- Jul 12, 2020
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I think you're missing something here, sorry. Pat can tell GG that she did everything she as asked...and still look out for her own interests and leave information out, which is why she makes a deal with Kane in the first place (or offers). We can also be pretty certain (though no idea why she went as well) that Alessa was with Pat when they stitched Rod up.NO SPOILERS (Ep. 1-7 info only): Why Alessandra CANNOT be Grym
Ep. 2 opens with Grym ordering Patricia to oversee K's training, but to "do things by the book," but Pat disobeys this order by first offering K the option to cheat (deal), and later following through by eliminating/mitigating the punishment, and offering sex. In Ep. 7, Pat says that she did everything A told her to do with K in the prison, but the deal/cheating was AGAINST Grym's orders, so if she did those things under A's orders, while disobeying Grym, then A cannot be Grym. Furthermore, her loyalty to A is actually no secret, as A brags to V about Pat's loyalty to her, and that Pat is "under control".
Pat is just submitting to a higher authority...Alessa's sister...and a board member. Pat may not be the sharpest tool..but she is no fool. Even if she is completely loyal to Alessa, she will also do whatever the hell Veronica tells her to, especially if that's in front of Alessa as it's a joint order. Just because she is indirectly her head boss (head of prisons) doesn't mean her loyalty actually lies there. Elena also never rescued Pat. I doi sometimes wonder wtf you are on about and what's floating around in yoru head, because we're playing 2 different VN's.As for Pat listening to V, she's already doing that: she reports to V (while laying prostrate under V's heels) in Ep. 3, right in front of A, immediately before A confesses that Pat is under control, and following the airplane scene. Like all staff at KG, Pat has multiple (and often conflicting) loyalties: E, A, V, Kiyomi, and Grym. E rescued/raised her, A has "whipped" her, V was her boss in the prisons, and now again at the Joy Facility, with Kiyomi as her supervisor, so Grym is either just an additional loyalty on the pile, or one that's already there (A OR V).
I think you're reading way too much into that.
As for tips...you do remember there are 2 different mask/women...red tips and white tips. 2 very different people.
As for Alexander, he did not need to be on the board. Also, if he was the seventh, everyone knows (like, literally the entire world) Alexander is dead. So why say that member is away on a special assignment? Alexander was above the board...not on it. Also, if was a board member, he dead...so there would be no reason for Elena to resign from the board for Olivia to join. As for the rest...I'm not really sure where you're getting some of your thoughts. Again, Olivia knows everything...especially that she is a Karlsson before getting to the Joy Facility. Remember, ultimate best actor in the world. Trained and educated by the most brilliant women in the world (who knows all about Alexander's Gambit) and possibly even Alexander too.
Olivia is lying to everyone, bare faced, with consumate ease. She also knows she is being watched, recorded and rooms are bugged. Anything she says to or about Callista is a ruse. I'm also not entirely sure what your deffinition of 'poured over' is, as at the Zoo entry scene, Veronica stops N.O.A.H from saying her last name and Olivia litterally thinks to herself "Does she think I don't know I'm a Karlsson or does she not want Kane to know he's not my brother?" I don't know man, maybe we're reading different scripts
As a last thing, please start using people's names or at least an abbreviation. You might not want to type them out but it's godamn annoyingly infuritating keeping up with your posts using O, E, A etc etc.
Evil..not extreme kill people for the shits and giggles of it very painfully and slowly. There's a huge difference between morally evil content (Phoebe's scene)...and demon/demoness/demondompath content...a HUGE difference.You mean like by specifying that the evil extreme path she's talking about is the demon+demoness path?
(Also an interesting example to bring up for subjective perception of evil as a communication issue, considering the option to initiate that particular scene is literally"(I think I can fuck her in front of her sick husband. I know it might be a bit cruel...but it might help me too to show how far I can go for clients. *warning evil evil evil be careful...*)"
, so it's pretty clearly communicated whether the author considers it evil or not. )
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