3.60 star(s) 33 Votes


Dec 21, 2017
Could you tell please more about situation with Abelius, or give a link to a forum or source where is possible to better get acquainted with what exactly happened between the developers? The game clearly looks completely different, and this really gives rise to a strong feeling that the one, who gave the soul to the previous version of the project, left the team ...
See the last few pages of this thread, you will see Abelius and MightyAITroll discussing the previous project. It starts at page 190 or so.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I understand even if whole F95 community come to this thread and vote for old design it will change nothing, devs wont back to the original. So I can only wish you good luck, and hope that at least the patreons who voted for these changes are happy now.
That "voted" is what the author who comes to brag about his work says, another thing is that it's true... :sneaky: :confused:
Last edited:
May 31, 2018
Eh, after reading the last 15 pages of this section of the forum, it turns out these changes did happen not because LOK Team did want this, but because the development team no longer wants to work in the previous composition...

Well, then the old version of the game is alreally dead, and now a completely different game awaits us. And do not blame the new version of the game too much - all the changes have occurred not because they are better, but because the lead programmer, who created most of the old version of the project, left the team. So this update is more forced than the real desire of the developers ... It remains only to wish them good luck with their new game.


Oct 23, 2017
This is..weird

It would work if the environments and the characters matched in art direction, and maybe they will, but currently its very weird. Also if anything I feel like you should be able to zoom in on the character more, and I honestly think you should just go back to 2D. But tightening up and making the environments smaller may be just as good, small corridors with the 2.5D perspective, a vast open world doesnt seem to work, and like others have said, look flat, like a cardboard cutout stand, just sitting there telling you you gotta be this tall to suck that snake dick


Nov 9, 2018
This is sooooo bad. I thought the 3D was going to be only prerendered but they actually tried to make it a 3D game. How could this be a good idea?! It runs poorly and the 2D models looks extremely out of place. They had something amazing and they scrapped it for this shitty excuse? -.-"


Game Developer
Sep 19, 2017
Well, i liked the previous game, i liked the art style, the shading was hell good.
I've been defending the developers of the remake, and downloaded the game with a decision not to listen to all the critics, who said that 0.0.0 was a garbage.
But... i don't know. Something is way wrong, the 3d integration is currently awful, hella lot of bugs, and i'm not telling about the stuff like "i jumped in corner 100 times and game crashed". Every area currently looks bugged, with wierd transitions. Even the very begginging, the map, was shacking to me like if it was an earthquake.
Okay, most of the people came here for 18+ content, and with that i have a question too - what the hell is wrong with Krystal's mouth in blowjob scene (think this is the only one available for this moment)? It looks like if she was a muppet. Every single animation and drawing right now looks wierd, and, as was mentioned before by other users, "paper'ish". Currently the 3D+2D sprites look awful. The only one that looks kinda good is Krystal walking, has some 3d shading in it.
So, i mentioned before i'm going to donate as soon as i see the game. Right now it's hard even to see potential, not even the half of the previous game quality (and i'm not talking about the 0.0.0, i speak about the future of the remake as i see it)
I'm gonna abandon this topic in a week or so, and will probably return after a couple of months, and if i wont see real progress and confirmation of MightyAITroll's "this game will be better than the original, the team is the same, and we have AAA programmer", than this will mean that Abelius was right and the previous game was 80% of his work, and you're capable of only this 20% percent part, so the new game will only be 20% as good as LOK:R.

Goodbye, and again - I REALLY hope that i'm wrong, and will donate to you and say "i'm sorry for disbilief" as an apologize after the next 3 months.
It's because animations were unfinished, something I am extremely displeased about. Animations have been a bottleneck for us since the very beginning of this restart. Some days I do wish we had Abelius because he was far more expedient. However, it is what it is.

We have a fully polished walking animation of Krys showing what they are capable of. I warned for the tech demo, and even at the beginning of the game "This is a tech demo, it isn't totally polished, there are placeholders everywhere. It is literally just to give you an idea of where we want to go with the game."

As for the weird 2D nature of the characters looking flat, we have ideas on how to fix that, we're experimenting as we speak with methods to fix that. The current method we're looking at is something like this:

If we cannot come to an agreeable fix for these issues, then we're considering just making it a side scroller again, we're not sure yet. We're aware of how it looks, but we wanted to show off gameplay, the platforming concept we have, the quest design, the dialogue, and the systems we've been making.

