
Mar 4, 2019
I get ya, it's that... Fuck my option, it doesn't matter. I expected better from Vren. It's a good game and all it's just that... Speak your mind, if it was that great you wouldn't have deleted the game after ten minutes of play time. Yo inner thoughts could you not? State the truth? Sure carry on. Thank you. I'm sorry he buds in sometimes. Now where was I?
See, now I just have to say something. I held back at first, but now I just have to let MY inner thoughts speak up.

For starters, there is a distinct difference between "fact" and "opinion", a distinction you have made clear that you cannot make. The simple fact that you would imply that the "truth" is that game sucks, not to mention having to call out contributing members of the community as "white knights" not only makes you look ignorant, but also immature; and as this is a "mature" community, my opinion (note that I know better than to call it "the truth" or "fact") is you should be barred from this community on those grounds.

Unfortunately, being over the legal age of consent does not make a person mature, and legally speaking, that's what matters.

So, allow me to respond to the primary concern you have expressed: the graphics. I think everyone here (even people that like the game) can agree that, yes, the graphics aren't anything state-of-the-art. Frankly, some of them are just down right awful. Long hair anyone? I hate it; it's first thing I change on everyone if they have it. I actually modded my game so Jennifer is customized the way I like from the very start of a new game. Saves me time when I'm play-testing so I don't have to keep changing her each time I start a new game.
But here's where you and I differ: I recognize WHY the graphics are of a lower resolution. For example, lets look at what goes into a procedurally-designed female character just...standing.

Skin tones : 3
Face types : 6
Emotions : 5

One single model position : 90(!) different rendered faces. Multiply this for every single position in the game, there are 1170 different faces rendered, at 12-19kb each.
If you add in the body to accompany the faces:

Skin tones : 3
Body types: 3
Body positions : 14
Cup size : 10

1260 Body renders

Together, this gives you a total of 540 unique combinations of face+body (not taking into account emotion or body position, hair style or hair color).

Clothing has to be rendered for each one of these positions as well, so that means for something like eyeshadow, there could be up to 390 renders of just eye shadow (its independent of skin tone since its layered on top of the face). Now this number is probably high since rendering the eyeshadow may not be required if the model is facing away for example. But for a larger clothing item, like a bra. Its render is dependent on body position (14) , body type (there are 3), cup size (10). So 30 different bras to be rendered per position, for a grand total of 420 for one single piece of clothing. An item like pants would only be depend on body position and body type, for a total of 42 different renders for a single leg item.

Long story short, this game currently has just under 22,500 different rendered images that are being pieced together to form a single coherent image. None of those are backgrounds, and all of them are used to assemble a head, body, hair, clothing, and makeup into a single "person". A person is a composite image of anywhere from 3 (if she's naked) to 16ish (+/- 1 or 2) renders layered together. That by itself is an impressive feat of coding to be accomplished in an engine like renpy. The sheer number of renders is far far more than most other games will ever have.

And you want to know the best part? It's all totally open source. If somebody with the know-how and means wanted to give the game a graphical overhaul, with higher resolution renders, they could. The game is already at over 700Mb of just renders, that number could easily double or triple with higher resolution renders.

Is it the best looking game out there? Hell no
Is it the worst looking game out there? Also no
Is it one of the most ambitious projects I've seen recently, from an engineering standpoint? Absolutely
And I have complete faith in Vren to see it through to the end.

To give readers a frame of reference, a more popular game like Milfy City weighs in at 5,984 images (most of them rendered at 1920x1080) but all of them are either full scenes, or the interactables over-layed on the scene. Additionally, it has 282 movies rendered. From an engineering standpoint, it's not impressive at all. Most renpy games aren't, when you look at how they run under the hood.

Summertime Saga is another good game (in my opinion). The last version I picked up looks to weigh in at 10,191 images (551Mb), which feel is impressive from an artistic viewpoint, considering they arent truly renders, but drawn images.

