- May 3, 2019
- 621
- 883
I do agree with you in that it is us the players that are controlling Kane and to certain Aspects other's also. (ie we do make a few choices for the Karlsson sisters ect)Miles, please re-login.
But other than kidding, why should Callista be the one to blame for this? She as a mother gave the maximum knowledge, skills and abilities, she raised decent children (both Olivia and Kane). Her duty as a mother in that sense has been fully fulfilled. And then the following happens - we (the players) take control of Kane, who by nature is not inclined to obey and who has the courage to stand up for his brother and go to jail on false charges...And already there, in prison, we begin (on behalf of Kane) to decide how we should act in this or that case. So what is the mother's fault if the player decides to make Kane a crawling worm?
Players who allow Kane to be himself (i.e. a confident guy) have no such problems, and for them Callista is a good mother whose expectations he has fully met by going through the rehab program in less than a week, reaching K9, performing well and making himself respected. Well if someone doesn't like that Kane is suffering (I don't know 100% since I don't play the sub route) in the K1-K4 ranks, so what does that have to do with the mother if it's solely the “merit” of the player who voluntarily chose that path for himself?
I don't necessarily blame Calista as yet, We still don't have enough information about her or her reasons for what she did. Except to say that she took Olivia with her when she left too protect Kane. We do know that all though Olivia grew up being loved and cared for by Calista, She did treat her differently to Kane and Seth and was a bit harsher on Olivia than the other 2.
However Calista is one of the foundling members of the Karlsson Group. It could be argued that it was because of Calista leaving Alexander, that he became lost. Calista was his love. Therefore by Calista leaving him turned him nasty and thus his 4 daughters were bought up the way they were.
If we look at the 4 children in the order they were born. We have Dominique who is the eldest Although she is quite a strong woman and does have evil tendencies she is a firm but fair woman. Next we have Veronica. I think deep down Veronica is basically a good woman and she is working behind the scenes to help humanity with her various projects. Yes it could be argued that she is the one who has developed the shock chips and the "pain serum" ect But I think she has done that so that she could try and control her Father and ultimately what the group does. She has no interest in running the organisation. (I also think that Calista perhaps had the biggest impact on Veronica because of their shared interest in science.)
Then we have when Olivia was born and Calista Leaving Alexander and thus when he became lost. We have Juliette born who is true Evil and the Same for Alesandra who also is evil but is also A spoilt Princess. These two have obviously has the biggest influence from Alexander on how they were brought up. I don't know where in that order Astrid fits in but I would guess she would be the youngest of all and therefore because Veronica is her (full) big sister and wanting to protect her from Alexander and the other sisters she arrange for her to be taken to Island 4. We don't know much about Astrid yet so hard to comment as to her character.
So based on all of this I feel that Calista does have to take some of the blame and certainly has some hard questions to answer. I also hope that when Kane and her do meet that it is will be a meaningful conversation and she answers those hard questions and not like what we have been getting in the game so far with questions being avoided or being told we are not ready to tell you yet, Also not a conversation where Kane is so pleased to see his mom that he doesn't ask her the difficult questions.