
Mar 12, 2020
(Update they released today)
Hey everyone, letting you guys know where we're at.
At the moment, the next part of Sabia's misadventure is going to involve her doing more 'work' for her new orc friends. This is subject to change as we continue to iterate and write it, but currently it will be based in the new camp's version of The Silvertusk.
She'll need to serve and cater to a lot of the orcs in the new camp. There will be a focus on using the CG panels to make it a bit more exciting, as well as a focus on Sabia and the scenes - a bit more linear than the previous tavern filler content. There will still be a few choices for Sabia to continue resisting/standing up for herself, or for you to have Sabia be a bit more meek and agreeable.
I'm thinking about pulling in quite a few different aspects here as well, such as the Ba'ashi outfit and maybe a few other elements that I'm still thinking about/tinkering with.
On a personal note, my (monsinne) grandfather's dementia has progressed significantly in the past few days, and he has to go to the hospital tomorrow. my nan is going to need to sell her house, and 30+ years of hoarded junk from both her and my uncle are going to need to be dealt with. My mum's taking it pretty hard as well. I'll work on KoD as I can but for the next couple of weeks, that might be more sporadic and erratic than I would otherwise like it to be. as such I'm not sure on what I'd like to set as an ETA for this next patch, but I'll say tentatively early/mid march.
Thanks everyone for your continued support.
Wow, that's such a blatant milking now. Did they actually kill Nomo or something? And now they killed Monsinne's grandad and sell his house with all the stuff, because they're that low on money? What free money addiction does to a man.


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Nope. Dementia evolves over years and there are no sudden drops or negative advances in just a few days.
Unfortunately, I know a lot about that and assuming he didn't confuse days with months, I would call that a blatant lie.
I know what you mean, but from the layman's side of things he could mean that the bad days have gotten far more frequent recently or the family cannot handle home care anymore. Both my grandmas had memory issues (never specifically diagnosed) and had good and bad days with it. Towards the end the number of bad days increased drastically for both, even though the actual memory issues progressed slowly until they get actually noticeable and then they weren't bad for a long time.

It's hard to say, it could just be a BS excuse, but it could be true.

Regardless, I don't give Hreinn any slack anymore.


Oct 1, 2018
Basically just replaying the game, except in a different "camp" w/ the same orc, outfits, tavern, etc. artwork incoming....


New Member
Jan 14, 2021
I know no one will agree with me when I say this but I'm happy we get anything over nothing. I like most, if not all of you, know the games dead and never coming back, but whats there has so much potential I like having that 0.1% of hope it gets back on some kind of track. And at least the filler is keeping 2\3rds of the group around and maybe nomo comes back or they realize he isn't and get a new artist since Clearly they are capable of producing the game without him.


Dec 11, 2020
I know no one will agree with me when I say this but I'm happy we get anything over nothing. I like most, if not all of you, know the games dead and never coming back, but whats there has so much potential I like having that 0.1% of hope it gets back on some kind of track. And at least the filler is keeping 2\3rds of the group around and maybe nomo comes back or they realize he isn't and get a new artist since Clearly they are capable of producing the game without him.
brother you're in the way less than 1/3 group. Filler isn't keeping most people around. Hate mongering/shitposting is. The only people I see post are 2-3 copers, about 4ish new people who are like wait, this quest from 2 years ago.... where?, and the rest are people like me who are just in awe of the audacity of the game that had one of the biggest potentials to turn into one of the most scamfilled, insulting, lazy, no comm games to milk and openly insult its audience.

At least techno break admits to being a coomer who can't finish his own work bc he nuts too it, too often.

This is...... gross.


Apr 16, 2019
(Update they released today)
Hey everyone, letting you guys know where we're at.
At the moment, the next part of Sabia's misadventure is going to involve her doing more 'work' for her new orc friends. This is subject to change as we continue to iterate and write it, but currently it will be based in the new camp's version of The Silvertusk.
She'll need to serve and cater to a lot of the orcs in the new camp. There will be a focus on using the CG panels to make it a bit more exciting, as well as a focus on Sabia and the scenes - a bit more linear than the previous tavern filler content. There will still be a few choices for Sabia to continue resisting/standing up for herself, or for you to have Sabia be a bit more meek and agreeable.
I'm thinking about pulling in quite a few different aspects here as well, such as the Ba'ashi outfit and maybe a few other elements that I'm still thinking about/tinkering with.
On a personal note, my (monsinne) grandfather's dementia has progressed significantly in the past few days, and he has to go to the hospital tomorrow. my nan is going to need to sell her house, and 30+ years of hoarded junk from both her and my uncle are going to need to be dealt with. My mum's taking it pretty hard as well. I'll work on KoD as I can but for the next couple of weeks, that might be more sporadic and erratic than I would otherwise like it to be. as such I'm not sure on what I'd like to set as an ETA for this next patch, but I'll say tentatively early/mid march.
Thanks everyone for your continued support.

