3.60 star(s) 32 Votes


Oct 8, 2019
And those of us here are also interested in this jerkoff material, some for less time and some for more time. But every now and then the "it's WIP" or the "we don't pay here" or the "we don't pay anymore, so nothing" comes up again. The LOK they want to bring us is not and does not have the quality of the previous one, no matter how much MightyAltroll wants to defend it.
As a current Bloodbound supporter, and one from before this reboot, I can't really see what is worse quality than the old version. The animations in the old version were rough and that counted as polished. Comparatively, the new animations are much smoother and clean even in their rough test states. I can easily tell how these higher quality models and Spine rigs will translate into more fluid animations when they're polished(Not for the demo. To get the demo out faster the animations will be rough.). The Krystal walking animation is an example of a high quality polished animation and the run animation was further improved on, and those were just for the frontal view out of the total eight views.

And I'll admit, I wasn't initially the biggest fan of the new Krystal model. Kuja insists that as far as the head goes it's actually the same as the old design. There were some adjustments of course, but since he's the artist from the original project I imagine he knows more than I do on that. I do think it looks different and I do think the old model, and even the version 1.0 remake were better than the current one. But with the customization options being offered for this remake, I can adjust her to my liking. And the character is still Krystal, I can tell that at a glance even with changes.

Honestly so far I have seen nothing from this new project that I feel is worse than the old project. Yes I have nitpicks about the model, but in comparison to anything else they're extremely minor manners of taste. And the expanded scale of the game impresses me and I hope they achieve it because turning LoK into a real game and not just "Press X to Sex" is fresh to me. I've played so many LoK games that were so basic over the years, maybe changing something up here or there, but otherwise just being straight fap machines.

And I mean, if that's what you're here for, just a straight fap machine like the original version pretty much was, planned combat or not, then I am sorry that it's moving away from that direction(Even if it will still have just as many, if not more, opportunities to get laid, just with more substance and meat to the actual gameplay.). If you don't like the new direction, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I just personally don't see anything worth complaining about in comparison to the original other than the long wait time for the demo. Acts of nature and personal problems got in the way and delayed it. They have now have an even larger team than originally and the pace has picked up considerably which is why updates on progress are flying out faster now than before. They're finally fully on track and you'll get that demo sooner rather than later. But it's a technical demo. It will have sex scenes and some basic gameplay. But after that, they'll either do a combat demo, or they'll jump straight into the full game and get a playable build out in a more decent timeframe than it took for this demo. If I recall they were leaning towards the latter these days.


Jan 25, 2018
I should probably amend my statement, you can freely voice your opinion, I mean duh, it is a forum, but I feel that the harassing of the devs would be both undeserved and baseless, since you literally have no impact on the devs whatsoever. If you donate, hey, then you can voice your opinions to them, and your ideas have actual value to the devs. Otherwise, we’re just a clump of nonsupporters (but some of course who are), whose opinions literally have no effect on the game, since we’re not buying it anyway. In short, if you want to get your voice heard, it’s probably wise to throw some money their way first.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to continue donating the game because I don't see anything worthwhile (at the moment). Yes, I said "continue", even though you focus on the fact that here we only talk about things we take for free, don't put us all in the same bag, please. Some of us liked the original LOK, that's why we donated... Maybe not since forever, but we've done it. If you haven't donated I can understand your passivity or conformity, but you understands that for those who have contributed in his day, it's hurtful to hear "if you don't donate, you can't have an opinion", especially considering that, in the end, Patreon's content is free, you support the developers to finance themselves, nothing else.

From the first moment I said both the art of this game, as the dialogs and as the development were great. (Note that lack of respect towards the main developer I have to come to praise his game with 5 stars) And yes, it may have good things and bad things ... but if you think that the strange deformations that have these animations are normal... I really can't think how some people say that the previous animations were rough and don't laugh at the new ones.
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Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
If you donate, hey, then you can voice your opinions to them, and your ideas have actual value to the devs.
I don't agree with that statement on principle. And the devs would do good to take into consideration the feedback they get from as many sources as they can, not just the ones that are giving them money. Being a supporter already shows you have a bias, and there is value to looking at what the other side has to say about the matter.

