Oh Oh remodel of the blonde model...i found her model great in the initial release and wanted to play her route the most (second the redhead but the other two just arent appealing to me) i hope it is not an improvement for the worse
must say very very rarely i saw a so called improvement of characters where it made sense but mostly just dissatisfied people who liked them from the beginning...
This is a fair concern so let me explain this move.
There were some very valid criticisms that the blonde was too young looking. Some people mistook her for a young teenager at first. The character is supposed to be 25 years old, so I definitely didn't want that. The fixes to this were simple and I made a couple of other minor changes as well.
#1 -- The material base I used for her original was very smooth. When I first created the character, I thought this was what I wanted. But later I decided it wasn't as high quality of a skin as the other characters had. I also had made some custom color changes to the skin that I later regretted. So I upgraded to a different material base which is both more realistic looking and which ages her slightly due to its texture.
#2 -- Blondie was originally supposed to be about 5'0" tall. However, when I made her original morphs, what I didn't realize was I had accidentally scaled down her entire model, not just her height. This made her look more like an actual child than a short adult. I fixed this--Blondie is still a shortie at 5'2", but the rest of her figure is now proportionally sized.
#3 -- Blondie had been given slightly larger breasts than I wanted only because she was so small that I was trying to avoid her looking too much like a child. With the other changes I made making her appear more like an adult, I was able to reduce her breast size just a smidge.
#4 -- I was pretty happy overall with her facial morphs, but I made some very tiny adjustments to her face, including reducing her cheek sink morph, giving her new eyebrows, and increasing the size of her eyes just a smidge. But for the most part her face is the same as the old model.
#5 -- Her hairband look is still a thing, but it's not her main hairstyle anymore. While I always liked the sort of sweet, innocent vibe it gave her, I found another hairstyle that I think is more flattering to her face and that makes her look more like an adult. So now when she's introduced in Part One, we see she has a ponytail. The hairband hairstyle does come back for a scene in Part Two, so it will still be around here and there.
I did share and discuss these changes with my supporters and there seemed to be a general consensus that they were an improvement.
Is there a comparison of the before and after of the blonde LI's model?
Sure, here you can see some of the facial changes and also the size difference:
Also take a look at the new preview images on the first post of this thread which show some renders for this character coming up in Part Two.
If you're still not convinced, just please trust me when I say this new model is more consistent with the character I want to portray in the story, and that's more important than anything else.
But seriously, you guys are going to love this character. I predict she tempts more than a few Jamie disciples to switch teams.