
Dec 31, 2017
I don't really see the problem with that? The game was a complete experience back in 2021, even with the cut content.
Now, of course, I'm not a fan of how much content they've cut, especially for floor 4 (IIRC), but a lot of games release with cut content that never sees the day, especially Hgames. Is it bad? Maybe.

I'm not comparing Karryn's Prison to "low tier weaker quicker buck browser VNs", I literally said "most corruption games".
Also, no, unique mechanics was, and still is, a rare occurrence, look at actually released RPG Maker games for example, there's like 80% of them that are either the classic RPG Maker gameplay, battle fuck that works exactly like the classic RPG Maker gameplay, or simple CG galleries.

30 bucks isn't a AAA price tag, what are you even talking about?
Most big indie games are around 20-40 bucks, AAA price tag is 60-70 bucks, sometimes even more, and let's not talk about DLCs, or else we could easily go to 100 bucks or more.
If you want some comparison, you could go to DLsite and filter by pricetag between 3001-5000 JPY, .
Also, Karryn's Prison doesn't need 500 hours to clear, most people would probably do only one ending, maybe two.

Even if the market "changed", like you said, Karryn's Prison would still sell, it's a big polished game with unique mechanics, a good artstyle, and a lot of content.
Also, Meltys Quest is very different, yes, but it still helps with their popularity. People who liked Meltys Quest would very likely want to try out their next game, it's the same with literally every game company.

Since we're talking about sales, might as well include numbers.
According to DLsite, which have the highest confirmed sales for both games (by that I mean that it's the only place we have actual numbers, since Steam doesn't show sales numbers afaik) :
sold at least 19,619 copies
sold at least 45,521 copies
Despite the "completed" tag, Rem didnt make much effort to polish the game to make it seems so, like at least put a blanket over the void of supposedly cut contents, which normally for a developer, they would try their best to hide and remove what were supposed to be there, where it could have been, and one has to really dig the game files to discover them.

Not on the case of Karryn's Prison, Rem deliberately leaves all the cut content visible to the player everywhere, which means either one of two things:

1st Rem want to remind torment the players with all those beautiful things that was cut from the game.

2nd Rem is promising to reimplement them in the future, exciting the player to stick with and support the game, why would Rem want to smear his own game?

Of course you have to assume it's the 2nd, despite the "completed" tag, the game is nowhere finished which all those unremoved "under construction" sights.

You loads into the game, walk out the room, bam the nursing room right at your face, which you cant even enter, why is it even there? why didnt Rem just remove it? By not removing it what does Rem mean? Torture everyone by reminding them what they could have but never will?

next to it is the barrack, with a bunch of out of place and touch icons that you are supposed to click in to learn about the game because Rem couldnt bother to make a proper tutorial, and that is it? that's the entire purpose of the barrack? you get in there only in the very first playthrough and read for 5 min, then never return there forever after? No Guard activities? No manpower management? no Guard duty or patrol job? When was the last time you was there? Why is it in the game? if Rem remove the barrack it would take a year for anyone to notice.

You go in cafeteria, oh same thing, more reading, you get in only once in your very first playthrough and that's it, no prison gang food fight, no Karryn the cook, nothing

and Dont forget the Prison Yard, I was there, 2000 years ago.

I';; wrap it up in short because you get the ideal, game is nowhere comeplete experience and purposedly so. No night activities, no time mechanic, why wouldnt karryn be able to get to those rooms that are under control? why are hallways only the room with blacklights? why couldnt Rem bother to put some activities or pixel animating prisoners doing something in these room instead of locking them up after a riot? No Karryn the Smith, why would you have to hire a secretary, Karryn is literally one, why would you have to get in a fight to fix your dress? why is reseting pleasure bar during a fight way less riskier than masturbating? There was supposed to be more for the combat mechanic but like everything else, left with promises. There was supposed tobe something more than jacking up every stat of every prisoner late game, a goblin wasnt supposed deal 3 millon damage without even a crit and Karry wasnt suppoed to orgasm 99 times during a fight with 3 prisoners. And why is the game eats my 10gb of ram after 20 min of run time?

All of these are eyesorely noticable because the game wasnt polished and flesh out enough to fill up cut and undercooked features, which you would expect Rem to do something about way long ago.

More on that, There are less and less things to to, less contents, less polished and freshed out when you get to higher levels. Are you supposed to stop at level 3? why are the rest so underdone? Why wasnt level 4 cut? there is literally nothing there but graveyard of broken promises, it's a museum of cut content that noramlly a developer would straight up remove it. It's unenjoyable.