I don't want to give them money because I don't want to support a product I cannot have my hands on yet. I don't want to support the practice of throwing away what you already had instead of finishing a product first. I've seen that go wrong too many times already. So no, I'm not going to pay them in the hopes that they'll listen to my feedback.


Oct 8, 2019
but if you think that the strange deformations that have these animations are normal... I really can't think how some people say that the previous animations were rough and don't laugh at the new ones.
The old animations also had deformations at times. Krystal's head would flatten during one animation with Cenvir. And that was a final animation. It could be fixed, but it was polished already. These new animations with the deformations you cite are in their roughest stage of development, they are not final, it will be ironed out as best they can.


Game Developer
Sep 19, 2017
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to continue donating the game because I don't see anything worthwhile (at the moment). Yes, I said "continue", even though you focus on the fact that here we only talk about things we take for free, don't put us all in the same bag, please. Some of us liked the original LOK, that's why we donated... Maybe not since forever, but we've done it. If you haven't donated I can understand your passivity or conformity, but you understands that for those who have contributed in his day, it's hurtful to hear "if you don't donate, you can't have an opinion", especially considering that, in the end, Patreon's content is free, you support the developers to finance themselves, nothing else.

From the first moment I said both the art of this game, as the dialogs and as the development were great. (Note that lack of respect towards the main developer I have to come to praise his game with 5 stars) And yes, it may have good things and bad things ... but if you think that the strange deformations that have these animations are normal... I really can't think how some people say that the previous animations were rough and don't laugh at the new ones.
Goodbye then.

I don't agree with that statement on principle. And the devs would do good to take into consideration the feedback they get from as many sources as they can, not just the ones that are giving them money. Being a supporter already shows you have a bias, and there is value to looking at what the other side has to say about the matter.

I don't want to give them money because I don't want to support a product I cannot have my hands on yet. I don't want to support the practice of throwing away what you already had instead of finishing a product first. I've seen that go wrong too many times already. So no, I'm not going to pay them in the hopes that they'll listen to my feedback.
We do listen to everyone. I wouldn't post here or exist on this forum if I didn't. That said, we do listen to people who support us more, because they are funding the development. However, we, as devs, have the ultimate say in what we do/push forward.

We bring up votes for things that we personally cannot decide on, or things that the public may find interesting to vote on. Ultimately the game is being made from our collective visions as a dev team that all love video games. Just because someone donates to us and demands we throw in pregnant scat fetal penetration, does not mean we're going to do so, or even consider it.

Paying us doesn't mean we'll listen to you, nor does it mean we won't listen to you. We listen to everyone, and there are plenty of people on our discord that haven't payed us anything whose suggestions we have decided to use.

The old game that people like still exists. You can still go play it. Sorry it won't be finished, but you have absolutely no idea what was going on behind development that caused us to go in this direction. What is done, is done, and frankly people in this forum need to seriously come to terms with that. Calling what we're doing now 'lower quality' is just a blatant lie, and when people blatantly lie it makes me not want to listen to those people.

The old animations also had deformations at times. Krystal's head would flatten during one animation with Cenvir. And that was a final animation. It could be fixed, but it was polished already. These new animations with the deformations you cite are in their roughest stage of development, they are not final, it will be ironed out as best they can.
Yeah, we're also rushing/prioritizing a lot to try and get lots of things done for this upcoming playtest, so there isn't a lot of polish. When we have the time to sit down and refine what we've made, you'll see some amazing things.

Couple of videos showing off the UI and our new 3D camera, btw, if you haven't seen them. Gizmo was worried whether people would like the camera or not, so I decided to record a preview of it. I think it's pretty good, personally.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Very nice as you say, but perhaps the best thing would have been for the team not to show anything until it has at least a version 1.0, that is, a closed-door development, because otherwise you risk being told both the good and the bad, and as an author you must know how to tackle both. But of course, pausing a Patreon for several months hurts, doesn't it?

