
Apr 2, 2022
Seth is the younger brother of Cain and Abel, born after Cain slew Abel and was cursed to wander the Earth. In Genesis he's the ancestor of Noah and thereby all of humanity that survives the Flood.

I ain't gonna speculate on the significance, if any, but any parent who names their kids Kane and Seth may have some ... peculiar ambitions on their behalf.
There is also Project Noah, I have always wondered if they were just some references, or if all those names had a specific meaning. Especially when the most important choice in the last episode also adds flags referencing Sumerian gods.
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Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
There is also Project Noah, I have always wondered if they were just some references, or if all those names had a specific meaning. Especially when the most important choice in the last episode also adds flags referencing Sumerian gods.
Noah might most likely just be a reference to "Noah's Ark", "the ship in the Genesis flood narrative through which God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world's animals from a global deluge."
Everybody knows the story of the Ark but most people don't know that in the bible Noah had an ancestor named Seth.

"the Bible's story of Noah's Ark is based on older Mesopotamian models. Because all these flood stories deal with events that allegedly happened at the dawn of history, they give the impression that the myths themselves must come from very primitive origins, but the myth of the global flood that destroys all life only begins to appear in the Old Babylonian period (20th–16th centuries BCE)."


Engaged Member
Nov 8, 2021
Nice biblical connotations. I did figure something was up with the names, esp after i figured out who grym was.

Heres a challenge, post your craziest theories. (so crazy they probably arent true but are still possible).

My craziest one is currently that at least one of the karlsson sisters is the mom of dominique or veronica. Which obvs means alexander was just pretending to be the daddy this whole time in my scenario


Feb 1, 2020
While I didn't think about the biblical names too much (Set/Seth is too obscure, not to mention Seth isn't as important compared to Olivia/MC so far), I kinda guessed the hard choices from the hiking question.
The walkthrough says MC can die on the sub path if playing as k1. So being the protagonist isn't gonna be a plot armor.

So the naming hints relating to siblings killing/sacrificing each other is kinda wasted at this point (would've been epic if this relation was discovered in the early chapters, before the general trend of the game's situation was seen), since most people, consciously or subconsciously, aren't shocked - or rather expect such a situation to be one of the more twisted ending variations.

But the other aspects of the naming might be considered.
At 1st I thought Seth's disease was just a convenient plot device, but as the story went on, it felt more & more important, especially after Astrid was revealed. It can even be considered that the disease is the biggest reason he's in the Gambit, his main role.
What if everything is connected? I already theorised that the 'It' mentioned by Cole was the main reason for everything.
Then that also connects Seth's disease & the problems faced by noah, since both are caused by it.

Since Seth was the ancestor of Noah, maybe he will become the main lever of project Noah to restart the world, with Olivia+MC needing to decide whether to sacrifice him for the 'greater good' or try to look for alternatives to preserve his life. :unsure:


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
At 1st I thought Seth's disease was just a convenient plot device, but as the story went on, it felt more & more important, especially after Astrid was revealed. It can even be considered that the disease is the biggest reason he's in the Gambit, his main role.
I think Seth and his disease are just there by accident, not by plan. Callista and her children most of the years lived on their own outside of Karlsson's reach. Seth could have easily died and the Karlsson's would not have noticed. They intervened just when the Game had started ca 3 months after Karlsson's death and at that time Seth was almost dead, a hopeless case unless you spend millions of dollars and use best equipment and personell. Seth was (un)lucky to still be alive to participate in the game.
It seems that the world in KG is much more dangerous than our own world today (unless you live in a war zone.) So even Kane could have died by accident, in a fight with the wrong people, having a car accident, getting cancer, etc. It is a bad idea to base longtime plans for important matters on the uncertain survival of a few individuals in a dangerous environment.