If you finally trim out all of the "cut content" that was left, Karryn's Prison isnt really that big and the game itself feels isnt that significantly unique, more like a dlc of Karryn's Adventure with a world mapon par with other similar rpg maker games outthere, your average run takes 100 hours not because of all the contents it has but mind numbing repetitive grindy antiplayer, (or antifun to me) mechanics, or someone here previously described as "soul crushing", as the bar job can only be enjoyable for the first 100 times back to back on repeat every run, well Karryn's isnt the only one doing this so a pass I guess. Still the game is really on par with others on the market, it stands out and gained a fanbase because of the release date when people was in their worst time imaginable.

$30 is a price tag for aaa game, a sizable game, even in 2021 standards, yes there are also $40 and $70, Indies arent supposed to be big, and when they are, all their games are sopposed still to be around $15, example of which is stardew valley or graveyard keeper, which are way bigger game with bigger contents way better experiences, with half the price to Karryn's, Yes it is 2 different genres, but there's alway an objective meter in that, you can say adult contents worth the difference in prices.

Actually there are estimations of total sales for steam, owners of the game are numbered up to 200k (they outsold payday3)

Which is very respectable, must be a really good game right, if you judge on popularity?
We do agree Karryn's is a good game, just have differences on how good the game is.

Here I show you another game, which I believe you will be with me on that this game is nowhere near Karryn's Prison and there is way less things going on for it, there gonna be 2 different genres and all, but still there is an objective. And this game was released last year on september 2023 and is on its way to outsell karryn's prison with 185k sold
Genesis's Order

I only knew how popular this game was because of a post on top popular games on fitgirl repack and this game was there next to Baldur Gate's 3

They have respectable concurent playerbase on par with Karryn's too

They will outsell Karryn's released on 2022 with this rate

It doesnt matter because dev of this game NLT Media did also released a game at the same time with Karryn's, not in middle of chrismas 2021 to become some kid's present, but in feb 2022, and it sold 580k, which is triple amount of Karryn's sold

Same with Rem, they did made a less successful game like meltys quest and released in the middle of covid and gained a massive fanbase. but people's horniness is no way to rate how good a game is.

Unlike karryn's these game has norpgm mechanics, nothing, they have a world building and adventure going and all but in short just a interactive gallery.

3d animations, and bad at it, one can argue that each games has like 300 scenes while karryn rinse and repeat for 500 hours with 20cgs, but yeah you get it.

and all, you get the point

In short despite all that they are somehow way more popular and sold way more, in fact NLT sold the same game 3 times and people still pay $20 for each, they arent the only one, there a ton of others outsold these with way less efforts of a game.

and If I go to their page and type something like this,i'm gonna get bombarded with comments also saying how unique and awesome the game is.

Unless you disargee with me and say There something more to Treasure of Nadia (cough) than Karrn's Prison, then I dont know what to tell you. if they had no fanbase from the pandemic to built upon, you cant convince me they would still sell like that in 2023.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I am shocked that there were never any passives, titles, or skills that influenced enemy starting pleasure meters to make slut builds as snappy as combat ones. You basically have to be a full on slut with high Dex if on Prisoner difficulty so you can tackle 3+ prisoners at once and instantly take them out, but at that point enemies might need to finish multiple times lol
The funny thing is that they self-saboutaged the one mechanic they had that was close to that. Charm impacts the starting arousal of the prisoners and how much arousal they passively gain, so charm builds are actually a halfway decent method of sexually defeating prisoners...problem is that charm builds are opposite to actual full on slut gameplay because a high slut level actually decreases Karryn's charm, so unless you have a monstrous amount of dex and use sex positions that allow you to fuck as many prisoners as possible at the same time, it might be faster to just have super high charm and sit there looking pretty while the prisoners jack off.

Speaking of prisoners jacking off, the other problem with the combat is the fact that grope actions by the enemy only increase Karryn's pleasure, so having arousal of any part above 50, if it won't be used in a sex position by a prisoner, slows you down tremendously because prisoners will start groping that body part (dealing pleasure damage to Karryn) instead of jacking off (dealing pleasure damage to themselves). Funny thing is that as Karryn's sight and talk sensitivities increase, she starts taking serious damage from prisoners just jacking off making it damage both sides, but the same never happens for groping actions.