So, my response is this:
Thank you for your OPINION. It is not fact. It is not THE truth, though you could argue it is A truth, or Your truth. If you wish to make an active contribution to the game, then by all means. If the quality of the renders bothers you that much, then perhaps start there by creating your own high-res render mod. The community would welcome it. Personally, I doubt you have either the ability or the means to do this, but I wouldn't mind being wrong.
If you have anything constructive you wish to add, then by all means. If all you wish to contribute is childish banter and to behave as a troll, then please see yourself out.


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
I do think that the title of the game confuses many people. They are expecting a straight up sequel, i.e. more of the same. The reality is that this is a completely different game, even genre of game, that is based on some of the characters and principles of the first game. If Vren had called it "Lab Rats Empire" or something, (i.e. like how Command and Conquer had numbered sequels, but for spin-offs that adapted the type of game they used titles like C&C Generals or C&C Red Alert), indicating that it is not merely a typical sequel, I think that would have helped alleviate or prevent much of that confusion.

That said, it doesn't take much time of playing to spot that it is a different genre of game. It's been a while since I played the original Lab Rats but I certainly don't recall having to set my player stats at the beginning. So from the get-go you have to be aware it is not just more of the same. Once you realise that you hire people, that there are management screens, there are policies and upgrades, it is pretty clear even to the dullest of wits that this is not the same kind of game as the original.

Now, a player might not like that difference from what they might have expected because they chose to download the game based on the Title alone, because reading the descriptions, reviews, or discussions is for cowards. That's fine. Go ahead and delete it. Maybe you want to go a step further, and post in a discussion thread that the game was not what you'd expected. Also fine (though pretty redundant, since anyone that reads the thread will already know that, and those who don't won't see your warning, as you didn't see those of people before you).

What really requires a special level of window-licker though would be to somehow miss that it is a different game, of a different genre/style, and go to a discussion forum still comparing it to the original Lab Rats as if it were ever supposed to be the same kind of game.


Mar 4, 2019
I do think that the title of the game confuses many people. They are expecting a straight up sequel, i.e. more of the same. The reality is that this is a completely different game, even genre of game, that is based on some of the characters and principles of the first game. If Vren had called it "Lab Rats Empire" or something, (i.e. like how Command and Conquer had numbered sequels, but for spin-offs that adapted the type of game they used titles like C&C Generals or C&C Red Alert), indicating that it is not merely a typical sequel, I think that would have helped alleviate or prevent much of that confusion.

That said, it doesn't take much time of playing to spot that it is a different genre of game. It's been a while since I played the original Lab Rats but I certainly don't recall having to set my player stats at the beginning. So from the get-go you have to be aware it is not just more of the same. Once you realise that you hire people, that there are management screens, there are policies and upgrades, it is pretty clear even to the dullest of wits that this is not the same kind of game as the original.

Now, a player might not like that difference from what they might have expected because they chose to download the game based on the Title alone, because reading the descriptions, reviews, or discussions is for cowards. That's fine. Go ahead and delete it. Maybe you want to go a step further, and post in a discussion thread that the game was not what you'd expected. Also fine (though pretty redundant, since anyone that reads the thread will already know that, and those who don't won't see your warning, as you didn't see those of people before you).

What really requires a special level of window-licker though would be to somehow miss that it is a different game, of a different genre/style, and go to a discussion forum still comparing it to the original Lab Rats as if it were ever supposed to be the same kind of game.
It's also a completely different art/render style. The first LR was obviously using model renders from Honey Select, like many games did and still do. Personally I've never been a fan of the Illusion/HS renders, but I can't argue that Illusion is one of the few big name software developers in the world that make an *adult-oriented* 3D poser, and it's more user friendly, for all the people that don't know how do 3d modeling and rigging. A lot of the work is already done for you.
LR2 is using a shared model pack in either blender or daz3d, both of which are pretty commonly used in indie games. You'll see the same models and hairstyles in many renpy games because they're using the same model and hairstyle pack that I can only assume is made freely available to the public.

