ronadan - I hear you, and I understand that you don't believe the current writing team -- Monsinne primarily
under Nomo's direction -- provides the same quality as
KoD's original writer, Sierra.
And you'd be correct. The avenues of how the story goes and its plot progression (along with meaningful mechanics that doesn't become irrelevant later) have clearly become more limited. Again, I appreciate your comment, but let me expand a bit of what I mean.
Remember, in regards to the story, that was
intentional. Hreinn Games once stated, "We [spent] a lot of time remaking and writing the plans, story lines and lore and rewriting it in a new format" after Serra's departure. Nomo, the project's lead, understands the issue that some people have in the writing department (let alone other aspects like the art) and even requested that folks shouldn't be too harsh with how things were in comparison to when Sierra was still around. If it was all the same people that worked on a project and it took a significant "nosedive" in its quality (as others have put it) from before, then full-on and respectful criticism is justified. However, I think
a little reprieve is in order and reasonable here regarding the writing as this is a much more unusual case versus other adult gaming projects found around out there. These teams are small -- very often just a single person -- so a significant change to team members will inevitably have massive repercussions as is in the case with Hreinn Games.
people have the right to ask for high-quality stuff and because we know Hreinn games CAN provide that
Y'see here, that's
just the thing. They simply
can't in respect to the writing; at least, not in the same way as before. I want to believe that Monsinne is doing his best (with the help of NDS) while following what Nomo wants from him. But you can't expect him to rise to the level or at least take on the same style and writing acumen as Sierra while also being gated from certain things and having less freedom as the former OG member. That's like fans asking you to take over Sir Terry Pratchett's mantle and continue the
Discworld series without any of his notes and do so in the same approach and quality as the deceased author and not in your
own way. It simply won't do nor be the same. So let's politely set aside Sierra's part, and not downplay Monsinne's contributions to
KoD, and judge the writing and any issues with the plot with him at the helm moving forward.
The thing is, most of us who have played the game and followed the thread for any length of time already KNOW that there is a distinct change in the game's writing from the earlier parts of the game to the latter half of the game which have been in development for
far longer. With utmost respect and in my humble opinion, it's just not constructive to continue beating that
dead horse. The players and the development team already know about it. Here's the rub, we can't ask Hreinn Games to emulate Sierra completely. That's, quite frankly, unfair to Monsinne. After all, he didn't
have to help out and deal with mess left behind and join Hreinn Games in the first place, and much of the flak he's getting is really undeserved. I'm thankful that
KoD didn't just up and
die when Sierra left. See if anyone else would step up, be accepted by Nomo, and do any better.
TL;DR *** Thus, is it really unreasonable to look at the writing and its story progression of
KoD from the point where Monsinne became the principle writer in 2018 and judge them on their own merits moving forward? Is that ask too much? ***
Players have already acknowledged and thanked Sierra's part and the large role she played in
KoD's early development, but she's been long gone. Let's give where credit is due and offer healthy, constructive criticisms moving forward. Bear in mind, Hreinn Games have many issues such as being less than forthcoming in their infrequent communications to their patrons, but all I'm talking about here is how we should look at the writing
since the team's reshuffling of its members with Sierra's departure. That's the part I'm more interested in as development of
KoD continues -- what's happening
now; not what happened
Alrighty ladies and gents, be safe and take care of one another. Cheers!