And finally, the other weird thing is that the effect of the passives end in a downward trend. Passives in Karryn's Prison do this thing where their effects swing between being good and being bad, the early passives generally give Karryn solid buffs to her stats and abilities, then they go through a phase of having setbacks that make Karryn grow weaker and lose control of her arousal (this is where you tend to get fucked if you didn't level up Mind), then they make a little bit of a comeback with some buffs mostly directed towards Karryn's sexual abilities, and then they end with a really hard nosedive into Karryn taking monstrous amounts of pleasure damage. So slut builds just end up actually growing weaker the longer you go which is just plain befuddling.

Summarizing all of this, the changes that could be made would be:

-make it so prisoners also take pleasure damage when groping Karryn (either by default or as effect of a passive that makes them grope with 1 hand while they jack off with the other)

-make it so every position can scale into Karryn pleasuring 6 men at once, so having high arousal on every body part actually allows you to dish out more pleasure damage instead of just taking more

-add an edict locked behind a really high slut level that completes Karryn's "bombshell" transformation that removes the Charm malus from high slut level, letting her just sexually destroy any prisoner almost instantly (if the player didn't take the edicts to make them more sexually resilient anyway).
Sep 27, 2018
God I knew there's a risk of waiting to update this game before a deadline but I though it was the safer option overall. I mean it should be right?

But not only is there a major update DLC for the game if it was nearly a month ago now which means an update to the Mod but I didn't think there's a scenario where the CC mod wouldn't even work on Joiplay anymore. My old copy still has it working I believe but I don't know if that version has the Gym DLC unless it was the original which I doubt I have let alone the other DLCs too like the P-Cup DLC and that's assuming that the copy I have doesn't work if I'm reading what's said in that quote correctly.

Man this sucks.
I imagine the problem comes from something with the P-cup DLC. I was using JoiPlay with the game heavily modded maybe a month before the DLC came out and everything worked fine. Madtisa hasn't really elaborated on the specifics of the issue, just that JoiPlay has a problem with the latest version of ImageRlacer. Some people managed to get ImageReplacer v4.0.4 to work, but I could not.

I will say in Madtisa's defense, they are juggling about 50 different issues with the game, running a significant portion of the game's modding Discord, as well as their actual life, so I'm willing to cut 'em some slack. Most people throw up their hands and dismiss JoiPlay users right from the start, so I appreciate their dedication to fixing it.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
The funny thing is that they self-saboutaged the one mechanic they had that was close to that. Charm impacts the starting arousal of the prisoners and how much arousal they passively gain, so charm builds are actually a halfway decent method of sexually defeating prisoners...problem is that charm builds are opposite to actual full on slut gameplay because a high slut level actually decreases Karryn's charm, so unless you have a monstrous amount of dex and use sex positions that allow you to fuck as many prisoners as possible at the same time, it might be faster to just have super high charm and sit there looking pretty while the prisoners jack off.

Speaking of prisoners jacking off, the other problem with the combat is the fact that grope actions by the enemy only increase Karryn's pleasure, so having arousal of any part above 50, if it won't be used in a sex position by a prisoner, slows you down tremendously because prisoners will start groping that body part (dealing pleasure damage to Karryn) instead of jacking off (dealing pleasure damage to themselves). Funny thing is that as Karryn's sight and talk sensitivities increase, she starts taking serious damage from prisoners just jacking off making it damage both sides, but the same never happens for groping actions.

And finally, the other weird thing is that the effect of the passives end in a downward trend. Passives in Karryn's Prison do this thing where their effects swing between being good and being bad, the early passives generally give Karryn solid buffs to her stats and abilities, then they go through a phase of having setbacks that make Karryn grow weaker and lose control of her arousal (this is where you tend to get fucked if you didn't level up Mind), then they make a little bit of a comeback with some buffs mostly directed towards Karryn's sexual abilities, and then they end with a really hard nosedive into Karryn taking monstrous amounts of pleasure damage. So slut builds just end up actually growing weaker the longer you go which is just plain befuddling.

Summarizing all of this, the changes that could be made would be:

-make it so prisoners also take pleasure damage when groping Karryn (either by default or as effect of a passive that makes them grope with 1 hand while they jack off with the other)

-make it so every position can scale into Karryn pleasuring 6 men at once, so having high arousal on every body part actually allows you to dish out more pleasure damage instead of just taking more

