
Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
Happy Fathers Day!
Just released update version 0.857. Now let's go fuck pregnant Zoe!
See the changlog for the new content, which includes both today's release and the update from a couple of weeks ago.

As a thank you to those polite supporters and forum members who made a reasonable request, I have rewritten some of the code and all nag screens have been removed. Beta testers trying out new features and content, individuals promised special perks, and players trying the mobile companion app are not affected by this change.


May 4, 2017
Pretty interesting graphics and design. However, the presence of a "turn based combat" is very distressing. For 18+ games - this means that there will be no interesting plot, just like normal game mechanics or RPGs. There will be a desperately bad RPG diluted by boobs.It always happens that way.


Sep 25, 2017
Graphics aren't working, map enemy icons are super tiny and don't match the tile they're found on, enemy and character profile pics do no appear in the portrait window in the combat maps. Is the latest version broken or am I doing something wrong?

ss1.png ss2.png ss3.png
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
So far from what I have seen you can only do anything with Zoe the slave with the ugly fat bastard and the girl walking around the countryside. If people would read the change logs you would all see that all other characters can only be stripped and killed and farmed for energy and coins and nothing more.

If you kill the ugly fat bastard you get a error code I-500 when talking to the slave. If you kill the slave you get the same error code. If you ask me you should be able to do this and then take the girl as your prize instead of farming 400 coins for some fun with her.

I killed the saleswoman in the one timeline and then got screwed as I talked to her in the other timeline and she said that she sold a door to someone that looked like the MC awhile back and that she had no more so I needed to buy a door from her and resetting the timeline to buy one from her results in pregnant Zoe disappearing from the shack and about that time is when I closed the game as I'm not farming another fucking 400 fucking coins for some ugly fat bastard.

Killed a wolf on the map run into another one and no wolf is there as it's dead already.Kill the 2 wolfs and any others that have 2 wolfs in them are already dead.

Reading the change log Salem is glitchier then fuck. Move around for a bit and then screen locks and forces you to hit the ~ key to close the game and reload it move for a bit and lock up again.

If you leave the beginning of time and come back later your icon is invisible till you activate the time jump and reset the time.

Sometimes game bugs out on the map. First you are way over there then you click on the map and you are thrown half way across the fucking map to a different spot.
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Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick updated related to the latest release, mention the new support forum, and address a few issues.
  • All nag screens have been removed. This includes both internet disconnect messages, non-activated game notices, and requests for Patreon support.
  • The game does not require an internet connection. Players from Patreon using the game launcher updater will naturally need to be connected for the game to download the update patch.
  • "Pirates" have the exact same game experience as $1 Patreon supporters. For anyone who doesn't know how Patreon works, supporters who pledge a higher monthly support amount are often given thanks with things like items mailed to them, exclusive online content, and bonus digital downloads. Kronos is similar in that the game is being developed and not sold. My programming time is 100% donated and all of the monthly support goes directly back into purchasing assets for the game. Supporters who are promised in-game credit will receive it. Supporters who are promised little perks will receive those. Supporters who are promised items mailed to them will receive those items. Supporters who are promised the option to create their own characters, scenarios, or special features will get them. Anyone who was not promised something as a special thank you will likely not receive it, but luckily 99% of people out there are emotionally intelligent enough to understand that it's okay for someone else to get something they didn't, especially when it's free to begin with.
  • There are aspects of the game that requires a connection, and that is just a matter of fact. It would be absurd for me to get upset over having to log in to play Diablo 3 online with my friends, but it is reasonable to want to play Diablo 3 offline by myself without having to log in. That's why a connection is no longer required. With that said, I'm working on a mobile companion app which needs to connect to the game in order to transfer stats, unlocked girls, etc, and the game also checks to see if any of my beta testers are playing so it knows if a features being tested should be enabled. If you're not a beta tester, or you don't want to use the companion app, then it's perfectly fine to not have an internet connection.
  • The game is in active development and will continue to change.
  • The game is written 100% from scratch and will improve with time. No, the engine is not perfect but it continually gets better. The original demo had an overworld map and a text combat system. That's it. Since then a multitude of features have been added. Not everyone likes the D&D style grid, and that's fine. The game has a basic combat system which will include more options as development matures but it is not meant to be combat driven. Everything is fluid, which means if it seems like a grind to get enough money to do this or that, then it can be changed, and it will be, provided someone politely explains what their thoughts are. I don't spend a lot of time playing the game because I'm busy writing it. If something doesn't work from a gameplay standpoint, tell me why in a respectful way, and I'll look into it.
  • I read and reply to 100% of all polite messages to me. Most of the improvements have come from intelligent individuals pointing out difficulties they are having, or ways to improve the game.
  • It's totally okay to dislike the game, and even tell people you dislike it. Art is subjective. Just be aware that if someone is rude I'm just not going to read what they have to say, so be nice and I'll listen to you.
  • As f95zone features an assortment of games, and this thread can get cluttered, I've created a forum dedicated to Kronos Time Titan. I encourage anyone who dislikes something about the game enough to post a reply about it here to consider the fact that their voice is more likely to be heard if they articulate their thoughts to the person designing the game. If what you have to say is valuable, then make it count by telling me. But again, be nice. There's no reason to be rude, and just because I am a woman who writes a game with a male protagonist overpowering women does not mean I will allow someone to do that to me online.
  • As mentioned, brand new Kronos Community Forum:
  • To the 99% who are sweethearts out there, THANK YOU!!!
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Oct 14, 2017
Grinding for the money is a massive pain. It seems like a decent concept and I like where it could do, but I really hope future versions aren't so grindy. I got the 400 coins, went and gained the essence of innocence, it then said i could absorb a power back, i found heracles, but i didn't have enough coin and hp to survive a fight wit hhim, so i had to reset time... I wrongly assumed that meant i would keep the essence of innocence, nope... defeating heracles just told me I had to get the essence... so what, now i have to farm something like 500 gold again, then fight heracles and get the essence to unlock the power and progress?