If Seth's disease is caused by a genetical defect which is inherited from and so is present in one or more members of the big clans like the deKock or Karlsson, then the genetical defect is not new information and should be known to Veronica from previous cases. So Seth is more like another Guinea Pig to find a possible cure for a rare disease (which might be not so rare among the Karlssons and/or DeKocks.)
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Sep 8, 2021
CRAZIEST theories:

Project Noah is quite literal. 99% of animal life on Earth been infected/corrupted by alien/mutant lifeforms of a microscopic nature. (think the flood, or mushrooms from the last of us) Veronica and Dominique are trying to restore/rebuild long after most have given up hope on building a better world then humanity has managed to scrape together currently.

The unlivable zone is unlivable for humans because IT can live there.


Olivia Karlsson is the Karlsson sister from the opening hospital scene in the dark. She found a way to contact her father remotely via messaging and pulled the plug on him to accelerate the trial and thusly, her own advancement.


Juliette is a constantly oozing wound of resentment and bitterness towards her environment and circumstances and can be healed if everything falls into her place re, the gambit. She enjoys witnessing others suffering through no fault or failure of their own and feels cheated by the world.


The miss Karlsson that came out of cryo was actually the aunt who resembles Olivia and at some point she is going to attempt to impersonate/replace Olivia. The Karlsson sister with the stage 5 condition was a red herring for the coming out of cryo scene.


Seth and K5 sister's "super rare" condition is actually the blight upon Earth and almost everyone got it and/or has it.
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Feb 1, 2020
I think Seth and his disease are just there by accident, not by plan. Callista and her children most of the years lived on their own outside of Karlsson's reach. Seth could have easily died and the Karlsson's would not have noticed. They intervened just when the Game had started ca 3 months after Karlsson's death and at that time Seth was almost dead, a hopeless case unless you spend millions of dollars and use best equipment and personell. Seth was (un)lucky to still be alive to participate in the game.
It seems that the world in KG is much more dangerous than our own world today (unless you live in a war zone.) So even Kane could have died by accident, in a fight with the wrong people, having a car accident, getting cancer, etc. Longtime plans based on only a few individuals are too uncertain for important matters.

If Seth's disease is caused by a genetical defect which is inherited from and so is present in one or more members of the big clans like the deKock or Karlsson, then the genetical defect is not new information and should be known to Veronica from previous cases. So Seth is more like another Guinea Pig to find a possible cure for a rare disease (which might be not so rare among the Karlssons and/or DeKocks.)
Ch6+7 flashbacks already established it more or less that it's not a coincidence that the concerns you stated (mc or Seth dying) didn't come to pass.
Mistress Callista had access to a helicopter & Otto. (also a car iirc, even tho mc & olivia state to the karlssons that they only learned to drive through a car repair shop job they had - i.e. no personal cars)
If Seth really was in danger, & Callista wanted to save him, she had more than enough avenues.

"Longtime plans based on only a few individuals are too uncertain for important matters." - yet the Gambit is such a plan. Which is why I believe nothing about the 3 siblings was left to chance. Either by Callista alone, or with help from Alexander and/or the DeKocks.

"I think Seth and his disease are just there by accident, not by plan." - well, you can't plan a genetic disease after all.
If you consider Seth's parentage as uncertain, it be theorized that Seth was found & carefully preserved upto a certain condition (the brink of death) just for his condition.

We can see Veronica experimenting on similar cases of variants of the disease(Veronica science work in ch5). But breakthroughs only happened after Seth was acquired by her. Even the dialogue by the island4 scientists mention Seth specifically (counterpart - speculation).
So we can maybe consider that Seth's variant of the disease may have some significance. :unsure:

Note: There's not much Seth stuff in the story yet to accurately theorise about him. Even the Seth's pregnancy thing was used by me to formulate a Olivia theory instead of anything related to Seth.
Even all I said is related to other hints (like Callista preparing the 3 for the Gambit, etc) instead of direct Seth hints.
I only related Seth to Noah cause of the biblical connection, & it's always unreliable to use naming to guess these stuff.