-add an edict locked behind a really high slut level that completes Karryn's "bombshell" transformation that removes the Charm malus from high slut level, letting her just sexually destroy any prisoner almost instantly (if the player didn't take the edicts to make them more sexually resilient anyway).
These are good ideas. I really hate how annoying it is to turn Karryn into a slut because I know it will end in a debuff spiral which can easily cause game over if I am not careful. A hentai game that actively punishes player for wanting to see more hentai content :FacePalm: I'm thinking what's next? An rpg that lowers your stats every time you level-up instead of increasing them? Or an fps game that makes you lose hp for every bullet you shoot.
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May 28, 2021
The funny thing is that they self-saboutaged the one mechanic they had that was close to that. Charm impacts the starting arousal of the prisoners and how much arousal they passively gain, so charm builds are actually a halfway decent method of sexually defeating prisoners...problem is that charm builds are opposite to actual full on slut gameplay because a high slut level actually decreases Karryn's charm, so unless you have a monstrous amount of dex and use sex positions that allow you to fuck as many prisoners as possible at the same time, it might be faster to just have super high charm and sit there looking pretty while the prisoners jack off.
It legitimately is faster to have super high charm vs doing a normal slut build b/c you don't lose access to attacking/defending options while you wait for enemies to do something and they don't waste turns feeling Karryn up like you pointed out later. Even moreso if you have the combat titles and edicts that decrease attack frequency + See/Hear/Speak No Evil, you can just rotate between Flaunt and a Stance until the enemies give up. This keeps your pleasure low b/c they aren't touching you, all while building Mind/Energy levels.

And finally, the other weird thing is that the effect of the passives end in a downward trend. Passives in Karryn's Prison do this thing where their effects swing between being good and being bad, the early passives generally give Karryn solid buffs to her stats and abilities, then they go through a phase of having setbacks that make Karryn grow weaker and lose control of her arousal (this is where you tend to get fucked if you didn't level up Mind), then they make a little bit of a comeback with some buffs mostly directed towards Karryn's sexual abilities, and then they end with a really hard nosedive into Karryn taking monstrous amounts of pleasure damage. So slut builds just end up actually growing weaker the longer you go which is just plain befuddling.

Summarizing all of this, the changes that could be made would be:

-make it so prisoners also take pleasure damage when groping Karryn (either by default or as effect of a passive that makes them grope with 1 hand while they jack off with the other)

-make it so every position can scale into Karryn pleasuring 6 men at once, so having high arousal on every body part actually allows you to dish out more pleasure damage instead of just taking more

-add an edict locked behind a really high slut level that completes Karryn's "bombshell" transformation that removes the Charm malus from high slut level, letting her just sexually destroy any prisoner almost instantly (if the player didn't take the edicts to make them more sexually resilient anyway).
I think the passives ending in a stark downward trend is okay. You should have an idea at that point of what you need to do to get ready for the home stretch, but the game does a really poor job of explaining strategies. The tutorials in-game could be a lot better for guiding people, as first timers or players only a few runs in typically won't grasp how important prep time really is or how to go about it.

I like your suggestions for fixes. I think an easy way to do the first one is to force prisoners to act twice if they grope Karryn or use toys, with the second action always being them beating it. For the second suggestion, yeah, I always thought it was weird how enemies can't transition into any pose once you've started one.

So many poses only allow 2-3 enemies at a time, which is silly imo since controlling desires is supposed to be the intended way to manage how many people Karryn takes on at once. The poses themselves limiting things is unfortunate, and I would have rathered the time spent on P-Cup DLC go into assets for things like that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
I am still finding it hard to believe Sachi couldn't pick up the work and continue when Rem was busy with creating excuses to delay the dlc. I don't know js and even I can find my way among game's code, despite it being a spaghetti/mess...
Because you're modifying existing code, you're not implementing anything complicated to the game.
You don't need to learn much to create basic RPGM games that Sachi did either, but KP is on a whole another level.

You also can't try to fault the artist for the dev causing the delay.
Nor can you expect any artist to suddenly jump at the end of game development to take over to job of the main programmer.
You're making an unreasonable expectation and just coming off as hateful for the sake of it on this topic.

I don't really care about the delay, I got tons of shit on my PC that I've barely got time to review them, let alone obsessively play KP.
But I do take an issue with Rem calling his 1 week of mood swing as "depression".
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Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
I don't really care about the delay, I got tons of shit on my PC that I've barely got time to review them, let alone obsessively play KP.
But I do take an issue with Rem calling his 1 week of mood swing as "depression".
Just going to say, from my own experience I can be mostly fine and have my depression and anxiety under control. Then for a few days or a week I can dip into a much deeper depression where I lose a lot of my ability to function. I personally don't refer to my normal state as being depressed, even if it is by the psychological definition (yes, I have been diagnosed and am in therapy), but the occasional deep swings I do.