I'm not 100% sure which engine is being used for LR2 (daz3d/blender/something else) as I cant find the exact model pack myself, but im sure someone else knows since its so commonly used.

Edit: So latest update from Vren straight up says the clothing is rendered in Daz, so that answers that question. Not that im surprised. Daz, in my opinion, has a much more professional and refined result, and there are way more assets available for Daz than blender.
I remember when blender first hit the internet. It was basically a free poor-mans version of Maya/3D Studio Max. Because lets face it, your average 3d modeling hobbyist couldnt afford a $3k+ maya license. And this was 20 years ago, mind you.


Aug 8, 2017
Been looking for this feature myself and seen others ask for it.
Made a mod that adds two actions to the game; one in your bedroom and one in the clothing store.
These allow you to import wardrobes from .xml files in the /game/wardrobes directory and give them to the player character or the selected character.

Bedroom is for main character, clothing store is for any other character in the world (the list is long and doesn't display properly, but please don't blame me for that Q_q).

Simply use the action via the "Do something..." menu and input the name of a wardrobe file e.g Lily Wardrobe then hit enter. After that it will be available in your outfit manager for editing and to give out to people in the world and employees.

How to install:

1) You need the mod core provided by ParadigmShift.
2) Drop the .rpy file(s) into the /game/ directory.
3) Start the game, should work with current saves, if not start a new game.
4) Wait for the mod core crisis event to start if you don't have it from before( skip time until it triggers, might take a couple of turns ).
5) Go to your bedroom and use the computer via the "Do something..." menu then -> PC -> Mod Initialization.

6) Mod is installed, check the "Do something menu..." in the bedroom for the "Import from XML" action and in the clothes store.

It should not throw any errors, but if it does let me know.
Hopefully this mod will only serve as a placeholder until Vren includes something better in the base game.

Edit: Added a wardrobe file you can put into /game/wardrobes to test with.
Edit: Updated so that it only uses one function, changed the list to display characters currently present in the world (somewhere) and added support to give uniforms to divisions in bulk.


Nov 12, 2018
This package contains all Lab Rats v0.15.1 MODS available at the Discord Channel with bug fixes where needed.

I've also added an extra serum to increase obedience per turn, added phone messages from sister, and enhanced the training events so there is a 66 percent chance to increase the love for the work trained, and the Tutorial event can trigger in any of the following locations mall, gym, clothing store, downtown, sex shop, hardware store instead of only in the mall, the lunch event will now pick a random person in the game, added mod events to Trollden CheatMod. Also added the shower location and enhanced the shower event story flow to be more natural.

Mods included: Trollden 3.4, Starbucks, P13, ParadigmShift

Just unpack the rpy files in your 'game' folder and have fun.

NOTE: Only use on version mentioned, otherwise you might break the game.


New Member
Oct 12, 2017
90(!) different rendered faces
1170 different faces rendered
1260 Body renders
540 unique combinations
22,500 different rendered images that are being pieced together
which is a fancy way of saying renpy kinda sucks for graphical applications. those numbers are, or should be, meaninglessly small for basic desktop cards; 22500 different rendered low-res images is what you'd see spinning your camera in any full-motion game for six minutes (at 60fps).

renpy does ease-of-entry storytelling, and that's fine, but at a certain point (e.g., LR3) the question becomes, "does this engine support the kind of game i want to make?"


Mar 4, 2019
which is a fancy way of saying renpy kinda sucks for graphical applications. those numbers are, or should be, meaninglessly small for basic desktop cards; 22500 different rendered low-res images is what you'd see spinning your camera in any full-motion game for six minutes (at 60fps).

renpy does ease-of-entry storytelling, and that's fine, but at a certain point (e.g., LR3) the question becomes, "does this engine support the kind of game i want to make?"
I're not wrong. This is why I don't do graphic design. Personally I prefer Unreal, and blueprinting does greatly help in designing in Unreal, but as you said, renpy is perfect for entry level stuff.
However I won't fault Vren for sticking to what he knows. My whole point is, Vren has really taken renpy game design to a pretty high level. If he (or anyone) decided to make a game similar to LR2 in Unreal or Unity, I'd be all over that game. But I still have to respect the work Vren has done *in spite* of the medium he chose.