I already asked once about Seth, he's one of the most open ended characters so far, but I'm guessing we'll get more into him in the following chapters, since the island4 transfer feels like a (new) beginning for his larger arc. Maybe even a flashback (after 2 consequetive Olivia flashback chapters, it's be good to change it up a bit rn)
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Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
If Seth really was in danger, & Callista wanted to save him, she had more than enough avenues.
Callista died or vanished some time (years?) ago.
Also, then the whole dialog of Olivia and the doctor regarding Seth in hospital in ch. 1 does not make much sense. (Especially since we know that Olivia knows more ...) Wouldn't Olivia save Seth's health before permanent damage eg to his legs occured?

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Feb 1, 2020
Callista died or vanished some time (years?) ago.
Also, then the whole dialog of Olivia and the doctor regarding Seth in hospital in ch. 1 does not make much sense. (Especially since we know that Olivia knows more ...) Wouldn't Olivia save Seth's health before permanent damage eg to his legs occured?
Callista being alive & kicking as the gambit queen is a popular theory (I'm not confident enough to say 100% after the grymgudinna fakeout, but it's very likely)

I almost put the doctor scene in my Olivia theory post, but it was too variable/speculative.
dj "So again, I hate to but have to ask...are you just prolonging his suffering for nothing?"
sis "How much longer can you keep him stable without more permanent damage?"

If she knew too much detail, she knew Seth would've been saved before he dies, since she'd have a sense of the timeline. Hence refusing to pull the plug.
If she didn't know, she had the option to reach out to people we now know she knew had the money & connection to her mother - the Karlssons and/or Otto(DeKocks)
Here the variations increase too much. It can be said it proves she knew too much, it can also be that she was hoping it'd be fine & reaching out to the Karlssons/DeKocks against her mother's wishes would have been her last resort. Hence I didn't include it in my Olivia theory.

The most important fact however is what you said earlier: "Longtime plans based on only a few individuals are too uncertain for important matters."
Everything points to the gambit being carefully arranged by multiple individuals for their own plans over multiple years.
Not taking care of Seth with a terminal illness is not something consistent with any of these forces.

Even just considering Callista, given how she's presented throughout the story, it'd be very un-characteristic of her to not leave redundancies leveraging her relation with Cynthia/Cole and/or Veronica to save Seth in the event of her untimely death.

Basically the whole atmosphere of the game & the presentation/characterisation of Callista & co(Alexander, etc) seem to imply the 3 siblings were carefully raised as lambs to the Gambit instead of dumb luck allowing the Gambit to happen. Everything is too deliberate in the game for that.
That's how it feels to me anyway.
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Engaged Member
Nov 8, 2021
Ch6+7 flashbacks already established it more or less that it's not a coincidence that the concerns you stated (mc or Seth dying) didn't come to pass.
Mistress Callista had access to a helicopter & Otto. (also a car iirc, even tho mc & olivia state to the karlssons that they only learned to drive through a car repair shop job they had - i.e. no personal cars)
If Seth really was in danger, & Callista wanted to save him, she had more than enough avenues.
What other avenues did she have? Nobody including veronica has the cure and the karllsons are the closest to understanding the disease. She absolutely needs the karllsons to heal her son. She didnt even train Kane for the game ahead which shows just how little that she planned for that eventuality.
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
CRAZIEST theories:

Project Noah is quite literal. 99% of animal life on Earth been infected/corrupted by alien/mutant lifeforms of a microscopic nature. (think the flood, or mushrooms from the last of us) Veronica and Dominique are trying to restore/rebuild long after most have given up hope on building a better world then humanity has managed to scrape together currently.

The unlivable zone is unlivable for humans because IT can live there.


Olivia Karlsson is the Karlsson sister from the opening hospital scene in the dark. She found a way to contact her father remotely via messaging and pulled the plug on him to accelerate the trial and thusly, her own advancement.


Juliette is a constantly oozing wound of resentment and bitterness towards her environment and circumstances and can be healed if everything falls into her place re, the gambit. She enjoys witnessing others suffering through no fault or failure of their own and feels cheated by the world.


