I didn't know you did a review but I completely stand by what I said about intent from the prior post. Good luck out there.Why the hostility? I've only made two posts on this thread.
I replied to another player asking a question. I answered all of his questions to the best of my ability after two playthroughs of the game.
I don't post much of these forums for this exact reason and try and just write honest and detailed reviews instead. I guess it is shame on me for expecting something different.
I think you did an amazing job on this game but I would caution you from misjudging players unjustly.
I'm sure I'll get facepalmed to no end. These forums are a popularity contest with lots of players trying to stroke their egos by trying to find the smallest thing to disagree with so they can feel superior. I used to be active on lots of forums and hardly ever post anything anymore. It just isn't worth it unless I want to join all the fanboys and lurk on the forums all day long. I have better things to do with my time honestly.
I'm sorry if you didn't like my review. That is the only reason I can see for the hostile judgement. I was very detailed and honest with it. If you don't like it I'm sorry. I did give you a 5 star review but did list some of the game's weaknesses. I try to be honest, objective, and fair with all of my reviews.
Best of you to you on this project! Thank you for a great game!
And yes, I expected you to post right after I announced a new version was shortly coming. If I had a certain strategic intent myself, I would do the same thing. As a "new" poster and all. I do hope you enjoyed the game.