Just because Van Gogh or Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) were masters of watercolors, does that make them less of a painter just because it was watercolors?

This package contains all Lab Rats v0.15.1 MODS available at the Discord Channel with bug fixes where needed.

I've also added an extra serum to increase obedience per turn, added phone messages from sister, and enhanced the training events so there is a 66 percent chance to increase the love for the work trained, and the Tutorial event can trigger in any of the following locations mall, gym, clothing store, downtown, sex shop, hardware store instead of only in the mall.

Mods included: Trollden 3.4, Starbucks, P13, ParadigmShift

Just unpack the rpy files in your 'game' folder and have fun.

NOTE: Only use on version mentioned, otherwise you might break the game.
Yay another modder! Im curious, do you have a list of what bugs you fixed? If you found bugs in any of the custom mods we have created, we'd all really appreciate it if you'd let us know so we can fix them for future releases.

Also, if you'd like, we can work with you on the discord to isolate your mods into standalone mod files that will be more compatible with future versions of LR2. This is the reason why we try to avoid modding core game files released by Vren, because if we mod a file, like crisis.rpy for an example, to create a new event, and then Vren releases a new game version that also alters the same file, we have to go through the trouble of merging our modifications into his new file version and releasing a new modded version, as opposed to just dropping a standalone rpy file into the directory that has a high chance of already being compatible (barring major function changes by Vren). Like my mod_core: unless Vren makes major changes to how rooms are designed, or his crisis event system, my mod_core will always be compatible with every future version of LR2 without me having to alter it in any way.

The same thing applies to the work of other modders. If you modify Starbucks mod, any changes you make wont be included in future releases from Starbuck, so you'll have to keep releasing a new version of your modifications every time Starbuck does.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
I've tried looking at the script file, and I'm clueless. I want to change the start sluttiness of everyone.(I enjoy making lusty worlds/porn worlds, just for the imagry).


Aug 8, 2017
I've tried looking at the script file, and I'm clueless. I want to change the start sluttiness of everyone.(I enjoy making lusty worlds/porn worlds, just for the imagry).
You would have to look into the "create_random_person" definition and change this:

if start_sluttiness is None:
            start_sluttiness = renpy.random.randint(0,10)
To be what you want. Either a set value such as start_sluttiness = 100 or change the randomness draw from 0,10 to be at least 50 and up to 100 (50,100)

This will not affect unique characters such as the sister and mother, but for that you change the same values in the random_lists.rpy.
Search that for start_sluttiness and change the values to what you want.
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Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018
See, now I just have to say something. I held back at first, but now I just have to let MY inner thoughts speak up.

For starters, there is a distinct difference between "fact" and "opinion", a distinction you have made clear that you cannot make. The simple fact that you would imply that the "truth" is that game sucks, not to mention having to call out contributing members of the community as "white knights" not only makes you look ignorant, but also immature; and as this is a "mature" community, my opinion (note that I know better than to call it "the truth" or "fact") is you should be barred from this community on those grounds.

Unfortunately, being over the legal age of consent does not make a person mature, and legally speaking, that's what matters.

So, allow me to respond to the primary concern you have expressed: the graphics. I think everyone here (even people that like the game) can agree that, yes, the graphics aren't anything state-of-the-art. Frankly, some of them are just down right awful. Long hair anyone? I hate it; it's first thing I change on everyone if they have it. I actually modded my game so Jennifer is customized the way I like from the very start of a new game. Saves me time when I'm play-testing so I don't have to keep changing her each time I start a new game.
But here's where you and I differ: I recognize WHY the graphics are of a lower resolution. For example, lets look at what goes into a procedurally-designed female character just...standing.