The miss Karlsson that came out of cryo was actually the aunt who resembles Olivia and at some point she is going to attempt to impersonate/replace Olivia. The Karlsson sister with the stage 5 condition was a red herring for the coming out of cryo scene.


Seth and K5 sister's "super rare" condition is actually the blight upon Earth and almost everyone got it and/or has it.
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Feb 1, 2020
She didnt even train Kane for the game ahead which shows just how little that she planned for that eventuality.
Read the hiking flashback. Or the Stacy flashback. MC was trained a lot. Not specifically for the game, but rather for success.
She basically made him study the complete subject instead of making him solve practice papers for a specific exam.

What other avenues did she have?
She could reach out to Veronica disregarding everything if she was desperate for Seth's life. It's been established how brilliant she is, so she could've worked with her solve the disease much faster & saved her son soo much pain.
She could've partnered up with the DeKocks & their researchers to work on it.
At the very least, it'd have been better than a public institute with a lack of funds.
Seth would've been more comfortable at the least & could've been frozen like Astrid at the worst.
Remember the DeKocks are on par with the Karlssons, despite not having a Veronica.

Nobody including veronica has the cure and the karllsons are the closest to understanding the disease. She absolutely needs the karllsons to heal her son.
Maybe not 100% guaranteed (DeKocks, Callista herself is brilliant, etc.) but true enough.
Yet Callista didn't desperately knock on their doors, showing she still had some amount of control over the situation.

I didn't mean she could save him, but that she had options/avenues other than leaving him in a subpar public hospital.

But that's what happened. The great Callista, spoken of so highly by everyone in the game, could only manage to leave the fate of her terminally ill son to a subpar hospital.
It just doesn't match. Rather it's more convincing & in-line with her image if it was deliberate. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
Imho :
You should not forget that KG is a story in development.

When ch.1 was written, not much was known and fixed how the story would evolve. The longer the game and so the story is developed, the more twists and inconsistencies may occur.

Olivia is one of the main protagonists. The player has to do decisions for her but in early chapters has no clue that she probably knows everything about the Gambit, probably even more than the other Karlsson girls. Instead she acts in early chapters like she knows nothing. This feels very strange in retrospective. Imagine that in later chapters it might be revealed that Kane and Seth also knew everything about the Gambit upfront and were trained and everything was just a charade to deceive other characters and the player ...

The single chapters are best viewed as a series of separate short stories with a consecutive cast and theme but not yet as parts of a consistent full novel since this novel is still in development and not finished. Once the game has reached its end, it would be wise to go back to start and rework dialogs and scenes so that the early parts of the game are consistent with the late game story.

Nevertheless it is interesting to see how the overall story evolves and changes from chapter to chapter ...


Engaged Member
Nov 8, 2021
Read the hiking flashback. Or the Stacy flashback. MC was trained a lot. Not specifically for the game, but rather for success.
She basically made him study the complete subject instead of making him solve practice papers for a specific exam.

She could reach out to Veronica disregarding everything if she was desperate for Seth's life. It's been established how brilliant she is, so she could've worked with her solve the disease much faster & saved her son soo much pain.
She could've partnered up with the DeKocks & their researchers to work on it.
At the very least, it'd have been better than a public institute with a lack of funds.
Seth would've been more comfortable at the least & could've been frozen like Astrid at the worst.
Remember the DeKocks are on par with the Karlssons, despite not having a Veronica.

Maybe not 100% guaranteed (DeKocks, Callista herself is brilliant, etc.) but true enough.
Yet Callista didn't desperately knock on their doors, showing she still had some amount of control over the situation.

I didn't mean she could save him, but that she had options/avenues other than leaving him in a subpar public hospital.

