
Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
While I'm relieved to know that Cece still going through her treatment, it is still difficult for me to do another PT for other LI. It even take months for me to recover after my first PT in AL. I know this sounds ridiculous. I guess I'm too over projecting myself as the MC.
I can't imagine the emotion involved for drifty or anyone that have someone close to them commits suicide.

By the way, is there a name for the condition that Cece having? Is it emotional dysregulation or something else?
Drifty specifies in the commentary that he doesn't name it on purpose, but apparently the description she gives in Chapter 6 before the guitar is basically paraphrasing something "C" told him ... so while it's never given a name, it's based on whatever his daughter had.

Also, you're not even CLOSE to being alone in your feelings about playing multiple paths.


New Member
Apr 25, 2024
Yeah... Cece got me hooked from the first time she appeared on scene. And her following scenes, showing her caring, goofy, fragile sides, just reinforce my decision to choose her when asked by Chris.

Some interesting posts I read back to page 300, some state that if this is IRL, they would choose other LI over Cece, because choosing someone depressed or suicidal would only hurt yourself. While this is logically sound, IRL, you won't even know someone is suicidal or depressed or have a condition like Cece in advance.
Even if I was made aware of this condition in advance, it would only strengthen my resolve to be with said person. At least I can try to make them happy or less depressed or share their burden.
If I meet someone IRL like Cece (complete with her personality included with foreknowledge of her condition), I would do everything I can to support her all the time. Yes, I would be devastated when she, inevitably, commits ***, not to mention the possibility (only possibility) I would be following her soon, but I know that I have given my best to support her.
Sorry being rather dark. Please tell me if this needs to be deleted.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
While I'm relieved to know that Cece still going through her treatment, it is still difficult for me to do another PT for other LI. It even take months for me to recover after my first PT in AL. I know this sounds ridiculous. I guess I'm too over projecting myself as the MC.
I can't imagine the emotion involved for drifty or anyone that have someone close to them commits suicide.

By the way, is there a name for the condition that Cece having? Is it emotional dysregulation or something else?
Hi, this is why I avoided going Cece's way first, but did it last. I don't think it's fair to feel ridiculous because this story is heavily loaded with emotions, sad and happy. I'm not a particularly emotionally sensitive guy, and I'm not ashamed to say it, I cried like a child.
Drifty gave us a story, a slice of his life that he was able to transcend, ultimately leaving us a positive message, and that's not only courageous of him - talking about this kind of drama can be real torture - but also a gift that is good for the soul and the heart.

Regarding your question about Cece's illness, only Drifty could answer. Having had a similar experience with my little sister, whom did not have the chance to be diagnosed or treated, I will simply say that it is not possible to give a name, as the causes can be different and even multiple. Illness or weakness of an organ, blood deficiencies, mental fragility, emotional hypersensitivity, from birth or due to shock, trauma... So many causes, known and unknown. My little sister “suffered” from strong cognitive dissonance at the start. This made her emotionally hypersensitive and led her into abysmal depressive states.

Otherwise, through this VN, Drifty gives us a very beautiful life lesson, and all the paths of the game are in some way a metaphor for the choices we make in our lives. We cannot live by allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by sorrow.
For the dead, we can do nothing, but for the living, those around us and whom we love, the paths just ask to be explored.


New Member
Apr 25, 2024
Hi, this is why I avoided going Cece's way first, but did it last. I don't think it's fair to feel ridiculous because this story is heavily loaded with emotions, sad and happy. I'm not a particularly emotionally sensitive guy, and I'm not ashamed to say it, I cried like a child.
Drifty gave us a story, a slice of his life that he was able to transcend, ultimately leaving us a positive message, and that's not only courageous of him - talking about this kind of drama can be real torture - but also a gift that is good for the soul and the heart.

Regarding your question about Cece's illness, only Drifty could answer. Having had a similar experience with my little sister, whom did not have the chance to be diagnosed or treated, I will simply say that it is not possible to give a name, as the causes can be different and even multiple. Illness or weakness of an organ, blood deficiencies, mental fragility, emotional hypersensitivity, from birth or due to shock, trauma... So many causes, known and unknown. My little sister “suffered” from strong cognitive dissonance at the start. This made her emotionally hypersensitive and led her into abysmal depressive states.

Otherwise, through this VN, Drifty gives us a very beautiful life lesson, and all the paths of the game are in some way a metaphor for the choices we make in our lives. We cannot live by allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by sorrow.
For the dead, we can do nothing, but for the living, those around us and whom we love, the paths just ask to be explored.
Ah.. okay. Thank you for the explanation.

And by the way, welcome back. I remember reading back some pages back that you and the missus were gone for some time.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Ah.. okay. Thank you for the explanation.

