4.80 star(s) 36 Votes


Aug 18, 2020
He's writing in regexp, confirmed
Which is a way of doing Javascript to check or is it it's own coding language? As I haven't heard of that even when I was taught Javascript for a year before noping out nor was a search on the internet that too useful except pointing to Javascript.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2020
Which is a way of doing Javascript to check or is it it's own coding language? As I haven't heard of that even when I was taught Javascript for a year before noping out nor was a search on the internet that too useful except pointing to Javascript.
That was a joke.
Regexp is regular expression language to check input for matching patterns, it's not programming language by itself and you can sue regexp in basically every programming language (and even shell scripts). It's so powerful tool once you learn it you will use it (if not daily) at least once a week.

The point of joke is that, similiar with perl scripts, if you write long regexp expression the very moment you avert your eyes from it you instantly forget what the hell it supposed to do (and at this point it's easier to rewrite from scratch than analyze and fix it).
For example basic bitch regexp for email parsing would be
yet when you get deeper into RFC 5322 specification we get
@ (?:(?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+
 |  "(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]
      |  \\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")
@ (?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?
  |  \[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}
          |  \\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)
Every - and I can't stress this enough - every character and it's placement in all of these snippets is very important and when missing everything becomes unusable.
Now try imagining writting this lovecraftian eldritch abomination but you have to stop halfway just because boss called you or something. You are royally fucked at this point.
That's was the point of this joke. Spaghetti code brings misery to everyone having to edit it at some point; regexp/perl are pinnacle of this issue with regexp being basically undebuggable when something goes wrong.

Is this what asimofu is going through? If so then it won't be as tragic as regexp refactoring issue. Basing my opinion on years of experience with chink coders and their culture of glorified throwing copy-paste code into project and seeing what will stick - asimofu is rather competent, programming wise. Even if he makes some spaghetti code here and there it would be always fixable, maximum of few days of refactoring and it's good to go (for some time, at least). That's why I think the most glaring issue with this project is him focusing on minute details of no importance for days and taking long procrastination breaks in-between resulting in [Abandoned] tags topped with nothingburger version bumps.

Kawaii Dragon

Oct 28, 2018
strange he help or made but did not focus on this project kind of sad really thought this project would have been awesome


Mar 2, 2019
Alright, took me a bunch of time, a bunch of testing, and I had to learn a ton of stuff in a very short amount of time, but I managed to essentially make a "Gallery" mod (Could also be considered god mode.). I disabled stamina drain completely, and health does not drain no matter what. When enemies finish their "Last" animation, they will look like they're stuck. However, skipping once fixes it and puts you right back into the game without having to experience the annoying game over screen. It's far from perfect, but since the game seems to be pretty much abandoned, it's definitely better than nothing.

Note: This mod works with the uncensor.

Unzip into [GameName]_Data/Managed/

F2 to toggle enemy nude on (H scene Only)
F3 to toggle enemy nude off (H scene Only)
F4 to toggle nude on aka 40% health (H scene Only)
F5 to toggle nude off aka 100% health (H scene Only)
F6 to enable enemy heat and max out enemy lust
F7 to disable enemy heat and 0 out their lust (It may appear like they're still in heat, but they're not, it's just a visual bug.)

Current Version: v0.0.8 (Keeping this in case the game does get updated eventually.)
Mod Version: v0.0.3
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Last edited:
Oct 2, 2018
Alright, took me a bunch of time, a bunch of testing, and I had to learn a ton of stuff in a very short amount of time, but I managed to essentially make a "Gallery" mod (Could also be considered god mode.). I disabled stamina drain completely, and health does not drain no matter what. When enemies finish their "Last" animation, they will look like they're stuck. However, skipping once fixes it and puts you right back into the game without having to experience the annoying game over screen. It's far from perfect, but since the game seems to be pretty much abandoned, it's definitely better than nothing.

Note: This mod works with the uncensor.

Unzip into [GameName]_Data/Managed/

Current Version: v0.0.8 (Keeping this in case the game does get updated eventually.)
if it's not too much of work, can you make the hp bar don't drop below 40% instead of god mode ?
there's undressing animation below 50% hp that iirc


Mar 2, 2019
if it's not too much of work, can you make the hp bar don't drop below 40% instead of god mode ?
there's undressing animation below 50% hp that iirc
Hello! I updated the original file to include 2 new keybinds. F4 will now decrease your health to 40%, while F5 will increase your health back to 100%. This way you can alternate between undressed and dressed modes as much as you want!