But that's what happened. The great Callista, spoken of so highly by everyone in the game, could only manage to leave the fate of her terminally ill son to a subpar hospital.
It just doesn't match. Rather it's more convincing & in-line with her image if it was deliberate. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
compare kanes training to olivias. Kane was just educated really well, nothing he was pushed in helped him in the game. Hell, he didnt even know that the karllsons were coming for him. If she did train him for the gambit, she failed, badly. Meanwhile not only did Olivia get acting and music lessons, but she also was well aware that the karlssons would be coming for her. Couple that with the fact that Olivia and Kane were raised as brother and sister which puts Olivia at a severe disadvantage, tells me that she wasnt planning on Kane being part of the gambit and her hand was likely forced.

Its hard to knock on doors, etc etc when nobody has a cure. Veronica literally had to put her sister into cryo cuz she didnt have any answers. Callistas best bet prior to that was hoping the hospital would figure it out, once it became obvious that it wasnt going to work, she traded her beloved son for an opportunity to cure seth.


Feb 1, 2020
compare kanes training to olivias. Kane was just educated really well, nothing he was pushed in helped him in the game. Hell, he didnt even know that the karllsons were coming for him. If she did train him for the gambit, she failed, badly. Meanwhile not only did Olivia get acting and music lessons, but she also was well aware that the karlssons would be coming for her. Couple that with the fact that Olivia and Kane were raised as brother and sister which puts Olivia at a severe disadvantage, tells me that she wasnt planning on Kane being part of the gambit and her hand was likely forced.
Eh. Mc seems to be doing well. Olivia was trained as an agent while MC was trained as a examinee. He didn't need to know specifics to do well as long as he developed the skills required. You can see others praising Callista's tutelage directly or indirectly, i.e. she didn't fail.
Rather, the MC suceeding even when unware of the deeper mechanisms of the Gambit shows she suceeded pretty well in her aims (which was not to baby the MC, or reduce Seths pain - but rather to train & use them as chess pieces in the gambit & bet on them. A little extreme version of tough love, lol)
Also, it was probably a requirement of the Gambit that the MC be unware. I can see Callista being confident enough in MC to accept, or maybe even propose that limitation.

It's all about how you perceive Callista, whether she is indeed as legendary as everyone makes her out to be or not.

"Callistas best bet prior to that was hoping the hospital would figure it out," the dystopian equivalent of a public healthcare hospital?? Callista wasn't that dumb:ROFLMAO:

Tbh it all depends on whether Callista is the gambit queen or not.
If she is, it's likely everything was deliberate & even the theory Alexander had a deal with her seems more acceptable, since she has so much info.
The queen has too much control & info to have been forced into it. She's the Gambit's queen after all.
If she isn't & she really died, then it's more likely, though still inconsistent with how everyone describes her as the best thing ever.
Let's see.

Imho :
You should not forget that KG is a story in development.

When ch.1 was written, not much was known and fixed how the story would evolve. The longer the game and so the story is developed, the more twists and inconsistencies may occur.

Olivia is one of the main protagonists. The player has to do decisions for her but in early chapters has no clue that she probably knows everything about the Gambit, probably even more than the other Karlsson girls. Instead she acts in early chapters like she knows nothing. This feels very strange in retrospective. Imagine that in later chapters it might be revealed that Kane and Seth also knew everything about the Gambit upfront and were trained and everything was just a charade to deceive other characters and the player ...

The single chapters are best viewed as a series of separate short stories with a consecutive cast and theme but not yet as parts of a consistent full novel since this novel is still in development and not finished. Once the game has reached its end, it would be wise to go back to start and rework dialogs and scenes so that the early parts of the game are consistent with the late game story.

Nevertheless it is interesting to see how the overall story evolves and changes from chapter to chapter ...
Yup. The Astrid reveal, changing the k4 to k5 sisters, would be a more appropriate example tho.

Even if the Olivia plot wasn't planned during ch1, it was fit pretty well by the dev by the consequetive flashbacks in ch6+7.
Forming a nice narrative about how variable Olivia's knowledge, allegiance & goals may be.