Obviously, I don't have any access to Rem's actual medical info, but him having "a week of depression" could be completely legitimate. It all depends on his exact diagnosis, medical history, personal life, exc. It could be legit, or it could be him using one of the standard excuses. I just don't like people online calling BS on a mental health issue just because it doesn't meet their idea of what that issue should be.

On the subject of simple RPGmaker games (which KP isn't), yeah they can be incredibly easy to make with almost no programing or game development experience. They even have resources I've seen used in many games, like a standard town map that is just slightly reskinned in many games.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Just going to say, from my own experience I can be mostly fine and have my depression and anxiety under control. Then for a few days or a week I can dip into a much deeper depression where I lose a lot of my ability to function...
In your experience which is a completely different case to the dev, you have a history of it and you seem to haven't overcome it completely.

...Obviously, I don't have any access to Rem's actual medical info, but him having "a week of depression" could be completely legitimate...I just don't like people online calling BS on a mental health issue just because it doesn't meet their idea of what that issue should be...
Nobody is saying mental health issue is BS.
I myself had severe depression for years before I went to therapy for months.

What I have been saying was that you just don't get a week of depression out of nowhere and then suddenly get over it like it was just some cold.

Notice how dev states "personally" implying that's an opinion of theirs, and not a medical diagnosis.
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New Member
Mar 2, 2019
Notice how dev states "personally" implying that's an opinion of theirs, and not a medical diagnosis.
Words can never capture fully what one feels. It's not uncommon for people to use words in a different meaning. I think it's better overall to get the intent behind the post rather than going into the specifics of words used. "That Game is shit" probably meant to say that the game is bad, "I feel depressed" can mean one doesn't feel well, which doesn't need to have anything to do with the mental illness at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Words can never capture fully what one feels. It's not uncommon for people to use words in a different meaning...
Someone can feel great eating junk foods, doesn't mean that's healthy for their body.

What someone feels by itself doesn't tell if they have an issue or not.

Unless you've went to a professional and got medically diagnosed, you should not use the term "depression" just because you feel like you're experiencing symptoms that is common with depression.


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
Someone can feel great eating junk foods, doesn't mean that's healthy for their body.

What someone feels by itself doesn't tell if they have an issue or not.

Unless you've went to a professional and got medically diagnosed, you should not use the term "depression" just because you feel like you're experiencing symptoms that is common with depression.
Its really depressing that you didn't get the point of my post. The term, that shall not be spoken, can be used in a variety of ways to describe emotional or mental states. It doesn't necessarily imply a clinical diagnosis.

Language is flexible and context is important. How the dev used the term is totally appropriate. It doesn't appear to me like he used it to self diagnose himself and/or downplay the mental illness, but just to express how he felt.

Anyway, lets say he did go to a professional and got diagnosed, how would you know ? What if your assumption was wrong, what'd you do ? Hide it under a rug or write "sry mb" ? I much rather assume the illness they state is true than assuming the opposite. Else, you do exactly what is not okay to do, which is to downplay their illness, which should always be taken seriously.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Because you're modifying existing code, you're not implementing anything complicated to the game.
You don't need to learn much to create basic RPGM games that Sachi did either, but KP is on a whole another level.

You also can't try to fault the artist for the dev causing the delay.
Nor can you expect any artist to suddenly jump at the end of game development to take over to job of the main programmer.
You're making an unreasonable expectation and just coming off as hateful for the sake of it on this topic.
Oh please, I can learn js and create something new in a week. You are making it seem like as if KP has incredibly complicated, hard to understand code. If Sachi made something with RPGM before, chances are he already knows atleast a little bit of js, that alone should be enough to write p-cup dlc's code.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Language is flexible and context is important. How the dev used the term is totally appropriate. It doesn't appear to me like he used it to self diagnose himself and/or downplay the mental illness, but just to express how he felt...I much rather assume the illness they state is true than assuming the opposite.
Cool that you want to give the dev the benefit of doubt. I don't, as someone who went through actual severe depression, the way dev phrased it felt more to me like an excuse to gain sympathy points and/or discourage people from complaining more about the delay.
Thanks to CDPR, I much rather have no hope than be disappointed later.

...If Sachi made something with RPGM before, chances are he already knows atleast a little bit of js, that alone should be enough to write p-cup dlc's code.
It's not just about knowing the language or the engine, it's also about understanding how the main programmer has pieced all of their mess together to avoid implementing one thing and breaking hundreds of others doing so, and also writing code that the main programmer will be able to understand which all requires significantly more skill than any amateur will have.

Whatever the artists' capabilities are when it comes to programming. That doesn't negate the unreasonable expectation of the artist suddenly having to carry the dev on their back.
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