
Oct 5, 2017
This is off-topic but I really don't give a shit at this point. Basically, people are really bad with technology and computers in general and this thread proves it. What the actual fuck are they teaching these kids in school? Like they are asking even the simplest of question. And people have become so fucking lazy that they don't even search before asking. The search function on this forum works, if you have a problem search it first before asking.
May be I am just getting old. IDK.. it's all so tiresome!
It really doesn't help that the search function is basically useless unless you go to your user options and change the results to be sorted by date (instead of relevance or some shit). Good luck finding any information about a problem you have when all the results are about stuff from 3 years ago and there are literally over a thousand of pages of information.

Doesn't quite excuse not going back at least a couple pages but still.


Dec 11, 2017
It really doesn't help that the search function is basically useless unless you go to your user options and change the results to be sorted by date (instead of relevance or some shit). Good luck finding any information about a problem you have when all the results are about stuff from 3 years ago and there are literally over a thousand of pages of information.

Doesn't quite excuse not going back at least a couple pages but still.
lol.....Thank you, all dis time!
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Jan 21, 2022
on the second floor there is a classroom and in the upgrades there is something about anatomy class with it. does this proceed?


Aug 18, 2018
Current CC Mod fucked with 1.2.0b. Got "undefined (reading "install")" on battle start. Any solution?
Or rage reply?:sneaky:


Active Member
May 30, 2017
on the second floor there is a classroom and in the upgrades there is something about anatomy class with it. does this proceed?
Interesting, never noticed that since I thought the only possible interaction on Lvl 2 was the bathroom... Is this for like a DLC or was it added by one of the mods?


Jun 2, 2018
on the second floor there is a classroom and in the upgrades there is something about anatomy class with it. does this proceed?
I had it in one of my playthrough, but it was just an edict, no actual action. Could see a long line of people trying to enter the classroom but not able to enter yourself.


Oct 7, 2018
Is this Lovense Integration! new mechanic really worthy for download the game again?? I have not played the game since october, despite this game is a masterpiece in my opinion.


Jul 8, 2017
A regular laptop. What do you mean about "a device"??
u should look up lovense, its a wireless vibrator toy, so basically the game now has function to work with a vibrator while u play. instead of just normal masturbation, so even if u used a vibrator b4 now the game plays with ur lovense according to the settings u set for the toy. there are no settings in game except activate or not and ALT key for emergency stop. :)


Jul 8, 2017
you've wasted 2h 9min of your life and could solve it with one google search
ppl search for games and stuff on google all the time karryn for example but cant b bothered to look up simple info like this the human race amazes me, these days not in a good way. XD becoming more and more dumbfounded by the facepalm stuff ppl do.


Jul 8, 2017
btw it seems the pero mod for ingame titles and passives tracking is also having errors. tho its working for the previous 1.1.1f4 version, i installed ccmod and it loaded fine, aww well ig id prefer the older version for now. :/
pero error.jpg


New Member
Jun 9, 2019
Hi, has anyone else had issues with this?
TypeError: this.passiveStatesRaw(...).contains is not a function
Game_Enemy.Game_BattlerBase.isPassiveStateAffected (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/plugins/YEP_AutoPassiveStates.js:552:36)
Game_Enemy.Game_BattlerBase.isStateAffected (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/plugins/YEP_AutoPassiveStates.js:435:14)
Game_Enemy.Game_BattlerBase.isDeathStateAffected (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/rpg_objects.js:2226:17)
Game_Enemy.Game_BattlerBase.isAlive (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/rpg_objects.js:2658:39)
Array.filter ()
Game_Troop.membersNeededToBeSubdued (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/plugins/RemtairyEnemyTroop.js:119:27)
Game_Troop.isAllDead (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/plugins/RemtairyEnemyTroop.js:106:17)
Function.BattleManager.isBattleEnd (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/plugins/MPP_SmoothBattleLog.js:240:50)
Scene_Battle.updateBattleProcess (chrome-extension://dbennnecmgmoehpnglochencfhgfchec/www/js/rpg_scenes.js:2264:27)


Jul 8, 2017
At this point we need a "Tech support" threads for all these Gym and CC mods
tho i agree, whos got the skills and free time to keep an eye on the forum and fix all errors they come across. that being if its possible to fix them in a short amount of time rather than a full timey wimey bug tree (this solution to this bug causes a bug and that solution needs to b fixed by editing code that requires a revamp of earlier code, mayb yesterdays version mayb a yr ago requiring alot of code to b edited).

im not skilled with any of this but ik enough to know the stuff programmers and devs go thru making a game is absolutely insane. a little quote from 1 of my fave devs said "80% of making a game or program is bug fixing and 80% of those bug r human error". say a yrs worth of making a game, 80% of only the time spent making said game was fixing bugs which is 9.6 months or 292 days if done daily without days off. unless ur lucky and very skilled ofc, then id guess 60-70%.

all the more reason for a separate person or few as tech support to divide the work load. if i had the skills and knowledge and much more brains than i have id give it a real shot and do my best. mayb even find some1 to partner up with on it along the way. i wish. :/
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