The thing is I have waited, and waited, nothing. You guys say good things come to those who wait. So what Avghani gets another lewd next episode, maybe Malena again cause why not, and by the end of the game Jamie will have only one.
I want balance, why would I play a whole game ro get just one sex scene with the only character I really care about, when every other character will have a lot and get better treatment, it's just not fair, there should be balance in progression and lewds, but apparently not.
I am just tired of waiting, so what when I play again do I just skip through episodes 3 and 4, cause apparently it's irrelevant and nothing happens wirh Jamie.
I am just tired, it feels like the devs don't care about Jamie and it feels like I will have to put so much play time in to get just one scene while others will have a lot more.
I was just so excited, but for nothing, now all I wanna do is cry(people may say it's stupid to cry, but it's just how I feel, and who I am)