
Apr 19, 2021
Crazy lady with a knife is a softie? Not a chance. The only reason she hasn't done anything is because the other girls have done anything she knows about that she feels warrants punishment, such as being in a relationship with player Sensei romantically. She has outright said she won't allow any other girl to have a romantic, and she very specifically said romantic, relationship with him. However, she doesn't know about the romantic relationships that already exist.
Carrying a weapon doesn't mean they're actually going to do anything with it. I have guns. I'm a softy ("I'm an American, weapons are part of my religion"). I say that about Noriko because she backed out of sex acts with Sensei multiple times.
All talk.

There are no full routes at all in the game yet, we're still on the first one, which is a general route focused on the entire cast. Some of them are farther along, but none of them are fully completed, not even Chika because we aren't even working on her route yet. By the same logic, Ami would be best girl since she has about the same level of development as Chika in that aspect. The reason for Rin being best girl isn't because of how far along she is, it's because she is, so far, the one with the greatest romantic potential. Like Chika, if you haven't noticed, she is extremely loyal to the one she is actually in love with and she's kind of cute, not gonna lie. Then you take her events into consideration. She has been distinctly opposed to doing anything with player Sensei all the way up until the final moment of her events so far, then something amazing happened to cap it off that basically blows any notion that she is in love with any of the girls out of the water. You have to remember that she did just have her heart broken some time ago and is still feeling the effect, so while she has shown interest in Otoha, she is wary of repeating the Chika incident all over again and once again feeling that pain in full. She also seems far less enthusiastic about Otoha than what she showed for Chika, she's enthusiastic about Otoha, but to a far lesser degree and likely because of having been shot down once already. She is not wary about player Sensei and even went further than I would have ever expected her to on her first move toward him, I didn't even expect her to be the initiator. She wouldn't have allowed that if she didn't feel romantic feelings toward player Sensei because she is a very serious girl when it comes to love and refuses to do anything with a person she is not actually in love with so far, as seen in her original relentless pursuit of Chika and in the result of the same scene, her last event so far, if you are a bad homie, or should I say the lack of result considering it is a lack of action, not an action in and of itself. This might change to allowing other people to join in as long as her love interest is also involved, like a threesome with Chika or Otoha, but that remains to be seen.

Chika has feelings well before you think she does, it's why she shot Rin down in the first place. She already had a love interest before the confession, you. Rin is much later, she doesn't show signs at all until the moment she acts on her feelings at the end of her events so far.

You're probably right about Karin not talking to old Sensei, she has a problem interacting with boys, even an outright fear of them, that she is getting over because of player Sensei.

Io and Uta have definitely never met old Sensei, they literally just transferred into his class. The only girls who had were the original ones we start with.

Kirin, yeah, for now it's just her wanting someone to help her get off, but I think there are feelings buried somewhere in there that she may not understand herself.

Chika doesn't win by default, there is no win by default since she has competition. Winning by default requires one of two things, a lack of competition or all competition to be disqualified. Every sing girl is capable of being competitive to Chika, even her own little sister is a threat in that regard. Nobody needs to be more advanced in their romance aspect, they all have their charms already and those will develop further over time, even Chika's.
I just mean "complete" as in, you can develop the relationship to being more than friends, that you can call her over, have sex with her, etc. Chika didn't really pay attention to Sensei aside from considering him hot until they started hanging out at the mall and then her room. Then she develops a crush on him. The girls who had crushes on him before the Isekai consider the changes that Sensei has gone through to be weird and negative. for Chika the changes have been positive. She likes New Sensei, not old.
only Ami and Chika have had Sensei say they love them, and Ami's family, Chika is not. Sensei is currently paying for Chika, Chinami and Yumi's phones for Chika's sake. Sensei has even said he loved Chika without her saying it first, and it even caught himself off guard and he had to mentally justify whether he meant it or not. First time he said it he was just trying to get into her pants. Second time was uncoerced.
Rin so far they're "homies" and she's interested in another girl while still denying she has those kinds of feelings for Sensei, even though she came onto him and they've been on a date. Until she gets over the denial that Otoha and Haruka can clearly see she is into Sensei... it's not gonna go anywhere. Otoha's gonna have to shoot her down too. Rin's gonna be a tightrope because Otoha's obviously going to fall for Sensei as well. There will probably be multiple "bad homie" exit ramps for Rin. I also wonder if going for Rin is going to affect Molly.
I think Karin is further along a relationship with Sensei than Rin (they've had a few lunch dates), even if they've never done anything physical. Karin isn't in denial, Karin is just unable to confess because she'd melt down, but the way she wears her heart on her sleeve is C-C-C-CUTE!?!? anyway.