Aug 18, 2020
Alright, took me a bunch of time, a bunch of testing, and I had to learn a ton of stuff in a very short amount of time, but I managed to essentially make a "Gallery" mod (Could also be considered god mode.). I disabled stamina drain completely, and health does not drain no matter what. When enemies finish their "Last" animation, they will look like they're stuck. However, skipping once fixes it and puts you right back into the game without having to experience the annoying game over screen. It's far from perfect, but since the game seems to be pretty much abandoned, it's definitely better than nothing.

Note: This mod works with the uncensor.

Unzip into [GameName]_Data/Managed/

Press F4 to decrease your health to 40%
Press F5 to increase your health back to 100%

Current Version: v0.0.8 (Keeping this in case the game does get updated eventually.)
I suggest everyone who thinks that they might want this download the 0.08 version of the game ASAP and this before the dev does a secret update or patch, as they have an known history with following this thread and disliking stuff members do which improve or change the game usually for the better.


Mar 2, 2019
I suggest everyone who thinks that they might want this download the 0.08 version of the game ASAP and this before the dev does a secret update or patch, as they have an known history with following this thread and disliking stuff members do which improve or change the game usually for the better.
In the case that it does happen, I'm going to just upload the older version of the game. The dev doesn't update the game much, and when he does, the updates are mostly technical updates from what I understand. Because of that, I think this version of the game is going to be fine for a long time. I'm definitely going to try and update the mod again in the case that he does patch it though.
Oct 2, 2018
Hello! I updated the original file to include 2 new keybinds. F4 will now decrease your health to 40%, while F5 will increase your health back to 100%. This way you can alternate between undressed and dressed modes as much as you want!
great work! thanks. If you're planning on making other modification i had several suggestion :
1. Keybind to make yourself invisible to other monster because i sometime want to see their idle, sleeping, and wandering animation without interruption
2. Over the shoulder camera/ first person view
3. ability to spawn monster girls or disable spawning and set their animation state(idle,wandering,sleeping)

just a suggestion though, no pressure at all. feel free to do whatever you want


Mar 2, 2019
great work! thanks. If you're planning on making other modification i had several suggestion :
1. Keybind to make yourself invisible to other monster because i sometime want to see their idle, sleeping, and wandering animation without interruption
2. Over the shoulder camera/ first person view
3. ability to spawn monster girls or disable spawning and set their animation state(idle,wandering,sleeping)

just a suggestion though, no pressure at all. feel free to do whatever you want
Thanks for the suggestions! The invisible thing is most likely possible, based on what I remember from editing the enemy scripts. As for first person, I don't think thats possible sadly. Lastly, the ability to spawn monster girls is something I have thought about, but I'm still not sure if it's possible to implement or how to implement it yet. In general though, I was working on 2 new keybinds for toggling clothes off and on monster girls. It works, but sadly it gets disabled the moment the H scene finishes. I wanna at least look into what I can do to fix that before uploading the new version of the mod. I will also try to make the F4 and F5 keybinds apply mid scene, so you don't have to exit and re enter the H scene for it to apply.
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  • Like
Reactions: Average Coomer


Jun 1, 2019
strange he help or made but did not focus on this project kind of sad really thought this project would have been awesome
That game came out years ago though why would that have anything to do with this?

Edit: I get what you meant now I'm dumb sorry
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  • Angry
Reactions: Rat-attack


New Member
Feb 27, 2020
That's apparently habitual. I believe he'll update again, it's just going to be a long time until that happens.

Some games just dev slow as fuck.
Yeah, yeah, you don't like people using their money how they like, we get it. Weren't you going to fuck off from this thread?

The dev updates slowly. Too bad. Sitting here whining about how he's apparently making too much money from someone who probably wouldn't recognize the difference between Unity and Unreal isn't going to make him update faster, it's just going to shit up the thread with hot takes and bullying. I really don't give a fuck how long he takes to update, or if he adds 4.34GB of content with each update or not - at this point I might hand the dev money entirely out of spite for the world-blind cynics parroting "it cannot be done".
what game is that in your signature


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017

what game is that in your signature
...Tales of Unity, a game by Stronkboi which I had a (small) hand in the genesis of (specifically, my avatar and one of the main characters is almost entirely my creation, handed over to Stronk for the game). And Lessons in Love, which is just a nice horror-smut Slice of Life game
4.80 star(s) 36 Votes