
Active Member
Sep 18, 2017
I really hate to say this, especially since I've been pretty vocal for my support for the game, but... as is v0.13.1... this game is in dire need of some mechanics changes. I legitimately like the game less and less as time goes on. Which sucks because I had high hopes for the game and I still see the potential in it. But seriously, why does the MC bust faster than a virgin at a porn audition? Real question, how many of you fellas have blown a load in your pants after a few minutes of kissing? If you have, what woman caused this and where can I find her? Just asking for research purposes...
My sentiments exactly. Here are a few ideas I came up with.

Maybe your (MC) sex skills should work the other way around, defensively? I mean, the better you're at vaginal, the less excited you get by it? This could prolong the sex scenes immensely, but it might be difficult to get the numbers right.

Another realistic solution would be to add another meaning to stamina: the more you have, the better chance you have of delaying your orgasm after you reach 100% arousal. That chance should go lower the more excited you are. Again, getting the numbers right will be tricky.

And I hate to see the female arousal having no influence at all on the final outcome. I'd say that the girl's attributes should be affected more if she's at 200% than when she's at 100%. Actually, this seems to be easy to implement, just increase a few limits in proportion to girl's arousal. A few which come to mind are her happiness, the sluttiness gain, the temp->core slut conversion ratio, or the sluttiness limit. Increasing her affection for you would be best, but this parameter is not in the game.

And finally, the charisma effect should be seriously dampened. With charisma of 8, you can make any employee 200% obedient over the course of a week (if you meet her once during the weekend). Realistic like hell...

Finally, a way to raise obedience of people who are not your employees would be good. I'm thinking of something like spanking her if she's rude to you. This could offer you a way out if you dug yourself into a hole of, say, 20 obedience for Lily; on the other hand, when her obedience grows, the chance of her being rude to you gets smaller, so you won't have an opportunity to exercise this, so this idea is self-balancing in a way. This could also be influenced by her personality: she may even love being spanked and cause it intentionally.

I don't think Vren reads this thread; is there a forum where these ideas could be posted? Or should I simply msg him on Patreon?


Oct 14, 2016
how do i carry over the wardrobes from older to newer version
but seriously... how though. also, though the cheat menu i learned that giving curvy body to mom or sis or a lot of other character gives them double chin... it's hilarious since somehow i made them even more uglier but with a bombshell body. XD
Jul 30, 2018
maybe the dev should go back to lab rats 1 style of gameplay because its alot better then this one less laggy faster startup the only thing that isnt better is the honeyselect of LR1 i love the daz3d for LR2 just the gameplay sucks in 2


Sep 15, 2017
I really want this to succeed. It is a game I come back to every now and then. And yes, the grind sucks, the sexy times are more of a chore than a reward, and a lot of the game just seems unready. Still it seems oh so promising to me. I mean, mind control, enslavement by drugs and mind fucking (and also just fucking), that all is quite interesting, and relevant to my tastes. So please, dev, get youself together and fix it.

Also, it is the slowest unzipping game ever; too many little files, I guess.


Jun 16, 2017
Vren should just scrap this project and move onto something new. It's a complete dud. The scope of this game is simply too wide and far-reaching. It's turning out to be a grindy management game with a bland and shallow sex system. The icing on all of this are the ugly and boring characters.

When the game is completed, I can't see it being anything more than below-average. Unless he scraps the random models and creates some unique characters, I cannot see this game turning into something decent. Especially considering all of the other great Ren'Py games that have been appearing since this project came about.
Matter of opinion. I do realize mine is a minority opinion, but this game actually holds my attention rather than the other 95% of what is on this site in which I just get bored of the dialog and skip through to the sexy parts (which don't end up being that sexy without the context of the story I didn't have the patience to sit through). The only other game I bother to completely restart everytime there is a new version is summertime saga (and that only because you don't have a choice... but that game is worth it I'll admit). Lab Rats 2, for me the fun is in the buildup and even though lab rats 2 doesn't require a restart with every version, I pretty much always do restart and end up playing all the way up through having purchased/unlocked everything every time.

The game isn't a dud for me and I'd be bummed to see Vren scrap it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
For me, the models and ourfit look to have improved considerably since I last played it, but all but one of the face models looks ugly.

I cheat the hell out of the game so the grind and mechanics don't bother me so much, but if you take them away the content is tiny.

I can see the starting of a story and like the outfit creation (to an extent). I am seeing the game move in the right direction.

I'd like to see a modding community for the outfits and a better way to download them and apply them especially at a global level.
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Aug 8, 2017
Updated so there shouldn't be any errors.

Cheat Mod for Version 0.14.0 + of Lab Rats 2 ( Experimental Version):

Open / Close the cheat menu by pressing either z or Z.
Left click a button to increase the value, right click to decrease.

List of features are found in the thread linked below, let me know if there are any errors there.
Don't be afraid to click all the buttons, shouldn't break anything ( and if it does, hit me up with a bug report).



Jul 11, 2017
I really want this game to succeed, i loved Lab Rats 1...so I really, really want this to succeed... it just doesn't. It suffers so heavily from "too much-ism". i tried to talk myself into it when 0.13 got posted here "hey maybe with the UI changes and the family stuff he fixed it"... so I Dled it over the weekend... and after loking at the ugly generic wicked witch models for the mom and sister closed it out without getting past the intro. a while back i posted both here and on Hypnotics what I thought was a pretty solid roadmap forward for the dev to fix this thing and got shouted down pretty heavily by the fanboys but here were my bullet points.

