Having messed around with the tech demo, it's pretty solid foundation. However, it was my mistake to have assumed the walking animations were at least completed to be shown off. The H animations shouldn't have been the main focus to complete for the tech demo in this respect or even been the reason to delay the tech demo in June.
When the crouch images are barebones done for all 8 directions yet the walking animations have placeholder images for 4, 2 only being animated which is front and back which includes the walk, run and jumping animations... the priority should've been first and foremost be the movement as it's the main thing a player is going to see.
That said, the positives:
The UI is actually pretty good
The "armor" system allows to remove clothing and actually shown on the character. It's honestly kind of impressive, even for someone like myself having been spoiled by ILLUSION games because I didn't expect that functionality for other H games ((least to my knowledge)). It might've already been revealed awhile ago in patreon or discord or otherwise announced but I havent been following that deeply.
The map design is acceptable with some surprising verticality like the temple being accessible from the hill to the south and access to the stairway by just jumping over the barrier. The cave and the surprise of the climbing / ledge grab functionality is appreciated as a result.
Still, was it worth the year long wait?
Yet, since I don't have knowledge of the experience of the dev team, perhaps it should've been expected. Of course, being mindful that this version actually has potential to be a legit "game" which from my guess based on what's revealed in the tech demo... the dialog choices, animations, the images, the movement, the map design, how many locations are on the map and the near 2 year long development to reach the state for the old LoK:R ((0.8)), I think it's pretty safe guesstimate that a finished release would land somewhere in late 2024 to mid-2025.
I'm not excited because I'm aware of the danger of burnout and possible abandonment
but I am hopeful that you guys make it work for the coming years its going to take. So I'm willing to put the money for it until that timeframe ends.
Cheers to future