At first I liked the idea of no saves, but combined with the gold grind and hitting a wall after spending and it all being lost... i'm very much not liking it.
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Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
Grinding for the money is a massive pain. It seems like a decent concept and I like where it could do, but I really hope future versions aren't so grindy. I got the 400 coins, went and gained the essence of innocence, it then said i could absorb a power back, i found heracles, but i didn't have enough coin and hp to survive a fight wit hhim, so i had to reset time... I wrongly assumed that meant i would keep the essence of innocence, nope... defeating heracles just told me I had to get the essence... so what, now i have to farm something like 500 gold again, then fight heracles and get the essence to unlock the power and progress?

At first I liked the idea of no saves, but combined with the gold grind and hitting a wall after spending and it all being lost... i'm very much not liking it.
Those are really good observations and feedback. I think you're right that absorbing the Essence should be permanent, since it's like an energy that you have once you acquire it. I'll make that change for the next release.

The currency rate is long overdue, and I'll also change those values as well. I think originally I had the idea that players would start out having to work for currency but as they gained powers it would make it easier and easier, but I think a better approach might be to make really difficult enemies worth a LOT of currency, and defeating them would be impossible early game and become easier as the player gains more power. I also have an exp leveling design for future versions which will allow Kronos to increase his max HP and max Energy, along with making his attacks stronger (in addition to special powers) which will make earning currency a lot easier. But for now, yes, the currency will be increased.

Finally, I simply didn't have a lot for players to spend Energy or Currency early on, so I didn't think to make the loot that high. When the inventory and paperdoll systems are running, players will have more non-plot related things to buy, along with different outfits for the girls, and I'll definitely need to make it a lot easier for players to earn $$.

Thank you for your suggestions! :)


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
you can kinda fuck the girl in greek 69, who spawns straight down on the time reset. Don't know the diologue trees to get the scene in the OP picture tho


Please read my profile post :)
Game Developer
May 29, 2019
I've never had a contest before, so let's have some fun.

Write a tutorial on how to get to the scene shown in this picture. Post the tutorial in the of the Kronos forum.

Kronos Time Titan 5_2_2020 4_32_45 PM.jpg

  1. You do not need an internet connection while playing the game.
  2. You must be at least 18 to enter.
  3. You do not need to be a Patreon supporter.
  4. The tutorial should include step-by-step instructions on how to reach the scene shown in the image above.
  5. The instructions should be accurate.
  6. Post the tutorial in the forum here in the Kronos Time Titan Community.
  7. The first to post a complete and accurate tutorial will be the winner.
  8. Keep in mind, someone else may win while others are typing their tutorial. This contest is meant to be fun, so please don't take it personally if you don't win.
  9. If winner is a paid Patreon supporter who is currently Level 3 or 4, their account will be upgraded to Level 5 this month, entitling them to request a custom scene, feature, scenario, or girl.
  10. Level 1 or 2 Patreon supporter will receive a lifetime upgrade to Level 3.
  11. Non-Patreon supporter will receive a lifetime Level 3 account.
  12. If you have any questions, please direct them .
Oct 14, 2017
Thank you for your suggestions! :)
No problem, thanks for listening. It's also kind of the nature of early access to games like this. You have ideas of where they will be and prematurely balancing all of this is extra pain not always worth the effort, especially for things that might get scrapped or have to be rebalanced again when later features. For everyone trying it early it can be frustrating.

If the essence is retained on reset like an inventory item, then my biggest frustration would be gone. Getting the initial 400 gold wasn't too bad as I was figuring out the game and exploring at that point. Was mainly a big blow when i realized that i now had to regain it, but this time by just mindlessly repeating the same content.
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