As I have said many, many, many times: It takes time to make games of this complexity, you're going to have to be patient, and we're trying to fix the problems.

I just tried the tech demo but uh... Idk I miss how it used to look....the sex scene was okay but i really really miss how Krystal used to look from the previous game, Just my opinion... Well let's see how it turns out

Honestly I expected more even though it's a tech demo.. and another fact It took this long to get this done?
Just asking

Character customization.

Also it took as long as it has for various reasons:
1) Our animation team was very, very slow for a while, and we've been fixing that.
2) We had to rework K's model (Which required us to re-rig skeletons) based on complaints in the beginning of the restart. We had to go through multiple iterations of her damned feet because of people complaining. We lost months of progress as a result.

I don't know why people expected more from a tech demo, this is about what I expected.

All of the 3d assets look like ass but I'm assuming they're just placeholders and stuff. I can sorta see how a game would work in a more open exploration style and if it actually was finished in that state it could be pretty cool!

I'd second alot of the people though in that I'm not sure a 3d experience is really much better than a more polished 2d one. I think both would work perfectly well to deliver the sort of experience the dev's seem interested in exploring, and a 2d one would be far less work. But I'm looking forward to see how progress proceeds from here. That's going to be the real litmus test I think.
Yeah, they are placeholders. Kuja and Compound are planning on trying some new experiments with environmental textures to make them pop better. We've been looking at League of Legends' artstyle, or Ori and the Blind Forest's kind of environments. We're going to be trying a bunch of stuff here in the near future, we just wanted to get a tech demo out so people had something to play with and get a feel for what we're going for in terms of gameplay.

The old tech demo for LoK:R, v0, was literally just a slide show of sex animations. This one is meant to show you gameplay, and is a lot more complex.

This is like GOT S8 all over again lol

The fans waited a long time (They had initially said they would release this December 2019, so 7 months behind schedule). We finally get it, but it's just not right. Yeah, I was impressed with the launcher, it's cool and the map looks pretty huge with lots of new places, so there's a lot of potential there and you can tell the devs put a lot of thought into it. But the game just doesn't feel right. The sex scenes were not hot at all. The first HJ/BJ/Tit flashing etc in the old version were ALL hot and continued to get hotter. Krystal looked like a fucking babe and the Lizards looked pretty gangster while fucking/taking advantage of this exotic creature. In the tech demo though, the Snake looked like it had just ran a 400 or something panting like that. It actually reminded me of the funny video of the turtles having sex. I hope you guys didn't use that for inspiration :oops:. Appius' cocks (why would I ever in my life need to know snakes have 2 dicks?) looked pretty gross and like dog dicks too, and Krystal looked like the new hunchback of notre dame without an ass in that bj scene. Although it was hot when she sat back.

The game just feels creepy in a way? I feel weird playing it. I think they took the furry thing a bit too far. Although Krystal is a furry, she was never really viewed as such in the previous versions and even in most of the Legend Of Krystal games. She seemed very human and the lizards also seemed very human. Now it actually feels like a fox having sex with a snake and to me that's just a step too far in a direction I'm not willing to go down lol.

I get that this is a tech demo, and not the final product, and I get that there's a lot of work yet to come. Lots of cool concepts haven't been implemented yet like the lust component with the %'s which sounds great. But the game just doesn't feel as good as the old one. Maybe it's the dialogue, or the overall mechanics, but it just feels off? I can't really explain it.

I'm probably wrong when I say this because I haven't been on their discord much, and haven't been a patron for at least a year but I would think most people play a sex game for the sex. The other stuff you can add is cool, sure, but I'm not trying to remember what 30 different berries and potions will do to Krystal, or work on building up her agility and physique to avoid losing a fight to not get fucked. I'm TRYNA get her fucked, that's the whole point. The RPG stats work in a game like Corruption Of Champions, where there aren't any visuals and the point is to RPG your own path. But I just feel like it will get annoying in this unless there's a cheat/god/hack mode to allow you to choose how to play. I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a good time. I don't have hours to spend on upgrading her stats (not talking about lust/submission stats, but intelligence etc)

I don't know. I don't want to bash the devs, but I just feel like they are attempting something that just isn't what most people wanted. It's like going to a diner and ordering a ham and swiss sandwich, but your waiter brings you a steak, sunny side up eggs, salad, a margarita, and fries. The problem is, the steak is well done, eggs are stale, salad has too much dressing, margarita isn't mixed right and fries are too salty. Don't get me wrong, most people would prefer to have the 2nd order over the sandwich, but if the execution isn't done right then that meal just isn't enjoyable even though it's "more". Sometimes you just want a sandiwich ya know?