Do I need to tell you what happened with No Mans Sky and his rebirth because of how Hello Games acted?
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Mar 24, 2019
Nicely said MightyAtroll. I have to agree also that spoiling to much of the game is a not very good thing, why? You dont leave any surprise for gameplay (even if its not a give finall product type), just from experience with games and movies I know that spoiling to much about it kills the whole interest in it because you watch/play the finall product and you already know whats there and there and also over there because you saw it in some trailer so you just feel like MEH.

But ye, it's very nice that you guys are in touch unlike other developers but it's also bad in what way SOME develpores are in touch since all the juicy parts are being leaked instead of being hidden. NOT saying you guys did it or didnt want you to keep it in mind, everything is experience as they say.


Mar 24, 2019
If you read whole thing (later part from what you posted) you can obviously tell I mean other game devs, since LoK devs show improved version of 1st project for now so it's not like I can tell they are spoiling at this moment. But ye I said that I want them to keep that in mind for the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
New member in this community forums and following the track of this EPIC and STUNNING rebirth/remake and i just gotta say ... GOD DAMN you guys working on this project have a hell of a talent to make the animations and interactions with NPCS so damn smooth.

rotting for this game to possibly to get to steam *but kinda doubtful due i guess copyright on the character?*

either way best wishes and good vibes for the team working on this!


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Sorry, next time I will put a label on my messages like mode: sacrasm, mode: anger, mode: satisfaction, so at least you won't think that all my messages are the same. (y)
May 29, 2018
No updates? Some of us from the Discord have been sharing news from the devs and literal WIP animations and images that they've publicly released. They do put out updates on their Patreon as well. To say they've never given updates on anything, some of which some of us have brought over here because not everyone looks at the Patreon or Discord, is just ridiculous. They've also updated their Trello so you can see their progress. Trello updates are also automatically posted to the Discord.
I used to be a patron on the old game. Started when I found out about the game at 0.4 and stopped at 0.7 or 0.8 when I realized the money I was giving them wasn't worth the content they were providing for me.

It's been a year since then and they've made like 100k total for what they've produced, which is a few animations of like 4 characters walking which they've been working on to "perfect" for 4 months. Nobody gave a shit how Krystal walked, they cared about how she fucked and that will always continue to be the case. If you stop playing a sex game because you think her knee looks funny when she walks then you've got bigger problems than the rest of us :ROFLMAO:

There's barely anything on the Trello changed compared to a month or two ago. If they were hired to do this then they would have been fired a long time ago. In reality though they could release a demo in a year because they're freelancing it, but they better not bitch and say they ran out of funds in the meantime.

EDIT: Just saw what MightyAltroll posted above

The videos look good and it looks like they have started to make a playable game now. I saw the old videos and it just looked like a map you would walk around but this shows much more.
As long as progress like this is shown I think it will keep peoples attention.
I'm looking forward to it when they finally do finish it.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Conversation mode on.

I'm not an expert on the subject, but I guess the scenarios shown are made with Unreal, at least the second one. And if you're supposed to be someone who's been hired and knows the tool, you get a scenario in a few hours, and Youtube is full of videos that prove it.

If this is true, I hope there is more than what is shown. Okay, there is a modeling, movement, interface with sound, but there is a long way to go, so at least I hope it's video has been published for a few months now.

And I'm just saying that as a guess, of course.

Conversation mode off.


Jun 29, 2017
Nobody gave a shit how Krystal walked, they cared about how she fucked and that will always continue to be the case
I would like to point out that you are a wise human being in my eys, and chapeau for speaking the truth (at least from my point of view)
Also guys, dont let the virus get to your head, we are not that far away from the demo so just be patient. The streams are a nice indicator for whats to come, so lets just wait to see what will come out


Jun 8, 2018
Do we play this game, maybe amazing game, maybe not, 2022?
I liked old style and gameplay.
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3.60 star(s) 32 Votes