So, I've just finished 1.8, and while I somewhat liked the overall product, I've got to say that some things really bothered me.
Namely : The name of the game is CHEATING, CHEATING and some more CHEATING.
- The fact that we are forced in a relationship with Chloe, who in my opinion is the most boring girl out of all those available.
- To add to this, I've learned after finishing the current version that Eve is simply a side-character with no actual meaning that supposedly won't even have her ending. Which I found pretty disappointing since to me she was the one I liked the most, as I always choose whatever option Eve was compared to any other ones.
- Rose is another problem, because whether you like it or not, you basically get cucked with her, doesn't matter if you've fucked her in a threesome before or no, you get cucked with Jason if you wanted a serious relationship with her, like what the fuck.
- Abigail is another thing, because she too is in a relationship, meaning you are cheating, and she is cheating, if you want a serious relationship with her, you know what you gotta do ...
There are probably some other things but I didn't want to write a huge wall of text, as these points are the biggest.
So yeah, either you accept that you are in a forced relationship with Chloe, and basically skip 80% of the game and dodge all girls to get to the boring ass happy ending, or you cheat, cheat, cheat and cheat some more. I honestly don't see any happy ending. I see the "Cheating" tag in the Genres section, but I seriously think we should write the word "Cheating" at least 2 or 3 more times in there to make it crystal clear. If you don't want to cheat and don't want to get cuckolded, you basically have close to zero options, and are forced to stay with boring ass Chloe. If cheating is your thing, then rejoice, you can be in a billion relationships at the same time, cheating each and every one of the girls off and even get cucked by the other male character in the game.
While the character models and some of the personnalities are exceptional, the story in this is extremely weak because of the previous paragraph I wrote. You can basically copy-paste all of what I wrote as a review for this. I'm looking for more, but because of the extreme focus on cheating, I'm not really enthousiastic about it.