I'll be back in a few months, I'll wait until there is version 0.3 and see how the game has turned out. If it's improved I'll be happy to donate again, and continue to play your work.

Good luck Tribe team.
For the animations, see my comment above. I know that it looks bad, believe me, that's why there is a disclaimer. It's a placeholder. It's unpolished, there are no facial expressions, etc.

Well, the Lizardmen will still have their human dicks. But for variety, we'll have different genitalia on different species. Because that's what people wanted. We're also looking to expand gameplay, because that's what people wanted.

Unfortunately it is going to come down to personal taste.

Anyway, I'm sorry you're disappointed (Honestly I was disappointed myself because I was expecting animations for a long time, and they were just so damned slow), but I warned that it was in fact a tech demo. We'll get there, eventually, and I hope you'll come back and support us when we do. Cheers.

I tried it out. I think I finally agree with all the people saying they preferred the old style.

Half of the scenes didn't work, just text.

I'm still gonna be checking up on this, but I feel like some shitty late 90's era flash games ran better than this. I am aware it is a demo, just sketchy after 7 months of half ass work.

Probably going to keep an eye on Abelius's project, since it seems like the spiritual successor.

Not a Patreon, so my opinion probably doesn't matter.
2/4 scenes didn't work because they aren't finished yet, so it was just text. People were clamoring for the update, and I didn't have the heart to tell them the animations were STILL not ready. Everything else was ready for literal months. Compound had time to remake the map 8 times over, and learn how to use blender to make it 3D as an experiment. As I said in my discord post, the waiting for animations is inexcusable, and we're going to look at our pipeline for animations far more seriously in the coming future.

But it is still a tech demo, so I dunno what else to tell you. It's a very complex tech demo, I might add, with a ton of moving parts. Compare it to the old tech demo for LoK:R, and you'll see how much more complicated it is. That said, the old tech demo was far more polished, being much simpler.

inb4 they start over again and we repeat the last year AGAIN.

Should have just stayed with the old style and improved it.
Not possible, I'm afraid.

The art in the tech demo is really bad. Things just look really flat. Also, I think the snake thing just looks gross and the animation looks weird which adds to the already gross aspect. Like the snake's skin opens up to reveal some fleshy cone (or cones lol) for Krystal to suck on. It just looks really odd.

The previous 0.8 build was superior in every conceivable way. Sure, it had its flaws, but playing through what it had, you could see the potential and the direction the devs (or dev?) was going for and I was really hopeful to see it develop further. The entire questline with Cenvir insanely good and showed the great potential future questlines might've held for Krystal's development over the course of the game. If that vision of the game is dead then things are looking really bleak.
The 0.8 build was also not a tech demo. All of the characters are returning, including most of the quests. We need to build back up to that point, because we are restarting from scratch. This should be fairly obvious.

Anyway, as for the art, we're experimenting with ways to make it look better (See my first comment)

Personally not a fan of the new 3D, I feel the previous 0.8 version nailed the environment and perspective better than any other LOK game has done. The characters in the demo just feel like flat paper cutouts that are floating in a 3d environment, which was really apparent during the single lewd scene, it just looked really displeasing and ugly, even the old flash game characters felt like their bodies had substance.

I also can't help but feel the game is being taken in a full furry direction away from the humanoid appearances the characters had in the previous version, which I'm not a fan of. I hope we're not gonna be forced to see anatomically correct lizard dicks.
There are two lewd scenes. You missed the more polished lesbian scene with Keakrix (Still not fully polished, missing expressions/tongue)

Lizards will have their human dicks. The Snakes have snake dicks. None of the women will have animalistic genitalia, and will all have human genitals/breasts. We wanted more variety of dicks because lots of people wanted more variety of dicks.

You would have access to this knowledge if you were in our discord, and asked.