Too, many girls, pare it back to family, Steph, Nora and add dept heads... so 9-10 girls with half rando generated so the player can tailor the staff to their liking.

too many traits, apparently useless traits there really only to make you burn time researching, pare it back to MC potion 1/2/3... love potion 1/2/3... and body mod potions boobs/ ass smaller/ bigger.

Use the paring down to concentrate on the most important thing for a porn game HOT MODELS, look at Sloniques games, folks will tolerate a TON of crap if the models rock.... and better interactions with those hot models.
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Jan 25, 2018
I'm enjoying the game too, but I feel like the content mods make the game a lot better. I'm really hoping that Vren takes some cues from them and incorporates more content.

14 seems broken to me. The introduction of the Love stat has made achieving some of the goals harder (you can't flirt with girls unless they have 10 love for you now), and the top research tier is either gone or unable to be unlocked. He's now talking about wanting to rework the way the serums work, which is fine, but he seems to be spending a lot of time messing around with the mechanics vs. adding more content.


New Member
Oct 9, 2018
Getting this error:

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 7328, in script
File "game/script.rpy", line 4466, in execute
screen phone_hud_ui():
File "game/script.rpy", line 4466, in execute
screen phone_hud_ui():
File "game/script.rpy", line 4471, in execute
File "game/script.rpy", line 4478, in execute
File "game/script.rpy", line 4489, in execute
for log_item in mc.log_items:
File "game/script.rpy", line 4497, in execute
File "game/script.rpy", line 4501, in execute
text log_item[0] style log_item[1] size 18 xsize 320 first_indent 20
NameError: Name 'the_person' is not defined.


Nov 12, 2016
I have spent the entire day remaking my cheat mod and would like to share the current progress before I go to bed, hopefully to wake up with some feedback.

The mod is now controlled entirely through on-screen buttons and should be quicker to maneuver.
I have not made it fool proof yet so note this before using it:

YOU HAVE TO INTERACT WITH A PERSON BEFORE USING THE MOD THE FIRST TIME AND HAVE VERSION 0.14.0+ of Lab Rats 2, afterwards it should be fine. If not, ignore the error and interact with a person again. PRESS z or Z to open the cheat screen

I will be adding more to it later, but right now the focus was to get it up to speed with the previous design (although I did manage to put in a few useful features, e.g Time of Day, Day and Force Sleep and Research Tier level)

Post feedback, errors, questions and feature requests etc. in the download thread. I don't really know how to code so if you see things in the code that should be changed, let me know.

Also: Edit the mod as you please
Side note: Mod works fine with versions below 0.14.0 if you open the file and comment the line changing the love stat (instructions in top of the script)

Only way this is even remotely enjoyable is with this mod. You my friend are a gentlemen and a scholar.


New Member
Sep 17, 2017
I think the game, as it sits, has great potential for an expanded, open-world story-line and multiple subplots. This looks like a strong basis for a sequel, where Vren seems to be nailing down all the mechanics and is squeezing in some smaller character interactions to keep us involved and interested. I'm intersted to see what comes of it.


Jul 20, 2017
So apparently in version 0.14 talking to anyone passes time... Is this a bug, or a new feature? Because if this is a feature, than congrats dev - you just made the thing unplayable without mods. Now the players have to choose between making any progress with the girls, and actually getting anything done with the company, which slows down everything EVEN FUCKING MORE.

This is simply put, the most dumb decision the dev has made since this project started. And I was actually one of these people who still believed that this is a good project with a lot of potential. That changed today.


Aug 8, 2017
So apparently in version 0.14 talking to anyone passes time... Is this a bug, or a new feature? Because if this is a feature, than congrats dev - you just made the thing unplayable without mods. Now the players have to choose between making any progress with the girls, and actually getting anything done with the company, which slows down everything EVEN FUCKING MORE.

This is simply put, the most dumb decision the dev has made since this project started. And I was actually one of these people who still believed that this is a good project with a lot of potential. That changed today.
Yes, that is an intended feature although it is not balanced.
The most impactful way to influence an employee now is by having a "once-a-week" review where you can praise, insult, threaten to fire or increase their wages.

This makes it even harder to corrupt girls outside of the workplace, but there the love stat comes into play which makes it easier to corrupt the higher it is.

A lot of broken things in 0.14.0, but I see the reasoning behind it. It just needs a bunch of balancing.
e.g the game has introduced "love", but there is no "love potion" so you are stuck with grinding that through conversations, and "Suggestibility" does not have an apparent effect on how fast love rises.
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Nov 23, 2017
I know this has been said before, but the models in this game.. damn. The old honey select from Lab Rats where a million times better. The mother looks like Antonio Banderas (circa Desperado) with Salma Hayeks (Circa Desperado) tits bolted on. First and foremost, it's a porn game, that seems to have gotten lost, somehow.

if Vren fixes the models, they could be onto something. As is it currently stands, it's pretty bad.
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Nonya Bizz

May 12, 2018
I'm not sure if it's in the game yet, but it is frustrating that there is no good obedience+slutty serums yet, or to be more specific: there is no way to increase sluttiness without impacting the other stats. You could have someone who walks around nude everywhere, but you can't make any suggestions for their outfits. Also, it feels like happiness is a meaningless stat. Just tried the game again with a serum that boosted sluttiness+happiness (because you know, let's get everyone happy and free), only for every single person to hate their job and demand 100% pay raises.

Also, uniform manager appears to be busted. I thought it'd be suggesting outfits that are too slutty and some people avoid wearing it, but even a 0 slutty outfit causes it to crash and that was before I went in on the slutty serums.
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