3.60 star(s) 32 Votes


Jan 6, 2018
I kinda hate it to be honest. It looks nothing like Krystal. She looks like some kind of Egyptian cat instead of a fox and it all lacks the appeal of the old art style.
And just you know. The armor she wears is a canon stuff krystal had in the original nintendo game to.


Apr 24, 2018
actually krystal model look same, as before many ears is bigger. i just wondering what wull happen to old krystal game 0.8v will it be abadoned or remastered?
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Jul 15, 2019
How do I tear her clothes? I have over 300 lust and spoke to nesi at night and she mentioned it but I wasn't given an option.


Jan 6, 2018
Thanks, if I already had the clothes stolen but my bodysuit wasn't ripped, do I have another chance?
The suit will only rip in sequence as it was stated in the site. So even if you get your clothes stolen, it would not get ripped until you didn't complete the first stage of ripping. The third stage was only planned to happen and did not get implemented in the latest version and it will never gonna be because of the revamping of the whole game.


Sep 25, 2017
I think alot of this anxiety and angst will be solved one way or the other with the demo. Too many things can be interpreted wrong and many things can change in development. I've watched a couple of streams and have enjoyed the potential again. Any word on the potential release date of the demo?? Old word was October-ish.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
So they're just completely stopping what this was and starting it again?

I don't get the point honestly. Are people really so interested that they're willing to wait God knows how long for a finished version? They could have just used the new members to round out what it was and then make an upgraded sequel.

I for one definitely can't be bothered basically playing through the same content again and lets face it with all that extra artwork and whatnot I doubt it will develop any faster than this version, it could easily be slower.
Maybe it will be faster but...I don't think I've ever seen that happen. Usually devs recycle and upgrade everything and people get bored waiting so it gets abandoned.

Personally I liked the simple look it had, it's classic. It was the Krystal based game we should have got like 6 years ago after all the failed attempts.


Jul 1, 2017
Personally, I don't care if they started it again, if with that the time of the updates becomes constant from one point to another. Although and I only hope not for myself but because they give a good impression so that they regain confidence and even attract more in patreon, I hope that the version they get released showing the new model, has both H content and the same or near history to what has been taken until V0.8, so that in this way, even if we return to the point where everything is stagnant, at least from there and constantly new and better content arrives.

PD: Reading previous posts, I see that a member of the team occasionally reads the forum, I don't know if you already have a model of the H events planned until the end, but taking advantage of the fact that as Krystal your story is in a village tribal, it would be fun to put an event with the shaman where Krystal for X or Y reason, she must take and use a position, but and depending on which, the result varies, as an example, one that would make her an old woman or the other that it would make her younger, or that others would make her a lizard, a cat or even a bird. And now and independently, if you add an H for some of these result variants to be better. This is to pay homage to the typical clicker of a sorcerer's apprentice who, by playing with positions, can be obtained from what is sought to reach curious results.

Anyway, thanks and independent of P.D, for the work that you are carrying out and it is appreciated that almost constantly both Discord and Patreon keep the communication.

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Deleted member 1670392

This idea that we're making porn secondary is actually infuriating me. The ability to play the game without experiencing porn **was always** planned. This is a game with EQUAL parts porn. Every single quest will be designed with porn in mind. The toggle is just there as a way to easily avoid it if you want to say, play a fun game and record it on youtube. We're not sacrificing anything, nothing was changed in that regard.
my sides!
I understand what you're saying here, but c'mon. It's obviously porn. Even if you get one or two guys that play it for youtube, those will be the exceptions to the rule. Unless you're hoping someone plays the "non-porn" part of the game and attracts more patrons. Nobody, not even the youtubers, are going to be playing this for any reason besides the porn. The ones with idle curiosity are going to be the ones that download it from sites like this, not paying patrons.

Who the hell thinks porn is secondary to this game, anyway? I always appreciated the artistry and aesthetics to the old builds, and I'm looking forward to similar quality in the future releases, too. But anyone that doesn't acknowledge the one reason everyone plays this game is a fool, and isn't worth your attention, or your fury ;)


Jan 6, 2018
The one thing i don't understand that while the older LOK games had the same option to play the game without porn. Well, at least you could avoid most of the porn content in them if you wanted in them to. The only difference is that now they add a simple on and off switch for that reason. So if there are any that want to play it without any porn could do that. As for the popular misconception, no they don't going to make an swf materials exclusively. All the swf toggle going to do is that it's would skip the porn content if it was tooglen on. There would be no "only sfw content that would rob the time from making more porn for the game". It is only a feature, a game mechanic. I would really good that people finally understand that. And stop their whining.
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Deleted member 1670392

The one thing
I think you're misunderstanding the reason behind 'sfw' options. In my experience, there's only a few reasons you would say 'no' to a porn scene while playing a porn game:

1. You aren't interested in the sex scene.

2. You need the illusion of choice to add to the corruption mechanic. Games like this, with the slow gradual corruption / sluttification of its characters, need the illusion of choice. Choice is needed to either prolong the character's corruption, or to tick that little box in your head that says, "Yeah, you're a dirty girl, aren't ya?" and to see her submit to the pleasure.

Very few porn games are worth playing for any other reason than as masturbatory fuel. If they want to add a sfw toggle, let them I guess. I won't be using it!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
I think you're misunderstanding the reason behind 'sfw' options. In my experience, there's only a few reasons you would say 'no' to a porn scene while playing a porn game:

1. You aren't interested in the sex scene.

2. You need the illusion of choice to add to the corruption mechanic. Games like this, with the slow gradual corruption / sluttification of its characters, need the illusion of choice. Choice is needed to either prolong the character's corruption, or to tick that little box in your head that says, "Yeah, you're a dirty girl, aren't ya?" and to see her submit to the pleasure.

Very few porn games are worth playing for any other reason than as masturbatory fuel. If they want to add a sfw toggle, let them I guess. I won't be using it!
The two versions you listed are so common because they are a natural part of an easier game design. Basically it's a skip conversation function and that conversation just so happens to be an nsfw scene. This is not the only way to do it.

For example there was a game a while ago, iirc it was called Nightmare Sphere. It was a really good sidescroll platformer where everything porn related could be skipped and you still had an awesome experience.
I obviously don't know what the developers are planning, but they have lots of options and mixing them up a bit might be the best. In the armory in the sfw on, we might just get a "good job, now go" comment instead of a scene. The guard who helps with the pot can ask for any number of sfw favors and we just get an extra "spear polishing" option in the full version. And in the bathing scene there was already an unusable option to go for the clothes on our own and even that can have a branching sfw and nsfw outcome.

I think the main issue is how different the current version is from everything. This game was supposed to have pornless missions, platforming and some kind of combat too, but due to the limited abilities of the developers we basically got a h-scene gallery. And we like it. None of us would be here to discuss anything if we didn't like it at least to a degree.
Now the developers have the chance to make the game they originally wanted and a lot of players just don't know yet if they will like that too.
3.60 star(s) 32 Votes