Skin tones : 3
Face types : 6
Emotions : 5

One single model position : 90(!) different rendered faces. Multiply this for every single position in the game, there are 1170 different faces rendered, at 12-19kb each.
If you add in the body to accompany the faces:

Skin tones : 3
Body types: 3
Body positions : 14
Cup size : 10

1260 Body renders

Together, this gives you a total of 540 unique combinations of face+body (not taking into account emotion or body position, hair style or hair color).

Clothing has to be rendered for each one of these positions as well, so that means for something like eyeshadow, there could be up to 390 renders of just eye shadow (its independent of skin tone since its layered on top of the face). Now this number is probably high since rendering the eyeshadow may not be required if the model is facing away for example. But for a larger clothing item, like a bra. Its render is dependent on body position (14) , body type (there are 3), cup size (10). So 30 different bras to be rendered per position, for a grand total of 420 for one single piece of clothing. An item like pants would only be depend on body position and body type, for a total of 42 different renders for a single leg item.

Long story short, this game currently has just under 22,500 different rendered images that are being pieced together to form a single coherent image. None of those are backgrounds, and all of them are used to assemble a head, body, hair, clothing, and makeup into a single "person". A person is a composite image of anywhere from 3 (if she's naked) to 16ish (+/- 1 or 2) renders layered together. That by itself is an impressive feat of coding to be accomplished in an engine like renpy. The sheer number of renders is far far more than most other games will ever have.

And you want to know the best part? It's all totally open source. If somebody with the know-how and means wanted to give the game a graphical overhaul, with higher resolution renders, they could. The game is already at over 700Mb of just renders, that number could easily double or triple with higher resolution renders.

Is it the best looking game out there? Hell no
Is it the worst looking game out there? Also no
Is it one of the most ambitious projects I've seen recently, from an engineering standpoint? Absolutely
And I have complete faith in Vren to see it through to the end.

To give readers a frame of reference, a more popular game like Milfy City weighs in at 5,984 images (most of them rendered at 1920x1080) but all of them are either full scenes, or the interactables over-layed on the scene. Additionally, it has 282 movies rendered. From an engineering standpoint, it's not impressive at all. Most renpy games aren't, when you look at how they run under the hood.

Summertime Saga is another good game (in my opinion). The last version I picked up looks to weigh in at 10,191 images (551Mb), which feel is impressive from an artistic viewpoint, considering they arent truly renders, but drawn images.

So, my response is this:
Thank you for your OPINION. It is not fact. It is not THE truth, though you could argue it is A truth, or Your truth. If you wish to make an active contribution to the game, then by all means. If the quality of the renders bothers you that much, then perhaps start there by creating your own high-res render mod. The community would welcome it. Personally, I doubt you have either the ability or the means to do this, but I wouldn't mind being wrong.
If you have anything constructive you wish to add, then by all means. If all you wish to contribute is childish banter and to behave as a troll, then please see yourself out.
*chuckles* whatever chief. I was stating my option of the art not graphics. I still like you even though you can't take a joke. Do I have something constructive to say? Yes please make the Lab Rat characters look as they did. My bad that's not constructive.

Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018
See, now I just have to say something. I held back at first, but now I just have to let MY inner thoughts speak up.

For starters, there is a distinct difference between "fact" and "opinion", a distinction you have made clear that you cannot make. The simple fact that you would imply that the "truth" is that game sucks, not to mention having to call out contributing members of the community as "white knights" not only makes you look ignorant, but also immature; and as this is a "mature" community, my opinion (note that I know better than to call it "the truth" or "fact") is you should be barred from this community on those grounds.

Unfortunately, being over the legal age of consent does not make a person mature, and legally speaking, that's what matters.