Meek and agreeable sub sabia... BORING!

It's kinda fucked that the only enthusiastic sub sabia is the one written in the fanfic mod. There's one or two times throughout the entire thing that sabia can agree to fuck and orc actually because she wants to, rather than just because the orc does.

I'm pretty sure they've even removed a scene or two of consensual submission, probably to make way for more rape. Don't get me wrong, I get it, the big green rape machines doing their thing to the protagonist makes sense but only up to a point, at some point a woman with the circumstances of sabia would learn how to effectively lower her chances of being forcefully copulated with, either by leaving the camp entirely or just cutting the schlongs off of potential rapists. But current sub sabia acts like a actual retard, where every time she is forced into sex she acts like it is a big surprise, or at the very least an annoying inconvenience that she couldn't have seen coming, like it hasn't happened 40 FUCKING TIMES ALREADY.

Or the joke is she knows, and is playing stupid to get her holes excavated, if that's the case, then that's a joke the writer needs to share with the audience, as otherwise it just feels like an insult to a functioning brain.

Rant over, tldr; just let sabia be an actual slut instead of a brainless retard who is repeatedly raped, by rapists, much to her surprise.


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Rant over, tldr; just let sabia be an actual slut instead of a brainless retard who is repeatedly raped, by rapists, much to her surprise.
Part of the issue is that the current writer has a bimbo fetish, and being a brainless idiot is part of that fetish. I really miss the early days, where the pitched concept was that the sub route was act submissive to be seen as less of a threat and / or manipulate people into doing what she wants. Then it shifted into the current "Sabia is an idiot who gets raped".


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
Part of the issue is that the current writer has a bimbo fetish, and being a brainless idiot is part of that fetish. I really miss the early days, where the pitched concept was that the sub route was act submissive to be seen as less of a threat and / or manipulate people into doing what she wants. Then it shifted into the current "Sabia is an idiot who gets raped".
I'd upvote you multiple times if I could. I recall numerous conversations/debates in Hreinn's Discord (while I was still a supporter) where Monsinne and several other Patrons would defiantly defend his 'dumb bimbo' fetish while many of us complained of how it was ruining the story.


Jan 6, 2019
I'd upvote you multiple times if I could. I recall numerous conversations/debates in Hreinn's Discord (while I was still a supporter) where Monsinne and several other Patrons would defiantly defend his 'dumb bimbo' fetish while many of us complained of how it was ruining the story.
Monsinne's writing in general is pretty lackluster and repetitive at its best, even if he avoided this adding his fetishes to the product like a horny teenager, it'd still be shit compared to what we had before with that other writer, the drop in 'skill' is too significant to overcome, and the worst part is that he isn't even trying to overcome it, instead he is just trying to see how hard of a stiffy he can pop from his own writing and/or deriving some twisted pleasure from sharing his fetish with his paypigs.

Actual clown.


