It seems that you aren't understanding the problem people are having. When using the cheat on the computer to artificially increase their Lust, they are finding that when presented with the dialogue with Nesi to rip the uniform, the choice to rip is greyed out and unavailable. This is exactly what happened to me when I tried it.
Decided to do some rigorous testing, and by testing, I mean "Krystal sleeps for 10 nights straight". Yep, even if the lust is high enough, that option is greyed out... Until Meiri tells you that you might as well go directly to Cenvir.
Conclusions: Some options are actually locked, even if your lust is high enough, until after a certain event. The event in question? {Entry_2_State="success", Entry_2="GoToCenvirDirectly"} (although, this particular flag requires that entries 1-6 from cenvir are also "success", and the next one along set to "active")
In the old versions, you did not get the option to go to Cenvir directly until after you ripped your suit. In this version, you can only rip the suit once you get the option to go to Cenvir. I also noticed that the very same goes for the "swallow" option in the waterfall scene.
I will edit my post, because a final requirement is that you fail your firewood gathering enough times.