's fault? It's not her fault that the player decided to turn unruly Kane into a pathetic whore and a lowly worm who worships sadistic bitches, right? So look for the problem in those who control Kane in this manner. Personally, to me, Callista in the Dom route looks like what a mother should be, who managed to raise her son properly, who even when put in an extreme situation did not let her down and justified the effort invested in him.Which, by the way, Elena happily reported. So look for the problem in yourself, not Callista.
View attachment 3432782 -> View attachment 3432783 -> View attachment 3432784
This woman did the best she could under the circumstances Alexander put her in (and is still fighting for her son to succeed and win the Gambit)..
ok so what you are saying if kane is dom he is worthy of his mothers love if not then he should die that is a not really logical
and can you please prove to me that she had no option if she really was a s smart as you want to believe she is ?
i don't know if you played the sub path but i think any parent would help there son in a situation like that look at Elena she made it clear that she is welling to burn everything for her daughter but Callista really dose not care you can believe what you want but from her action we can clearly see that she dose not.
also for one of the smartest individuals in the game she really is not in control in what happens to kane
and throwing kane in the gambit blindly like that is really stupid
so please play other routs and you will see how her reaction says it all.
so i really dont see any valid points in your argument all i see is you saying i cant handle that someone has a criticism or an opinion that is different
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