Yep. I agree with all the other posts over here. Problem is not the current version, but the idea in general. The 2D characters in 3d world look flat and unreal, the only available sex animation with snake looks wierd (Krystal's jaw opens the same as the lizard's), and it's strange to not have all the main characters walking animations, even at the very, very beggining.
I'm a part of dev team myself, and i can say that in a couple of projects we've already done, the models, animations and pictures always were ready way before the programmer finished his job, and integrated them. But here we have the opposite - a lot of programmer's work and nothing good in visuals. Basic Unity background, standard terrain editor, low-poly models of 3D envoirment. And i dont think you were planning to ever replace and rework them. If Kuja had really drawn, like, 5 pictures and 4 animations so far, considering he had the whole year, and that the art progress never depends from the coding progress, then i dont know why is he still sticking with this project (which obviously doesn't interest him, with this amount of work), or why did you not find the second artist to speed the process up, if for some reason Kuja can't handle more than 10 drawings a year (yes, i know about the constant reworks, still doesnt explain the fact why you still don't have basic animations).

Also, i still do not get the reason to move to the 3D instead of a simpler 2D, who you were trying to impress? You obviously can't handle this amount of work with current staff number.
Yes, animations are mind bogglingly slow in our pipeline, and we're going to fix that. We'll get there, it just takes time. Once all the basic animations are in the game, then it's literally just a matter of creating more and more sex scene content. As much as we want, really.

Also Kuja is ridiculously talented, and fast. You have no idea how astonishingly quick he is with drawing. But Kuja isn't the animator. Also, I do not think you fully understand just how complex this rig is.

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Keep in mind, that this rig also needs to be able to accommodate FULL customization, everything from different tails, to different eyes, different hairstyles, different breasts, and even full clothing customization for RPG armors/clothes/etc.


I tend to agree. I can understand those that want to wait and see with this new stuff, and I will be waiting, too. I would have preferred they remade and upgraded the original LOK: Rebirth. That was a killer trailer btw, imagine Krystal getting dicked down with a planetary war going on in the background :D
Unfortunately, it wasn't possible. However, I think you'll enjoy the story and lore that is planned. We'll see, I guess.

Eh, after reading the last 15 pages of this section of the forum, it turns out these changes did happen not because LOK Team did want this, but because the development team no longer wants to work in the previous composition...

Well, then the old version of the game is alreally dead, and now a completely different game awaits us. And do not blame the new version of the game too much - all the changes have occurred not because they are better, but because the lead programmer, who created most of the old version of the project, left the team. So this update is more forced than the real desire of the developers ... It remains only to wish them good luck with their new game.
It's a complicated situation, but only time will tell. I appreciate your wishes, and I hope to make a good game for you.

This is..weird

It would work if the environments and the characters matched in art direction, and maybe they will, but currently its very weird. Also if anything I feel like you should be able to zoom in on the character more, and I honestly think you should just go back to 2D. But tightening up and making the environments smaller may be just as good, small corridors with the 2.5D perspective, a vast open world doesnt seem to work, and like others have said, look flat, like a cardboard cutout stand, just sitting there telling you you gotta be this tall to suck that snake dick
Well 2.5d can work, it can look good (See my first comment on this post), but it is challenging to do. This entire game is a massive challenge to do, that I don't think many people seem to appreciate. It is an immense undertaking, and as Abel said, possibly too immense. We'll see. We're doing lots of experiments now to see what looks good and what does not.

But regardless, soon you'll be seeing fully polished environments and animations. The tech demo was only there to show gameplay elements that we intend to go for.

This is sooooo bad. I thought the 3D was going to be only prerendered but they actually tried to make it a 3D game. How could this be a good idea?! It runs poorly and the 2D models looks extremely out of place. They had something amazing and they scrapped it for this shitty excuse? -.-"
Most people have stated it was extremely well optimized, 'cept the grass, and Gizmo is making a toggle for the grass. Also, the old version was scrapped for numerous reasons that I'm not going to go into. But we didn't scrap it for shits and giggles. We're going to be getting back to something amazing, it just takes time to make a game. Nothing is instant.

Sushi Aid

New Member
Jul 5, 2020
I feel like we are in some sort of mob effect.
I mean, Oi, we were told this is a tech demo, I didn't expect much besides place holders, and these things were told to us. The base seems solid enough, and while it may seem wrinkled right now, it will get ironed out later.
What we saw is no where near finished. Can we just, leave Britney Spears alone?


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Well the way I see it this is not whining. And - from my part at least - is not to be seen as such. Im not "demanding they do better". Im not giving them any money, so all I provide here is free feedback and my own thoughts on the thing. They can take it or leave it really. I don't think myself important enough that anybody has to take note of what I have to say, but if they can use the info I give them and make a better game for it, then hey, more power to them. They are free to read what I write. Im also trying not to be overly negative or accusatory in my comments.