The snark was the best part of her reaction to that lust name, I laughed so hard I teared up, of course, it was also rivaled by fury being directed at her non-existent father. I was fully expecting another 'brain.exe has stopped responding' mental breakdown like Ami's because I already knew full well her father wasn't in her life for whatever reason.
I think I backed out because I expected it to negatively affect the relationship.
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
......yeah i'm pretty sure she'd pull out that 'Back-alley vasectomy' she threatened Sensei with a while back before it got to that point.
I have a feeling Yumi is all bark and no bite though, like Ayane. She didn't even resist in the kissing scene (understandably, as that must have been hella scary.)

The point is, though, Yumi wouldn't have the heart to do that, unless maybe Chinami gets involved as well.


May 19, 2021
I have a feeling Yumi is all bark and no bite though, like Ayane. She didn't even resist in the kissing scene (understandably, as that must have been hella scary.)

The point is, though, Yumi wouldn't have the heart to do that, unless maybe Chinami gets involved as well.
Yeah, involving her favorite angel is a real quick way to a police report if nothing else. Yumi has already laid it out in plain english "You hurt my family, i will fucking end you".

Maybe she is all talk regarding the threats and insults she throws at Sensei throughout the game, but regarding Chika and Chinami, she's dead serious.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Carrying a weapon doesn't mean they're actually going to do anything with it. I have guns. I'm a softy ("I'm an American, weapons are part of my religion"). I say that about Noriko because she backed out of sex acts with Sensei multiple times.
All talk.

I just mean "complete" as in, you can develop the relationship to being more than friends, that you can call her over, have sex with her, etc. Chika didn't really pay attention to Sensei aside from considering him hot until they started hanging out at the mall and then her room. Then she develops a crush on him. The girls who had crushes on him before the Isekai consider the changes that Sensei has gone through to be weird and negative. for Chika the changes have been positive. She likes New Sensei, not old.
only Ami and Chika have had Sensei say they love them, and Ami's family, Chika is not. Sensei is currently paying for Chika, Chinami and Yumi's phones for Chika's sake. Sensei has even said he loved Chika without her saying it first, and it even caught himself off guard and he had to mentally justify whether he meant it or not. First time he said it he was just trying to get into her pants. Second time was uncoerced.
Rin so far they're "homies" and she's interested in another girl while still denying she has those kinds of feelings for Sensei, even though she came onto him and they've been on a date. Until she gets over the denial that Otoha and Haruka can clearly see she is into Sensei... it's not gonna go anywhere. Otoha's gonna have to shoot her down too. Rin's gonna be a tightrope because Otoha's obviously going to fall for Sensei as well. There will probably be multiple "bad homie" exit ramps for Rin. I also wonder if going for Rin is going to affect Molly.
I think Karin is further along a relationship with Sensei than Rin (they've had a few lunch dates), even if they've never done anything physical. Karin isn't in denial, Karin is just unable to confess because she'd melt down, but the way she wears her heart on her sleeve is C-C-C-CUTE!?!? anyway.

I think I backed out because I expected it to negatively affect the relationship.
Oh no, that's not what I mean when I say crazy lady with a knife, my fault if I gave that impression. No, the fact that she's armed just means there is no warning or prep needed before she strikes. She can strike before the victim knows what hits them. What makes her more likely to do something is her craziness, her yandere tendencies. She didn't back out of anything so far by choice, she didn't have the option to go through with it and still have a path forward. Her situation is much like player Sensei's in that regard as far as his goal to get into the panties of every girl in his class. She wants to make him hers and hers alone, but she has to do it in a way that allows that to continue and not end up a one time thing because there are now things in her way she cannot overcome even with that knife. Her situation is very delicate, one wrong move could make everything go up in flames with no chance of recovery.

As for the development of relationships, again, that logic can be applied to several of the girls, even to Rin to a lesser extent. I'm pretty sure just friends or just a student of his is below the point where you do things like what she pulled at the end. She is less developed, but she's getting there and she's already beyond being just a friend or his student, though she may not realize that herself. I don't think her denial will last much longer in game time, it might in real time depending on how many updates it takes to get her there, but in game time, she may be right on that last bit of resistance before she finally accepts her own feelings. Keep in mind she's also still scared of being rejected again, so there is that to consider. I have no doubt we are heading for at least an Otoha based bad homie situation, though. That might be what finally breaks her out of denial. Going for Rin is DEFINITELY going to affect Molly, but what I can't tell is how badly, whether it might end up like with Karin asking if we like Kirin romantically or not. Selebus, please tell me I won't have to lie to the poor little Irish gamer girl. She already looks too fragile to take that assuming she realizes I did.

