Backstory no one cares about...met my current girlfriend playing Final Fantasy 14. My character's name is Juvia.
Originally I used Jade as an insert name for VNs/games but I started running into characters also named Jade. (Become a Rock Star, Dragon Quest XI, etc) So I gave it up and eventually asked my gf for advice. She calls my character Juv so she came up with Jub Jubby. I don't hate it and it brings me a few good laughs when women compliment it. So male characters get named Jub, female/futa characters get named Jubette. Unless it's Instinct Unleashed, I forgot I left Jade there since it's literally the default. She's even taken it a step further and talks about "The Ballad of Jub Jubby" as though all the stories are connected somehow. She's weird though.
"Jub...a warrior's name."