The shown amount is zero, so a few intermittent years wouldn't be that much of a growth curve. Remember Callista timed these things perfectly from what the MC said.
By the same vein, wouldn't the 3 siblings know about Veronica/Alessandra spending time with Callista consistently enough to get attached? Especially since they were a much smaller & close-knit family compared to the karlssons.
I think we can put this on Alexander & Callista's abilities to keep secrets (Even we are being tormented by them secrets rn
v "I have no doubt he would have discovered you all...if he really pushed for it. But...if anything, I suspect he was helping hide all of you all along..."
v "I still did find you eventually, but he insisted we not intervene. But you were watched for a while..."
sis "When did you discover us?"
scene e7opod17 with mediumdissolve
v " doesn't matter right now.
How much Veronica knows, her role & motivations in the gambit, is another interesting line of thought I haven't given much thought on, since the Olivia one tired me out. The points are Kiyomi's presence during the lake meeting, & various dialogues from her that take a different shade after the grymgudinnalives reveal. But it's too open still I think, so won't bother with it rn. But that's a interesting point about who might know what... Thanks
Well this
did start out as a wild theory. But looking at how ch6+7 have 2 Olivia flashbacks each, consistently delivering information inconsistent with our prior perception of her. I atleast think this fits better than "forgot her brothers pregnancy due to shock" given how old & mature(relatively) she apears in the flashback of MC's birth.
This also depends a lot on the meta analysis of the reveal setups & their positioning/timeline.
The main points are the game's portrayal of Olivia pre-ch6 is becoming more inconsistent with the flashbacks from ch6 & ch7.
The deathbed theory
is a pretty big leap, but agent Olivia is all but confirmed. Only question is:
to what extent?
Man, can't wait for ch8
But yeah, this is just speculation. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
It's good to maintain a healthy level of scepticism to any theory.
I learned this the hard way from the grymgudinnalives reveal (added a thought process summary to my post) & now I'm even cautious about Callista being the gambit queen (probably, but not gonna take it for granted)