Like I said, in this case you're right. My point is it doesn't apply to all developer's version numbering, especially if they change version numbering systems between updates.
I've seen developers use something like Version_2015.05.12, where the version number is literally just the release date, not having anything to do with the number of releases they've done.
I've seen alpha releases listed as version 0.102, which doesn't really mean anything but by decimal numeration implies it's the 102nd release, but in that case I've seen it as the literal first release of the game.
There have been some where they do version 10.4, where they do many updates as version 10.(some number) before they reach a milestone and increase to version 11.(some number). Again, by decimal numeration you might assume there've only been 10 releases if you see the version 10.4, but depending on the developer it could be many more.
My point is that there's no consistency in version numbering, since there's limited standardization in professional coding. Add in amateur coders, and you really can't assume anything just from just 1 or 2 of their version numbers.