MightyAltroll Its nice to see you are exploring options, and I understand its not "as easy as it looks" to deal with animation rigging. In my opinion though the solution you are going for will just be a duct-tape fix for the problem. In all those videos it still looks like the character models are made of paper. And the big picutre you posted with Krystal running, when Im looking at the legs, I can see the 2D-ness of her character model. And yes its possible to hide that with a lot of effort, but you will never be able to hide that 100%. I don't understand why you don't attempt to have a 2D background, it's not like the addition of the depth dimension is opening up countless gameplay possibilities. From my POV:

1. The old game (Rebirth 0.8) also had 2.5D. It literally had sections where movement on a XY axis was possible and it worked fine for the most part
2. The backgrounds are so much more beautiful in 2D or 2.5D compared to anything a full 3D rendered one can whip up with you guys budget
3. Puzzles, Jump-and-Run elements, action, combat. All these things work perfectly fine in a 2D/2.5D environment if done correctly. The problem is not the 2D vs. 3D, it's the programming of the game and capability of the engine. There are countless 2D games out there that are abolustely amazing and action-heavy, stealth-heavy, include puzzles, depth of field (different 2D layers) and all kinds of elements really.

The decision is clear for me, but either way I feel a decision has to be made. Either just go full 3D and make all character models 3D, then you can go for a JRPG-style of games. Dungeons having low-res environments here and there, but characters and main stages/locations being high res 3D. A lot of JRPGs out there that show that (look at the Tails series, Neptunia from a few years ago, etc, etc)

Or go back to the 2D and perfect the forumla. Make it fluid, variable and include many gameplay forms. Its all possible, even with 2D.


Mar 23, 2018
Again, I'm not a patron, so my opinion probably counts for little, but I'd be all for a 2D environment maybe with some pseudo 3D movement. In my experience, true 3D erotic games are consistently worse than 2D. I'd guess because it's much harder to polish and takes longer to implement. Ultimately, I don't think anyone is looking for compelling or enthralling gameplay from an erotic game. I would think most people are just looking for a game that has some decently implemented mechanics with a strong focus on sex.


Mar 24, 2019
Well the way I see it this is not whining. And - from my part at least - is not to be seen as such. Im not "demanding they do better". Im not giving them any money, so all I provide here is free feedback and my own thoughts on the thing. They can take it or leave it really. I don't think myself important enough that anybody has to take note of what I have to say, but if they can use the info I give them and make a better game for it, then hey, more power to them. They are free to read what I write. Im also trying not to be overly negative or accusatory in my comments.

MightyAltroll Its nice to see you are exploring options, and I understand its not "as easy as it looks" to deal with animation rigging. In my opinion though the solution you are going for will just be a duct-tape fix for the problem. In all those videos it still looks like the character models are made of paper. And the big picutre you posted with Krystal running, when Im looking at the legs, I can see the 2D-ness of her character model. And yes its possible to hide that with a lot of effort, but you will never be able to hide that 100%. I don't understand why you don't attempt to have a 2D background, it's not like the addition of the depth dimension is opening up countless gameplay possibilities. From my POV:

1. The old game (Rebirth 0.8) also had 2.5D. It literally had sections where movement on a XY axis was possible and it worked fine for the most part
2. The backgrounds are so much more beautiful in 2D or 2.5D compared to anything a full 3D rendered one can whip up with you guys budget
3. Puzzles, Jump-and-Run elements, action, combat. All these things work perfectly fine in a 2D/2.5D environment if done correctly. The problem is not the 2D vs. 3D, it's the programming of the game and capability of the engine. There are countless 2D games out there that are abolustely amazing and action-heavy, stealth-heavy, include puzzles, depth of field (different 2D layers) and all kinds of elements really.

The decision is clear for me, but either way I feel a decision has to be made. Either just go full 3D and make all character models 3D, then you can go for a JRPG-style of games. Dungeons having low-res environments here and there, but characters and main stages/locations being high res 3D. A lot of JRPGs out there that show that (look at the Tails series, Neptunia from a few years ago, etc, etc)

Or go back to the 2D and perfect the forumla. Make it fluid, variable and include many gameplay forms. Its all possible, even with 2D.
Dont worry I do believe people know my comment wasnt directed to them but to the other people, the problem is the latter wont realise that it was to them.

