Actually.. its not the mod.. but the base game.. it recently moved due to the big code refactor in the main game a version or 2 ago.. heres a good list - these are c/p from my already edited files.
game\game_screens\character_screens\mc_creation_ui.rpy :::
where the default char points, stat max, work skill max, and sex skill max is now
ex: around line 36:
default character_points = 144
default stat_max = 8
default work_skill_max = 8
default sex_skill_max = 8
game\helper_functions\random_generation_functions.rpy :::
where the age range random is
ex: around line 44:
age = renpy.random.randint(18,42)
game\major_game_classes\business_related\business.rpy :::
where the starting funds is now - fyi, the old separate player funds no longer exists.
ex: around line 13:
self.funds = 900000 #Your starting wealth.
game\major_game_classes\character_related\person.rpy :::
here is where the serum tolerance default of 2 is
ex: around line 132:
self.serum_tolerance = 10 #How many active serums this person can tolerate before they start to suffer negative effects.
game\random_lists.rpy :::
various lists - skins, faces - breast sizes - default random clothing colors - patreon reward characters info, base game characters
Lists of importance start around line 380 - theres too much to c/p here, but you will see the entries and the lists
so for example the breast section:
list_of_tits = []
I "rebalanced" the list a little bit for my own game, at least for initial start. I dont suggest commenting out individual items in the lists, but you can change the number to 0 to pretty much rule out it being rando generated, and avoid the game complaining about a missing list item potentially.
Further down around line 966 in the same file is the base game's patreon characters. I commented a few of those cause just didnt care for them, other stats are listed that you can then change as you please. Below that is the base game main characters as well.
game\serum_traits.rpy :::
i went full hack mode and edited the primitive serum production you start with in the game, and made it have 11 slots and an initial 5 turn duration. so if you want the same --- around line 480
slots_added = 11,
duration_added = 5,
This wont change the text unless you change the desc field that will be above those, but you already know what you are getting so it doesnt matter.
so these are all base game files and have nothing to do with the mod. You can even do this without using it, and with any vanilla release. theres much more you can play with in all of those files, especially the lists and serum file, but i went for just a slight modification of things for myself, and edited some of the lists and serums for preference. but just doing a few edits here and there makes the game a little more customized if you desire.