Well, I wouldnt call myself a hardcore Femdom lover but I enjoy some Light Femdom once in a while... but here its fucking weird.
Im not a expert on this field so I cant say if this is light femdom which goes on and on and on, or just hardcore femdom.
I find it weird that the game has many options but sadly many of them have the same outcome.
I picked Male Good Dom + Sis Good Dom + no Lesbian, for some reason MC got his ass fucked by a strapon, Sis got mostly to fuck chick and some pussy licking by other dudes and while the game said "the main protagonist over time will be able to delve into male domination given the right choices", all I saw was him getting treating like a doormat.
Dont get me wrong, the main game is Femdom so I get it but its its 0.6.2...
The game should already made some progress in that department.