Saying that nobody really wants it is quite the baseless statement. There are 1,914 patrons currently backing the project. That is not some paltry number, especially for a project as this. And that's with people FULL WELL knowing that the project has been rebooted and the changes being made to the design. I also wouldn't call Abel the sole owner of the project. Last I checked, could be wrong, Kuja also owned the project and was also sort of the primary lead since the earliest days of Rebirth. And he's still on the team and very much happy with the design of the reboot. And having spent time on the Discord server, speaking with the devs, watching the streams, there doesn't seem to be any obvious signs of fatigue or loss of interest despite the complexity of the project.
The SimBro team STILL has 500 patreons and they haven't released an update in a year and a half. Number of patreons doesn;t mean shit in this community. Just saying