Most likely...especially from the rest of your post:
Raven is barely seen on the SubPath. She is more on the Dom route. Mercy is really only part of Jules' crew, all her scenes bar one can be found along that path. Sonya has scenes with Dominique also (a very, very hot one which you seem to have somehow missed) on the SubPath but opposite to Raven, is barely seen on the dom path. She is primarily a SubKane character.
Sam/Pat are getting time on both main paths but I'd also prefer more. Remember again though, Pat is under Alessa's influence so most of her stuff is there. I do agree with you though, a lot of the lesser important ladies are really interesting for sure.
Would be for the best.
They have sex. Nothing else matters, especially what people refer themselves as. There's really nothing else to be said on the subject is there, stop wasting your time Kinky.
Correct, correct aaaaaannnnnd correct.