And by the way, welcome back. I remember reading back some pages back that you and the missus were gone for some time.
Well, you're welcome and thank you for your welcome. I don't know if my explanations are worth anything.
It's been a long time and I still have so many questions and the feeling of guilt has never left me. But you already know this story if you have read our posts, so I will not dwell on the subject.
Regarding Missus, it is a good example of paradox, how the paths of life are always open and that tragedy can generate happiness. We probably wouldn't have met in a lifetime if my little sister was still here. I would never have chosen to study abroad and obtain a psychology degree that would allow me to help people with their image and many other things that prevent them from overcoming their problems. But enough with that.

So yeah, we've been back for a while, but we've had to go back and forth because the work never stops. Now that things have calmed down, we can start making a mess on the forum again. Nah, I'm joking... a little... well, almost? :unsure:
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
Hi, this is why I avoided going Cece's way first, but did it last. I don't think it's fair to feel ridiculous because this story is heavily loaded with emotions, sad and happy. I'm not a particularly emotionally sensitive guy, and I'm not ashamed to say it, I cried like a child.
Drifty gave us a story, a slice of his life that he was able to transcend, ultimately leaving us a positive message, and that's not only courageous of him - talking about this kind of drama can be real torture - but also a gift that is good for the soul and the heart.

Regarding your question about Cece's illness, only Drifty could answer. Having had a similar experience with my little sister, whom did not have the chance to be diagnosed or treated, I will simply say that it is not possible to give a name, as the causes can be different and even multiple. Illness or weakness of an organ, blood deficiencies, mental fragility, emotional hypersensitivity, from birth or due to shock, trauma... So many causes, known and unknown. My little sister “suffered” from strong cognitive dissonance at the start. This made her emotionally hypersensitive and led her into abysmal depressive states.

Otherwise, through this VN, Drifty gives us a very beautiful life lesson, and all the paths of the game are in some way a metaphor for the choices we make in our lives. We cannot live by allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by sorrow.
For the dead, we can do nothing, but for the living, those around us and whom we love, the paths just ask to be explored.
Wow! you're back!!!


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Yeah... Cece got me hooked from the first time she appeared on scene. And her following scenes, showing her caring, goofy, fragile sides, just reinforce my decision to choose her when asked by Chris.

Some interesting posts I read back to page 300, some state that if this is IRL, they would choose other LI over Cece, because choosing someone depressed or suicidal would only hurt yourself. While this is logically sound, IRL, you won't even know someone is suicidal or depressed or have a condition like Cece in advance.
Even if I was made aware of this condition in advance, it would only strengthen my resolve to be with said person. At least I can try to make them happy or less depressed or share their burden.
If I meet someone IRL like Cece (complete with her personality included with foreknowledge of her condition), I would do everything I can to support her all the time. Yes, I would be devastated when she, inevitably, commits ***, not to mention the possibility (only possibility) I would be following her soon, but I know that I have given my best to support her.
Sorry being rather dark. Please tell me if this needs to be deleted.