About the game, once again I will say the same thing going less humanoid and more furry with lizard girls was mistake in my opinion they are less sexy and less atractive compared to 0.8 but the masses decided

Is going 3D good choice? I think no. not because of the quality but because of the time consuming with such small group.
People dont like to wait they are impatient espescialy the lazy ones that dont know what to do with themselfs in life.
2D would be more efficient in that aspect thats why most games are made as 2D and 0.8 proves it can be with high quality too.

Puzzles / mini games are they good ? They are nice addition to the game but for porn game ? not that much if they are just obstacle with no follow scene, people want sex scenes with good progressive story that give good reason for those scenes just like in 0.8 pot guy , clothes at lake , skins with armor guy and they had those mini games.

I liked 0.8 very much and I also like the attempt with the new version there is potentiall I only fear the time consuming work will overwhelm them with such small group. If they feel like its too much and they wont be able to keep satisfying updates at good pace I think they should just go back to they way 0.8 was made with the current new models and mechanics , make the same small maps (sorry Error with my english) recreate the background or use same graphics that were used and tinker them or w/e.
Its a fresh start so there shouldnt be same problem with coding (was it the one messed up with every new update?) as it was with 0.8 so you have ways to go with it if at some point you see the road is ending just change the route.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2019
Considering that Krystal has been a furry icon for twenty years I think asking her to be more human and less furry is probably barking up the wrong tree.

Sorry it moved away from your preference but I'd feel pretty comfortable calling you the minority for furry preference in this game's audience.

Though otherwise I agree with the points you bring up. I'm not sure where the project is going to go from here, hopefully it works out.


Nov 5, 2017
Well, that's an exaggeration for sure. I still can read reviews here about the grindfest and how I basically tortured people with non-skippable quests. :ROFLMAO:

I will try not to do that anymore.
Don't sell yourself short. It was grindy because it was lacking in content which is to be expected of an unfinished game. Having a few more concurrent questlines that increased respective stats so the player wouldn't always be doing the same thing each day would've evened things out and reduced perception of a stat grind and there was a ton of potential in the other npc's to do that with the tavern/hunting/dancing/etc. or w/e other new ideas that could've been brought in. Complaints about a grind are simply not looking at the bigger picture

It's honestly a tragedy if the 0.8 build is abandoned.
May 31, 2018
r w/e other new ideas that could've been brought in. Complaints about a grind are simply not looking at the bigger picture

It's honestly a tragedy if the 0.8 build is abandoned.

Yeah... After I seen this pose in past - I was thinked, that creators decide to make similar type of poses for each character as final reward for finishing their storyline ... And it seemed to me like a GREAT idea! ... It’s a pity, this turned out to be the last thing that was done and added in the older version ...

Who knows, maybe their new version of the game, in the end, will be no worse than the previous one, but the problem is that it will take few years before the new version catches up with the old ...
Last edited:


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
Hi, can someone give me a tl;dr of what is happening with the game development?
Well, basically we went from a corruption game with good art, dialogues and a lot of content to develop to something like a paper mario style RPG Maker 64.

If you've played the last one... well, try this one and judge for yourself.


Mar 24, 2019
Considering that Krystal has been a furry icon for twenty years I think asking her to be more human and less furry is probably barking up the wrong tree.

Sorry it moved away from your preference but I'd feel pretty comfortable calling you the minority for furry preference in this game's audience.
Ye just like i said it was my own opinion and i also said that the masses (majority) decided


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
I apologize for returning to the design topic again, maybe somewhere deep inside me there's hope that the developers can still do something good with new game.

I just checked this thread for pictures of new Krys, and don't quite follow, the way she walks was more appealing and anatomical justified.

Look at "Original" version in this picture.
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It's hard to tell how it was in the game, cuz placeholders you know, but in all presentations gifs, she walks with her foot pressed against the ground, which feels a bit off for me at first glance, but i thought maybe it be different in the game.
Also if we look on the "Original" picture she has much more skin details than any of the new version. Ankle joint, knee, muscles on the body and the whole skin is more detailed. Yeah maybe new version still wip, but I felt the need to clarify this.


Apr 24, 2018
can game be linear 2d byt naughty stuff loaded in 2,5 d? like darkest dungeon ( similar). i dont know if its easear than openworld.
p.s about krys model , i think they are both same just old krys is dark blued fur and new model is lighblue. and version 2 is a bit diferent.
3.60 star(s) 33 Votes