So, allow me to respond to the primary concern you have expressed: the graphics. I think everyone here (even people that like the game) can agree that, yes, the graphics aren't anything state-of-the-art. Frankly, some of them are just down right awful. Long hair anyone? I hate it; it's first thing I change on everyone if they have it. I actually modded my game so Jennifer is customized the way I like from the very start of a new game. Saves me time when I'm play-testing so I don't have to keep changing her each time I start a new game.
But here's where you and I differ: I recognize WHY the graphics are of a lower resolution. For example, lets look at what goes into a procedurally-designed female character just...standing.

Skin tones : 3
Face types : 6
Emotions : 5

One single model position : 90(!) different rendered faces. Multiply this for every single position in the game, there are 1170 different faces rendered, at 12-19kb each.
If you add in the body to accompany the faces:

Skin tones : 3
Body types: 3
Body positions : 14
Cup size : 10

1260 Body renders

Together, this gives you a total of 540 unique combinations of face+body (not taking into account emotion or body position, hair style or hair color).

Clothing has to be rendered for each one of these positions as well, so that means for something like eyeshadow, there could be up to 390 renders of just eye shadow (its independent of skin tone since its layered on top of the face). Now this number is probably high since rendering the eyeshadow may not be required if the model is facing away for example. But for a larger clothing item, like a bra. Its render is dependent on body position (14) , body type (there are 3), cup size (10). So 30 different bras to be rendered per position, for a grand total of 420 for one single piece of clothing. An item like pants would only be depend on body position and body type, for a total of 42 different renders for a single leg item.

Long story short, this game currently has just under 22,500 different rendered images that are being pieced together to form a single coherent image. None of those are backgrounds, and all of them are used to assemble a head, body, hair, clothing, and makeup into a single "person". A person is a composite image of anywhere from 3 (if she's naked) to 16ish (+/- 1 or 2) renders layered together. That by itself is an impressive feat of coding to be accomplished in an engine like renpy. The sheer number of renders is far far more than most other games will ever have.

And you want to know the best part? It's all totally open source. If somebody with the know-how and means wanted to give the game a graphical overhaul, with higher resolution renders, they could. The game is already at over 700Mb of just renders, that number could easily double or triple with higher resolution renders.

Is it the best looking game out there? Hell no
Is it the worst looking game out there? Also no
Is it one of the most ambitious projects I've seen recently, from an engineering standpoint? Absolutely
And I have complete faith in Vren to see it through to the end.

To give readers a frame of reference, a more popular game like Milfy City weighs in at 5,984 images (most of them rendered at 1920x1080) but all of them are either full scenes, or the interactables over-layed on the scene. Additionally, it has 282 movies rendered. From an engineering standpoint, it's not impressive at all. Most renpy games aren't, when you look at how they run under the hood.

Summertime Saga is another good game (in my opinion). The last version I picked up looks to weigh in at 10,191 images (551Mb), which feel is impressive from an artistic viewpoint, considering they arent truly renders, but drawn images.

So, my response is this:
Thank you for your OPINION. It is not fact. It is not THE truth, though you could argue it is A truth, or Your truth. If you wish to make an active contribution to the game, then by all means. If the quality of the renders bothers you that much, then perhaps start there by creating your own high-res render mod. The community would welcome it. Personally, I doubt you have either the ability or the means to do this, but I wouldn't mind being wrong.
If you have anything constructive you wish to add, then by all means. If all you wish to contribute is childish banter and to behave as a troll, then please see yourself out.
So, I've read your block of text only to find that you think I was stating a fact. Could you not take my words and run with them? But if you do believe I was giving my opinion i'd like to thank you for you're bold slander. Was I a too harsh? Yes, yes I was. Did Vren deserve it? Not at all. I was just stating my disappointment in the second coming of this...I'll stop not as I have nothing else to say. You're welcome.

