I still hold my bet that i wrote a few pages ago: Hreinn seem to take a break during the december holidays and resume working later in january. so the "2-3 weeks of work left" would mean a february release.
But this is also a quest where they are trying out a new art angle, possibly new mechanics or picture composition too, so that can add another month and if while they are doing this, Monsinne wrote another 30k words for this quest, then the last two times they did this, it added another 3-5 months.
edit: trying to hit the release dates for Hreinn feels kind of like using a buckshot in a sniping contest.
But this is also a quest where they are trying out a new art angle, possibly new mechanics or picture composition too, so that can add another month and if while they are doing this, Monsinne wrote another 30k words for this quest, then the last two times they did this, it added another 3-5 months.
edit: trying to hit the release dates for Hreinn feels kind of like using a buckshot in a sniping contest.