He's definitely changing for the better, that much is clear with how, like you said, he is saying things he normally would not under the exact circumstances he was in.

I still believe Kirin to still be firmly in the physical relationship camp, but she does seem to be in denial of feelings herself, either that or completely oblivious to her own feelings at a level that would make an anime harem protagonist seem perceptive.

As far as the snark, this is one of those times where she does accept it, but be prepared to take shots for it because she is not going to let you get away with it entirely unscathed. Nothing bad, she just won't let you hear the end of it for a bit.

I have a feeling Yumi is all bark and no bite though, like Ayane. She didn't even resist in the kissing scene (understandably, as that must have been hella scary.)

The point is, though, Yumi wouldn't have the heart to do that, unless maybe Chinami gets involved as well.
Yeah, involving her favorite angel is a real quick way to a police report if nothing else. Yumi has already laid it out in plain english "You hurt my family, i will fucking end you".

Maybe she is all talk regarding the threats and insults she throws at Sensei throughout the game, but regarding Chika and Chinami, she's dead serious.
Yep, typical tsundere, she won't do anything unless player Sensei actually does something to hurt Chika or Chinami. Then nothing could save the poor fool, not even the entire Kumon-Mi police force could stop that much murderous intent.


Apr 19, 2021
If Karin gets a full route and being involved with Kirin ruins it I'll gladly make a playthrough just for her. I'm starting a second playthrough and thinking about which girls can I reject to spare them from some of the worst fallout?
I already know I'm rejecting Ami at every chance I can get cause she's awful and it's just disturbing.
I won't get Ayane's lust up to 10 for prisoner to spare her from being Kirin'ed.
I might reject Kirin totally too (keeping things open for her sister and minimizing the chances of hurting Karin if she finds out about being involved with her sister)
Probably not get the blowjob from Maki, and will probably turn down Haruka because of the guilt she feels cheating on her husband.
"Moral" Sensei.
Bluejay made me kind of regret going anywhere with Makoto, cause obviously her relationship with Sensei fucked her up but I don't know if you can avoid that by avoiding a relationship with her either.
so that'd be Chika, Sara, and Ayane but holding back some on Ayane... and keeping on good homie terms with Rin.
I wonder if I CAN reject Kirin and truthfully tell Karin I haven't been messing around with her sister?


New Member
Apr 18, 2021
I feel bad about involuntarily traumatizing Yumi, but she's such a bitch that I feel less bad about it in the long run

O̐ͥ͋̌͐ͤ̒ͮͩ́̎̍̔̀̚͡҉̮͍̯͙̻̻̯͕̝͚̭̻͢Hͬ̂̄ͬ̉̓͛̚͏̧̙̯̣̤̥̬̝͖̟͈̘̝̮͔̗͢͠ ̡̈́̒̉͌͐͆̄̓ͫͤ͘҉͎͓͚̙̮̜̠̥̰̻̥͚̟̖͈̦̀͡ͅN̎͐̂ͦͪ̃̍ͩ̎̽͒͊ͦ̓́͏̴̸̯͖̖̠̘̳̳͕̝̝̳̲͔̮̦̼̰͝Ơ̱̣̮̞͚̳̦̖̫̩̥̟̜̭̖̮͍ͭ̋ͥ̾̽ͮ͡͝ͅ ̬͔̯̱̙̩̗̖̄̊̂ͦͫ̇̎ͦ̑͑ͮ̔ͬ͒̾̓̚̕ͅH̵̘̟͇̤͉͙͕̘̲ͫ̽̿ͮ̈͊́ͫ̀͝E̩̲̙̬̻͉͍͍̩͔̠̝̣̼̘̠͙̭ͤͪͣ̐̇̌ͪ̅ͨͨ̉́͜'̉̒̎̈́͏̶̨̦̗͚̜̣͎̻͎͓̠̼̖͉̥̼̫͚̜Ṣ̷̱̖̫͓̯͍̬͓̞̼̳̏̒͑͒͂͗̅̈̒̏͂ͦ͐̅ͣ͊ͦͣ͡͞ͅ ̡͎̫̞̼͖̠͓̠̖̣̟͐ͯͤ̄̊̍̉͗̓̏ͤ̕͝͡Hͪ͋͌ͪ̂̾̌̉͌̊̓ͮ̾̅ͥ͏̡̠̜̳͙͈̙̼̝̟̠̞ͅË̈́ͨ̑͊̓̅ͬ̿͌̃̑͑͂̔̈́̇ͦͨ́҉͝͠҉͕̣̯̰R̴̴͈͓̱̹͖̪͓͈͍̺͓̞̝̲̬͔͋̉͐͐̉̍͜͠͝ͅEͪ̾̋̑̋̎̑͆̀͞҉͓̪̲̞̪̲̩̺̬̭̩̣̩̯͎̤̤̝͝ͅ

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Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
I'm convinced the 'real' Sensei is still the core of who current Sensei actually is. He's repeatedly pulled random things from his memory that a reincarnation simply could not have done (pulling literary questions out of his ass at the drop of a hat for instance).