Alex Mars

Mar 3, 2019
Since you have the previous version of the salon mod, please delete that.
Using a different folder structure and an updated Mod Core.
I did a fresh install, added SB's mod and this one from you. The PC in the bedroom is working and the elevators work (mall, downtown, lobby, home) However, the only action available after using the elevator is Return. If I understand correctly, the mall should have a hair salon and the lobby some other (unused as of yet) rooms?

I used your folder structure, the only modded files in ../game/ are SB*.rpy

Btw., I really like your idea with the additional folders. Keeps the main directory clean.

Cheers, Alex

Alex Mars

Mar 3, 2019
This package contains all Lab Rats v0.15.1 MODS available at the Discord Channel with bug fixes where needed.
I appreciate your work, Tristim. But to be honest, your archive is a mess :confused: It also mixes v15.0 and v15.1 mods and is missing some (old) bugfixes like this one.

Script.rpy itself could also use some fixing:
Line 7793: call fuck_person(the_person, private) from _call_fuck_person_1
Line 7901: call fuck_person(the_person, private) from _call_fuck_person_2
To fix the annoying spike in sluttiness after a position change.

Personalities.rpy: Search/replace convservative with conservative.

Ok, I'm nitpicking here, but you call your archive "All_MODS_with_bugfixes".

A small readme, plain ascii with a short description of what was changed/fixed, goes a long way. ;)

Cheers, Alex


Aug 8, 2017
I did a fresh install, added SB's mod and this one from you. The PC in the bedroom is working and the elevators work (mall, downtown, lobby, home) However, the only action available after using the elevator is Return. If I understand correctly, the mall should have a hair salon and the lobby some other (unused as of yet) rooms?

I used your folder structure, the only modded files in ../game/ are SB*.rpy

Btw., I really like your idea with the additional folders. Keeps the main directory clean.

Cheers, Alex
Unforeseen consequences of how it set up is causing some weird behavior.
I have one save where it will not behave at all, but on any fresh save it displays and works properly.
There is seemingly nothing wrong with the code itself e.g if you are in the mall it should set elevator_entrance_mall to be true. This happens consistently in new saves, but not in this ONE save I have where it doesn't.
I can open up the console and put the switch myself from False to True and the Salon displays properly.

I have tried restarting the mods by setting the requirements back to False, but still it does not behave as it is supposed.
Also noticed how when going from the save where it doesn't work and into a different save where it does work the locations become duplicated somehow, which is weird as the appending of the rooms should only happen once during mod init.

I found one possible mistake in the salon.rpy where I had created the room during init 2 whereas -1 makes more sense, this should prevent errors that I haven't encountered yet, but it did not fix the "broken" save.

I'll be taking a double check through all the code, but right now I'd like to ask you to start a new game and see if it works then. Would be good info.
( If it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't I suspect it is due to the dependancy e.g room manager being booted up after the hair salon is booted, but that doesn't really make sense either since the mall itself should show up in the mall elevator, which it doesn't ).

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be looking deeper into it right now.


Nov 12, 2018
I appreciate your work, Tristim. But to be honest, your archive is a mess :confused: It also mixes v15.0 and v15.1 mods and is missing some (old) bugfixes like this one.

Script.rpy itself could also use some fixing:
Line 7793: call fuck_person(the_person, private) from _call_fuck_person_1
Line 7901: call fuck_person(the_person, private) from _call_fuck_person_2
To fix the annoying spike in sluttiness after a position change.

Personalities.rpy: Search/replace convservative with conservative.

Ok, I'm nitpicking here, but you call your archive "All_MODS_with_bugfixes".

A small readme, plain ascii with a short description of what was changed/fixed, goes a long way. ;)

Cheers, Alex
Are you sure you unpacked it correctly? The convservative and call labels have been fixed. Just to make sure i've reuploaded the complete package to this thread and the dicord channel.
The biggest changes have been mentioned there too, and all the issues I found during my playthrough's, it doesn't state I fixed them all...just a reasonable amount..and it has the startup speedup fix....


