remember most of us here are free loaders and when we mean no updates we mean no playable content. (meant to you friend)
(others) gonna be honest i dont know why people get bent out of shape. if your okay with slow progress and constant restructuring thats great give them your money, its something you like. if you dont want to pay for that then dont. but dont hop on here just to bitch about a game you dont pay for anyway.
let the other people pay for and enjoy their game, then just come here every so often to see what you can grab for free. no reason to bitch when it cost you nothing . but it does clog the forum when someone looks to get a serious review of what little new content their may be and all you can find is people bitching.
You paint it very pretty, but you forget that there are people here who HAVE PAID (so far).
The people here who are complaining, (**I'm one of them, in case you haven't noticed**) it's because we've seen how a game we've supported for months has suddenly changed. And it's changed for the worse...
They're promising us a game that, while it sounds exaggerated, they want to turn it into a GTA. Oh, yes, a good reason to spend months and months and months absorbing the Patreons' money...
Now there's a huge map, inventories, more races, fights... Oh, yes, that's very good, but we've been seeing only samples for months where the quality has worsened... and a lot.
Although you may not have noticed, the complaints are constructive... But there is a moment when, at least to me, it seems that the authors want to make fun of people. You don't like Krystal's feet? Okay, fine, change them... But don't fucking change the whole model.
We've talked about the change in quality of the characters, the animations, the hidden but already notable death of the previous game to create something that doesn't measure up... And on top of that, we have to deal with the spontaneous on-caller who says "nobody here pays".