I've beaten on prisoner with pure slut (so far only after unlocking plenty of titles). You have to maximize level ups in endurance and energy. Get defensive stance early so you never or very minimally use attack skills. I usually waste my first 2-5 days JUST to buy relevant %growth edicts, healing thoughts, and defensive stance before fighting anything to have better control over skill growth and decrease order/increase income. If you must use an attack skill to survive on energy, only use dexterity, as that increases your pleasure damage inflicted. Flaunt often (start of rounds) for some charm and to make enemies horny. Charm increases passive pleasure damage, makes it easier to use sex skills on enemies or have them use them on you, and lets you equip more accessories that can either increase your energy or endurance/energy skill gain rate.
With enough endurance and energy, karryn can push through as many or more fights than fighter karryn, and can even survive with higher fatigue (need a good bed)."Happy Life" title gets you +50% energy growth/+10 energy from day one if you beat a slut run, pretty much trivializing future runs as long as you stick to leveling energy/endurance.
If you beat the game on a pure run and get all the comic books, there's a title that lets you buy a new charm that can increase charm growth +150% at the expensive of -66% endurance growth. You can use that to run a main charm secondary endurance/mind/energy build that can suppress most desires and just be a chronic combat masturbator (while masturbating, you can "kiss" instead of masturbate) that all the prisoners just ejaculate onto. Focus down nerds and prisoners with kiss, or temporarily keep cock desire low enough so they can't handjob/footjob. Mind skill suppress orgasm will get you 1-2 passives that further reduce bliss chance up to twice with high mind, keeping you masturbating through orgasms.