Mar 4, 2019
..and it has the startup speedup fix....
Actually, I can confirm it doesnt. The startup speed fix is a single line of code buried deep inside renpy at init -1900. Its not part of the game directory, and its not present anywhere in your mod compilation. It's a renpy engine ...feature...not a problem with LR2 specifically. Renpy tries to archive every image to easily callable image handles, so caches all 22500 images, and reduces (for an example) example_backround.png to object "example_backround" dropping the extension. Its something that can only be fixed with a renpy patch, not a game patch, since it needs to init before renpy touches the game directory.
The exact file is located at renpy\common\00images.rpy, which is not present in your compilation.

Some games take advantage of this particular feature in their coding. LR2 does not however, so turning this feature off greatly speeds up (90%+ improvement!) launch time since the engine doesnt have to cache 22500 images. Most renpy games never approach this number of images, like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, so their launch times, while increased, arent affected as extremely as LR2 is.

Not to discredit you or anything, just saying Alex is correct that it's missing. Its not a big deal though tbh, the start up speed fix was a temporary measure to patch something in v15.0 that Vren has already fixed in V16 which releases in a little over a week. Its his fix anyways. He found the problem, he announced it on his Patreon, right down to the exact file and code string, such that anyone could fix it. He just didnt release a patch at the time, opting to fix it with his next version release. I made the necessary fix and released the fixed file on the discord almost immediately after reading Vren's post. Anyone could have done it.


Nov 12, 2018
Actually, I can confirm it doesnt. The startup speed fix is a single line of code buried deep inside renpy at init -1900. Its not part of the game directory, and its not present anywhere in your mod compilation. It's a renpy engine ...feature...not a problem with LR2 specifically. Renpy tries to archive every image to easily callable image handles, so caches all 22500 images, and reduces (for an example) example_backround.png to object "example_backround" dropping the extension. Its something that can only be fixed with a renpy patch, not a game patch, since it needs to init before renpy touches the game directory.
The exact file is located at renpy\common\00images.rpy, which is not present in your compilation.

Some games take advantage of this particular feature in their coding. LR2 does not however, so turning this feature off greatly speeds up (90%+ improvement!) launch time since the engine doesnt have to cache 22500 images. Most renpy games never approach this number of images, like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, so their launch times, while increased, arent affected as extremely as LR2 is.

Not to discredit you or anything, just saying Alex is correct that it's missing. Its not a big deal though tbh, the start up speed fix was a temporary measure to patch something in v15.0 that Vren has already fixed in V16 which releases in a little over a week. Its his fix anyways. He found the problem, he announced it on his Patreon, right down to the exact file and code string, such that anyone could fix it. He just didnt release a patch at the time, opting to fix it with his next version release. I made the necessary fix and released the fixed file on the discord almost immediately after reading Vren's post. Anyone could have done it.
Actually it is, look in the developer.rpy file :) since I didn't want to include files from so many different locations...and since it start within 5 seconds..I would say it works....
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Alex Mars

Mar 3, 2019
Actually it is, look in the developer.rpy file :) since I didn't want to include files from so many different locations...and since it start within 5 seconds..I would say it works....
My bad, I didn't look in every file. It is included! You sure have your own creative way putting some fixes in :)

I usually look after the folder structure and try to avoid cluttering the main directory. Helps me to keep track of things easier. It's probably a matter of habit. Still, put a readme in the archive, pretty please.

Cheers, Alex
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Alex Mars

Mar 3, 2019
I'll be taking a double check through all the code, but right now I'd like to ask you to start a new game and see if it works then. Would be good info.
New game fixed it. All good. What I did differently this time: In the "faulty" save I initialized the mods once and never bothered with the hair salon or the elevators for a few weeks. In the new save I went straight to the mall after init. Not sure if that helps, maybe it is a problem with the correct sequence.

Anyway, I am glad to have an in-game way to change the fugly black long hair.

Cheers, Alex
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