Well, the truth is often there where we don't look for it, or don't see it... I often hear people say such things, but they speak with hindsight. This is a kind of mantra that we also often hear from life coaches. By saying this, we think we avoid entering into the wake of torments that no one wants to experience and it has become a concept of life that tries to avoid troubles. But when we encounter it in real life, it's often and fortunately different. There will always be idiots who slow down to take photos of a road accident, but there are still people who will stop to help. Personally, I would find it difficult to turn my head while looking at someone about to be run over while crossing the road or thrown under the wheels of a bus. I like to believe that my survival reflexes don't only apply to me and extend to others, whether they are anonymous to me or not.
In Cece's case, I could never turn my head and think that helping her would ruin my life. It is not a Carthesian choice that requires choosing between losing either an arm or a leg.
Turning your head to avoid problems seems rational to some, but is losing part of your own humanity rational? Would this mean that reaching out to someone in difficulty would drag us down? Saying what our reaction would be, based on the outcome is biased thinking.I know! People will tell me again, yes but knowing that Cece is depressed, I'm not going to risk her dragging me into her spiral. What if, just a hypothesis, what if instead of letting yourself be dragged into her abysses, it was you who dragged her into yours?
But let's take a look at the context of LoF. The MC comes out of a long depression after his breakup. Pushed by his best friend, he finally leaves his den and decides to take control of his life. When he sees Cece, he sees a lonely person without knowing what is hidden behind that face. Understanding that she is going through difficulties, and having experienced moments of solitude, left to his own thoughts, he decides to help her instinctively. Obviously, Cece is a very beautiful girl who tries to hide her distress. He's not a ugly, completely drunk bastard who attacks the first person to come and vomit on them. He thinks she's in trouble and wants to help her, and he realizes the severity of her condition when she makes her first attempt on the bridge. Now, let's put ourselves in the MC's place. Now we know. We barely know this girl through a few friendly exchanges, and Cece's condition is much more serious than it appeared to be. But this girl.... She's not just beautiful. She's smart, a little goofy, funny... The chemistry between our MC and Cece has already made its mark. Turn your back on Cece now? After all, she's taken care of by the hospital, right? “I saved someone from drowning, and now it’s not my problem anymore.” Taking into account the character of the MC, this is neither plausible nor coherent. Turning his back on her now would drag him into a whirlwind of questions and negative thoughts preventing him from sleeping at night and moving forward with the day. It is too late for him to turn back. He's one of those people who couldn't look at himself in a mirror if he didn't do something to help her.
A little anecdote: a few years ago, my eldest daughter came home from high school very late. Disheveled, her clothes partially torn, her face swollen. She then explains to me that she got into a fight with some guys who were harassing a girl from her high school. Shocked, I become angry "why didn't you call me, or call the police, you could have been seriously injured or worse"
she replied "I didn't have time to think, they were pushing her, I'm sorry dad, but I did what everyone should do, and I know that's what you would have done too.” Who do you think, between my daughter and me, was irrational at that moment? She reacted by instinct, in the present moment. I reacted out of fear of imaginary pain.
Like when you witness a scene where a pedestrian is hit by a car. You suffered no physical pain, but yet you contort your face for hours thinking about it.
The moral of this story is that you never know how you will react until you are confronted with a given situation.
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Engaged Member
Feb 16, 2023
i wonder if this will be any good it looks interesting so i will check it out to say the least :coffee: (y)
It's a terrific VN with many different endings - you'll get to a save point where you have a significant choice to make (you'll know it when you see it), so definitely need to make a save there and use it as your base to explore the various endings. I recommend using the Mod so that you can see where significant choices are being made in case you want to save off a split route.

Lots of emotion - absolutely stunning story. Hope you enjoy it.


Mar 7, 2019
Hello here. I've finished the game and done 3 path (Cece + Steph + Lexi with Chris+Linda on every path). Obviously it's one of the best game here but nothing to add to this that hasn't been said here. I've also read a lot of comment here, the first ~200+ pages, mostly because i wanted to see some reaction after each new chapter release. I find it fun to read how people make theory about the game after playing a bit, when you know what would come but people who are writting a comment at a time when it wasn't possible.

They are still some thing i've not understand yet, like who is this guy with the binocular at the end of chapter 4? Is it Melvin, the fake husband of Steph? I've always welcomed Steph in Lexi's house in my 3 runs, so maybe it's why i've not the answer but i find it odd that they show you this guy and nothing was done with it. Did someone know who is it or what's the theory?


Active Member
Dec 4, 2023
Hello here. I've finished the game and done 3 path (Cece + Steph + Lexi with Chris+Linda on every path). Obviously it's one of the best game here but nothing to add to this that hasn't been said here. I've also read a lot of comment here, the first ~200+ pages, mostly because i wanted to see some reaction after each new chapter release. I find it fun to read how people make theory about the game after playing a bit, when you know what would come but people who are writting a comment at a time when it wasn't possible.

They are still some thing i've not understand yet, like who is this guy with the binocular at the end of chapter 4? Is it Melvin, the fake husband of Steph? I've always welcomed Steph in Lexi's house in my 3 runs, so maybe it's why i've not the answer but i find it odd that they show you this guy and nothing was done with it. Did someone know who is it or what's the theory?
Yes, it's Melvin, the partner who worked with Steph. If you don't forgive Steph, you'll see her taking his place in all scenes we've seen him (like this one, and in the end when the MC's grandpa was arrested).


Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
Yes, it's Melvin, the partner who worked with Steph. If you don't forgive Steph, you'll see her taking his place in all scenes we've seen him (like this one, and in the end when the MC's grandpa was arrested).
Actually, in that case they're both there when you talk to the old man. And he's not getting arrested, they're his detail. He's already been collected and is in whatever program he's in.
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Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
They are still some thing i've not understand yet, like who is this guy with the binocular at the end of chapter 4? Is it Melvin, the fake husband of Steph? I've always welcomed Steph in Lexi's house in my 3 runs, so maybe it's why i've not the answer but i find it odd that they show you this guy and nothing was done with it. Did someone know who is it or what's the theory?
I always assumed all the weirdo's were paparazzi keeping an eye on Lexi and the people she associated with. Never occurred to me to think about Steph's fake ex.
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