yes but you have to unlock it by defeating every single enemy to fill it up.Is there a gallery option in this game ?
I'm having the exact same issueIf you mean getting past the elves who always send you back, you can just move in between them and go to the demon area.
Problem is getting further, found 2 notes and a talisman or necklace or something, but no idea where to go now after exploring all the houses.
Also a weird glitch now that when I get defeated, I get sent back to the beehive everytime,.
It actually unlocks (assuming this version follows previous version) faster if you open your menu and click easy mode, gallery is immediately fully unlocked from that point onward.yes but you have to unlock it by defeating every single enemy to fill it up.
Only better PC. The author is pretty bad at optimizationThe game gets pretty laggy. Does anyone know a fix to that?
No specific fix (yet) but in general, profile to see where the code spends its time. I think this might work:The game gets pretty laggy. Does anyone know a fix to that?
go to items /key items and turn off from therehow can i make laven disapear from my left side of the game i missed somethin on the caves thx to that -.-'
there are two key items needed to pass. One is by that strange purple forest to the west, interact with the glowing thing in the center. The second item is at the far end of the tentacle breeding grounds. Go east until you see some stairs going south. At the bottom of the stairs go west to the very end and interact with the shiny thing.go to items /key items and turn off from there
does anyone know how to advance from tentacle cave to the next place?
1. Delete the save folder.if you use Russian, the game does not start without deleting saves
i still cant find them, could you maybe attach screenshots?there are two key items needed to pass. One is by that strange purple forest to the west, interact with the glowing thing in the center. The second item is at the far end of the tentacle breeding grounds. Go east until you see some stairs going south. At the bottom of the stairs go west to the very end and interact with the shiny thing.
Once both of them are obtained (they don't show up in inventory btw), go to the central room, go into the north cave where the lamia spawn then turn east.