This has been covered a few times, but there's a hundred pages here, so just to clarify...
I had a Patreon that gathered funds (on chapter release) for the first three chapters. However I wasn't happy on Patreon, due to Patreon things, but also because I felt that I was being unfair with the delivery times.
To be clear, all of my patrons were fantastic, I just felt that I had a ticking clock following me around.
And, this is important, I made a grand total of $160 for my entire time on Patreon. I could've made some more with Chapter 4, but that's when I stopped collecting funds.
So, as a platform, the only thing Patreon was any good for was the fantastic, but double-digits number of supporters. I appreciated every cent, but that soon wasn't the point of being on Patreon anymore.
Of course I'd like to make some cash with this, but I think the reality is that, like Patreon, this thread is a bubble of fantastic and vocal supporters that doesn't translate into a viable income irl.
Never say never on other funding avenues, but it won't be Patreon and it won't be something that will ever replace a job or support my time.