So many arguments in the last few pages (didn't bother looking further back yet) sheesh. Here I thought, as a legit grinder, I could find some discussion on the gameplay. Like how I'm stuck with 199 reputation and only a couple erotic scense make my red and purple lust rise, while some don't anymore(like, is that a bug or intentional?). But I understand how people can get frustrated with such slow progress. Especially with so much seeming support at the dev's patreon. I can't imagine a Hgame like this being worth remotely close. But I've barely any idea on game development and the general circumstances in the dev's life so there's probably a lot I just don't get. I can only compare to other dev's.
But I have to say, as someone who isn't into furries (almsot disgusted really) this particular game really made me be into K as a character. So much that I occasionally fantasize about her, more than tolerating the furry traits haha. This is my way of complimenting the devs, because THAT takes effort and being very crafty to pull off on an almost anti-furry with character design, game grind and story. Well done, indeed.
I'm sorry to butt in with my 'a nobody's opinion', but I really hope devs will stick to what they've gone for already and don't really change K's appearance assets (facial and otherwise) as they are in the in-game menu screen where she blinks
If anything, I only don't quite understand the design idea, why her feet are very paw'ish, when the hands are clearly human-like. I know I'm biased but that doesn't really make sense. Otherwise, looking forward to buying the full release, regardless. I've put more hours into this already than anyone should so that's only fair xD