3.60 star(s) 33 Votes
May 31, 2018
The launcher and the game menu looks cool, but creating such is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

For example, the lancer consists of 4-5 pictures and a background screen, which is most likely one of the effects from * Adobe After Effects * program. To mix it's all togather could be just used Sony Vegas, where it is not difficult to make all the necessary settings, so that it looks more or less spectacular, and, with saving it's all as video file - just add it as background to the game project. ( The main game menu contains the same background as well, and the buttons can be drawn in Photoshop. )

Regarding the game itself - just try to find some video gides on YouTube about how create games on the Unity engine, and you will find out that this is much easier than it sounds.

So the most difficult moment in the creation of this game project will be the creation of animations and drawing character textures, and since the characters are not 3D models in this game - creating each new pose will take a lot of time, and, with given the speed of progress that these creators showed in a previous version of their game - I'm afraid - we won't see the finished project either in 10 years.

So, is it worth the wait? ... Well, here everyone decides for themself.


Jul 1, 2017
Having messed around with the tech demo, it's pretty solid foundation. However, it was my mistake to have assumed the walking animations were at least completed to be shown off. The H animations shouldn't have been the main focus to complete for the tech demo in this respect or even been the reason to delay the tech demo in June.

When the crouch images are barebones done for all 8 directions yet the walking animations have placeholder images for 4, 2 only being animated which is front and back which includes the walk, run and jumping animations... the priority should've been first and foremost be the movement as it's the main thing a player is going to see.

That said, the positives:

The UI is actually pretty good

The "armor" system allows to remove clothing and actually shown on the character. It's honestly kind of impressive, even for someone like myself having been spoiled by ILLUSION games because I didn't expect that functionality for other H games ((least to my knowledge)). It might've already been revealed awhile ago in patreon or discord or otherwise announced but I havent been following that deeply.

The map design is acceptable with some surprising verticality like the temple being accessible from the hill to the south and access to the stairway by just jumping over the barrier. The cave and the surprise of the climbing / ledge grab functionality is appreciated as a result.

Still, was it worth the year long wait?


Yet, since I don't have knowledge of the experience of the dev team, perhaps it should've been expected. Of course, being mindful that this version actually has potential to be a legit "game" which from my guess based on what's revealed in the tech demo... the dialog choices, animations, the images, the movement, the map design, how many locations are on the map and the near 2 year long development to reach the state for the old LoK:R ((0.8)), I think it's pretty safe guesstimate that a finished release would land somewhere in late 2024 to mid-2025.

I'm not excited because I'm aware of the danger of burnout and possible abandonment but I am hopeful that you guys make it work for the coming years its going to take. So I'm willing to put the money for it until that timeframe ends.


Cheers to future


Aug 14, 2017
Writing is still good(I really only follow games for their writing so good job writer,) there's an interesting game foundation visible, and the art looks decent in-game. My main gripe would be a bit of jankiness with the animations, and the quality of the animations in general.

I don't mean to say that the animator is doing a poor job. I wouldn't really know if they were and generally the animations were pleasant and attractive. Rather my gripe is that animation is so difficult and time-consuming to the point were I'm worried about the scale of animations that seems necessary to fulfill the promises of the tech-demo.

Is it really feasible for quality animations as seen in the demo to be produced at a rate sufficient to complete the game in a timely manner? I have no clue, but I can say that it seems like quite the arduous task. The developers may need to have a heart to heart and tone down the target quality of each sex scene/animation sequence so that the quantity necessary can be produced. e.g instead of 6 different animations for a scene just make 3. Personally, all I really need is one animation to display the gist of a scene and I'm happy.

Whatever they decide I wish them luck! There is certainly an interesting framework here.


Jul 8, 2017
This will be endless.
They need 10 times the animations needed in the old ver. Climb,walk,run,pick,sneak, jump (ofc not counting the x-axis mirrored ones) ....in 2,3 point of view?


Mar 24, 2019
Looks interesting for sure, expected little bit more finished textures to be honest but a tech demo is a tech demo.
Prefered the previous version dialog little bit more not sure how to explain it, had different feeling compared to this one, but still it was good (maybe rushed just for tech demo).
Keep in mind that you shouldnt be forced to jump over that gate when it was closed(also one of rushed tech demo things i quess)

I like the companion thing however I would prefer it a lot if you didnt get them to your team forever just like that, with some exceptions like keakrix for example but more like you hire them if you do some favors to them (HJ , BJ , threesome with female companion, stuff like that ) and you build like some friendship bar with them that can lead to permament companion after having sex with them. Just like in tech demo you had to do favor to snake.

You could also do some random events that could happen when you have like male companion and krystal get entangled by "sex plant" and the friendship bar is quite low with companion so he decides to use this opportunity and force a bj on her while shes restrained.

Doing some mechanic like you have to make a distraction on some guards or animal in order to get something you use yourself or female companion to have sex with them and you sneak with the other one would be also interesting.

The game has great potential however you guys realy need more staff to keep going with it at decent pace. its a huge burnout on games with small / long update ( Summertime saga or witch hunter trainer for example ).


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
It is more than clear to me that this game should not have abandoned the side scroll.
3D environments just show the pride of the team in trying to revolutionize a game that doesn't need it.

If the multi-layered side scrolling had been used to give depth effect it would have been something else, as many games do today.


May 31, 2018
Honestly this is so different than the original .8 version and thread has been so buried in drama and bickering this thread should be labeled as abandoned and a new thread should be made for this tech demo.

If not this will just be continuously compared to the original, and much more content loaded release.
May 31, 2018
Honestly this is so different than the original .8 version and thread has been so buried in drama and bickering this thread should be labeled as abandoned and a new thread should be made for this tech demo.

If not this will just be continuously compared to the original, and much more content loaded release.

Yeah, totally agree with that. Sadly, older version of their project is dead, and won't be continued. So it's GG for the game that many really liked, and now here is a completely different game...


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
The funny thing is that it's the same game, even more so when they've used LOK Rebirth's patreon to create it. Closing this means that they lied from the beginning and that this is something new that they have wanted to do by making money since day 1.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2019
The funny thing is that it's the same game, even more so when they've used LOK Rebirth's patreon to create it. Closing this means that they lied from the beginning and that this is something new that they have wanted to do by making money since day 1.
I don't see it as that. the devs have no control over the front page of this thread, plain and simple.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
They can request, ¿right?. If you don't believe it, can ask MightyAltroll, he'll tell you the game is the same.


Feb 18, 2019
Hmm ok...
1) Try open gate
2) speak to lizzardman and give him blowjob
3) try open gate again
4) speak to lizzardman and give him another blowjob
5) open first gate
6) change character and stand on first platform
7) move chest for second platform
8) take the paper
9) move chest to lizzard man
10) talk to lizzard man 2 times chest will be open
11) go to the hole
12) take the jar
13) go back to lizzard man and give him a jar

and im stuck... sooo what's next? Where is this merchant?

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Hello World! Long time lurker. I think this would turn out to be an interesting game. It reminds me of...I-I can't remember that toonpimps game where there was a pseudo 3D map with 2D characters. It's a foggy memory for sure, or maybe i'm looking through rose tinted glasses, but i'm looking forward to this.


Sep 25, 2017
Question, is the idea that the old story would simply be remade to fit the new graphics and engine? Meaning LOK:R up to 0.8 would be copied into the new engine, then once we get caught up to that point new content would be created? Or is the story changing as well? Guess I am a little bit confused as to the direction of the new game. Also possible this was explained and I simply missed it, sorry if so.
3.60 star(s) 33 Votes