Aug 13, 2017
So, I didn't really want to share this as I have stopped working on this but I did manage to do a lot of things like change the whole system and make it so that Sabia can be naked and wear the Ba'ashi dress out in the camp, the reason for this was the current writing, since it is a complete nose dive I along with Enigmanic and nyqz were going to change the whole dialogue on the sub route, this was going to go 2 ways but both were going to be sub as currently, the art is indistinguishable imo from dom and sub route it is just the dialogue, but what we were going to do was we were going to change the script in two different ways, one route in which Sabia is super meek to satisfy the fetish of her being a Bimbo and the other one where she actually used her body for advantage I had planned to make it difficult like if the player used sub too much their was a chance that she will become too overly submissive and this will cause her to go down the meek route, this would make scenes like Ranak's, Yvla and Shaman's lackies one make a lot more sense, how to avoid it, balance, a balance would be need between Dom and Sub, in this route Sabia will be a little Submissive (aka using her body to get what she wants) where as in the other, the story would be not too different than Sabia get's raped again and again and again, the reason why I didn't drop the meek sub route is because of the current art and direction it would just suit I mean hell you are telling me that a human chick is getting fucked by orcs left, right and centre for hours on hours sometimes for an entire day but is still sane, yeah not happening if watching hentai thought me anything it is that a chick getting fucked for more than an hour or two loses her mind and especially if they are getting fucked or raped by orcs or fucking minotaurs, these scenes would be tweaked a little (shortend) to fit in the normal sub route meanwhile in the meek sub route it would lead Sabia to getting addicted to sex, to the point where she no longer cares about being naked in a camp full of orcs, naturally as I am mentioning this idea here it seems and sounds stupid but I was sure we could've made it work out, since I am not to good at writing or art I got someone of the best people in this thread to help me with that but unforunately I can't really focus on this anymore, even though I made the mod a standalone, so you can just drag and drop it into a new version with minor tweaking to get it working, I can't work on it anymore since I have other things on plate right now, but here is something to show you that yes it is very possbile to mod the game but the lack of new CGI is also a problem, like in the image below, Sabia can be either be wearing the veil or she can maskless, so say you are going the masked route well there is no CGI to show use for panel's that is why even though she is wearing that mask she is maskless in the panel on the right, and I can't really do much about it. Here is prove that it works in game this was just a test to see if it worked or not.
Screenshot from 2024-01-26 22-43-51.png Screenshot from 2024-01-26 22-45-00.png
This edit took me 3-4 hours because I knew nothing about Photoshop when I started this and instead of looking up tutorials on the internet I took matters into my own hand and went with a hands on learning experience which was not a wise decision but I learned a lot of things I won't forget this easily now, also this was I think my 2nd or 3rd try, but now I would say it will take be 5-10 mins. The Ba'ashi outfit (boobs.png) is a separate layer and can be used on any with any expression. We even tested out a quick scene, and I even unlocked previously locked stuff, like BJ and stuff etc.
I am no longer working on this due to not having enough time, I already work on a computer managing servers (setting up new servers and configuring them) and programming and thus have only an hour or 2 away from my PC, even though I have tweaked with many things like errors and inconsistencies, I can't really continue because then it will actively put in a bad position, I had other plans like having nipple piercing and masked and maskless variants of the dancer outfit but I couldn't find the file where the armor was made aka file which is responsible for the UI which allows you to select the outfits and as things are I might not be doing it any time soon.

Thanks a lot Enigmanic and nyqz and I am sorry that I wasn't able to give it much time.


Apr 17, 2020
Interesting arguments here. Usually, we call the fetish for unconsented rape sadist/masochist-relationship(SM); and use dominant/submissive(DS) to refer to consented abuse and rough sex. They are two different things. One basically can't call the raping route a sub-path. Ideally, a genuine submissive girl would be addicted to a "care-free" mental status, So they probably will have an overwhelming urge to kneel at the first sign of a strong and assertive partner and get ecstatic for pleasing and begging for pity as well as protection, as a ritual. (it would be much more complicated in real life, so I said "ideally")

Frankly, it is almost impossible for dominants to rape their submissive partners, especially in such a story with unlimited potential. Anyway, I don't think they should spend time modifying the previous story ceaselessly, neither the art nor the lines; they should keep developing and bringing the changes into the future storyline.
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Apr 17, 2020
in this route Sabia will be a little Submissive (aka using her body to get what she wants)
haha, once Sabia starts to think this way, she will no longer be a submissive.

in the meek sub route it would lead Sabia to getting addicted to sex, to the point where she no longer cares about being naked in a camp full of orcs, naturally as I am mentioning this idea here it seems and sounds stupid
I don't think this is stupid; this looks exactly like what a subby girl would do in that scenario.
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May 23, 2020
I think you are just projecting your idea of submissive onto this. Sadism and masochism, subs and doms, are part of a spectrum. They are not the same thing, they are not even exclusive of each other.

What you are talking about is an extreme of the Sub spectrum, which is a slave.
Sexuality is not a black and white thing, whisky and beer both contain alchool, that does not make them equal.


Apr 17, 2020
I think you are just projecting your idea of submissive onto this. Sadism and masochism, subs and doms, are part of a spectrum. They are not the same thing, they are not even exclusive of each other.

What you are talking about is an extreme of the Sub spectrum, which is a slave.
Sexuality is not a black and white thing, whisky and beer both contain alchool, that does not make them equal.
Yes, you are right; I merely offered one of the various perspectives and isolated it a bit to make a clear idea. I was actually a little surprised when I read the post that people are arguing over this topic; it would totally rely on context to define so-called "normal submissive", "meek submissive", and so on; it would be so subjective that devs wouldn't be able to evaluate the reaction of audiences precisely and please all of them.

But I know one thing that would offend all audiences -- procrastination of the new update.:sneaky:
3.90 star(s) 74 Votes