I was just thinking a few minutes ago how ch1 might have this issue as it was done by Tess all alone before she was sure the game would even survive to ch2.
But the dev has so far fit everything pretty consistently.

The Olivia knowing reveal is done step by step & the great actor reveal being the 1st is great since we don't have too much context about it & are still biased by how we have seen Olivia so far. Then the 2nd shows she knew somethings, but not too much - leaving things open-ended. The 3rd flashback, a whole chapter (half year) later, is again giving info without too much directed hints (we get info about the birth timeline of MC in relation to Olivia) & then the 4th one is very directed hints, but no confirmations like the 2nd one.

Seeing how it was handled, I'd like to think the dev had the overall plot prepared from early on & wasn't just improvising.

But changing k4 to k5 shows there's a lot of things we thought fixed(4 sisters) could change very easily, including how much the MC & seth knows.
If it's executed with similar finesse like the Olivia reveal, I won't complain, but I feel once was enough for that.

With the MC it'd be better if the dev goes with a realisation plot, with the MC starting to piece things together:unsure:

Anyway, let's see how the dev develops the plot. We can only guess & speculate whether it was premeditated or retconned in ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
I didn't mean she could save him, but that she had options/avenues other than leaving him in a subpar public hospital.

But that's what happened. The great Callista, spoken of so highly by everyone in the game, could only manage to leave the fate of her terminally ill son to a subpar hospital.
It just doesn't match. Rather it's more convincing & in-line with her image if it was deliberate. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
It is quite possible that, in this case, Tess did not intend any special tricks. And Seth's treatment in a regular hospital is just a plot move to introduce us to one of the key characters and then to show the difference between regular medicine and the high-tech medicine of the genius Veronica. Seth is still expected to produce some results as one of the three key players in the program. Callista took a risk by putting Seth in a regular clinic, but by doing so, she guaranteed his participation in Gambit on a par with Kane and Olivia.


Oct 31, 2017
Everybody think Callista is dead, we don´t know when the helicopter crash could happen how long the three MC are alone.
How long are they watched?
Olivia know they would come she was on her own without Kane, Callista hide, the only help she can get was to bring him in Hospital knew when the stakes are high the karlsson would react.
First i think the project ST or island4 was only to safe/ cure Astrid but the big security and how big this is makes no sense, also Cynthia mention V hide it from the board, project NOAH ist to repopulate the planet and the board know
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Apr 27, 2023
I am now moving through Kane's dom path, and chose Olivia dom path too. And now started to wonder, could anyone tell me, --- If you choose Olivia's sub path, does it change her scenes with Kane? Ie. within existing game does she get ~on his level or maybe even lower [K9 for him at this chapter of walkthrough]?


Feb 1, 2020
Seth is still expected to produce some results as one of the three key players in the program. Callista took a risk by putting Seth in a regular clinic, but by doing so, she guaranteed his participation in Gambit on a par with Kane and Olivia.
With this game, I always assume there's a hint or hidden meaning. Messing up on grymgudinna made me examine everything :ROFLMAO:

But yeah, I meant the same thing. That it was Callista's informed decision, not one born out of helplesness, & given everything we know about Callista's brilliance, that informed risk was minimal, while also placing Seth in starting position for the Gambit. I.e. she was more or less confident Seth could survive in the hospital without dying before the Gambit.
I just can't imagine Callista as a hapless/desperate mother with no other options, especially if she turns out to be the queen. That's all.

I am now moving through Kane's dom path, and chose Olivia dom path too. And now started to wonder, could anyone tell me, --- If you choose Olivia's sub path, does it change her scenes with Kane? Ie. within existing game does she get ~on his level or maybe even lower [K9 for him at this chapter of walkthrough]?
Olivia's (and Kane's too) dom & sub variables do not have any affect as of ch7, outside of a few dialogue variations, like Pat reporting to grymgudinna.
I maintain it at 7:8 so I can change it as necessary if it ever becomes relevant.
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