That being said, i have to wonder just how different OG Sensei and current Sensei actually are in behavior. Obviously theres the whole 'do whatever you want in class, IDGAF' but that aside, even Niki and Noriko seem to think he's the same old (lovable) dickhead they knew years ago.

GAH this game is a mindfuck, so much going on, hard to keep track of it all!
Yeah, I get the feeling that for whatever reason, he pulled his own Bluejay, and blanked his own memories out, at least that's the vibe I'm getting.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
If Karin gets a full route and being involved with Kirin ruins it I'll gladly make a playthrough just for her. I'm starting a second playthrough and thinking about which girls can I reject to spare them from some of the worst fallout?
I already know I'm rejecting Ami at every chance I can get cause she's awful and it's just disturbing.
I won't get Ayane's lust up to 10 for prisoner to spare her from being Kirin'ed.
I might reject Kirin totally too (keeping things open for her sister and minimizing the chances of hurting Karin if she finds out about being involved with her sister)
Probably not get the blowjob from Maki, and will probably turn down Haruka because of the guilt she feels cheating on her husband.
"Moral" Sensei.
Bluejay made me kind of regret going anywhere with Makoto, cause obviously her relationship with Sensei fucked her up but I don't know if you can avoid that by avoiding a relationship with her either.
so that'd be Chika, Sara, and Ayane but holding back some on Ayane... and keeping on good homie terms with Rin.
I wonder if I CAN reject Kirin and truthfully tell Karin I haven't been messing around with her sister?
There will likely be a way to have both just as there was a way to stay on Rin's good side and also get with Chika.

Yeah, I get the feeling that for whatever reason, he pulled his own Bluejay, and blanked his own memories out, at least that's the vibe I'm getting.
I still get a feeling his Bluejay wasn't voluntary, but was made to look that way.


Mar 4, 2018
I havn't caught up on everything in the latest update, but I have finished Maya's stuff. I kinda feel like she broke him and now she keeps hitting the reset hoping he'll restart as his original self. It would explain why she plays it cool in the very beginning...
the way she'd act if they had a secret relationship. This game is amazing, I don't even have a favorite girl. Well I do kinda, Sara's pretty much at the top of the list, excited/afraid of when we learn more about what happened with her son. But they're all important parts of an extraordinary display of story telling.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
I havn't caught up on everything in the latest update, but I have finished Maya's stuff. I kinda feel like she broke him and now she keeps hitting the reset hoping he'll restart as his original self. It would explain why she plays it cool in the very beginning...
the way she'd act if they had a secret relationship. This game is amazing, I don't even have a favorite girl. Well I do kinda, Sara's pretty much at the top of the list, excited/afraid of when we learn more about what happened with her son. But they're all important parts of an extraordinary display of story telling.
She, Maya, might also see that it's Noriko's fault that the MC is the way he is during this reboot, if was even Noriko's fault or Maya's while trying to keep him from Noriko, based on that knee-jerk explosion we saw in the classroom.

/Agreed, like The Last Sovereign in so many ways, I was interested due to the porn and stayed for the story.


May 19, 2021
I havn't caught up on everything in the latest update, but I have finished Maya's stuff. I kinda feel like she broke him and now she keeps hitting the reset hoping he'll restart as his original self. It would explain why she plays it cool in the very beginning...
the way she'd act if they had a secret relationship. This game is amazing, I don't even have a favorite girl. Well I do kinda, Sara's pretty much at the top of the list, excited/afraid of when we learn more about what happened with her son. But they're all important parts of an extraordinary display of story telling.
Definitely some strong feelings on Maya's end toward Sensei. The constant hateful/disgusted front she keeps up toward him could easily have been her way to cope with Sensei losing himself. Then things start happening that crack that wall she keeps up: the green scarf, Noriko showing up, Sensei having his blackouts around her. I don't have any clue how many loops she's been through, but at this point, she's likely just trying to hang on to her sanity.

Then she gets threatened with a reset herself...

Poor kid :(

HUGS FOR MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
That's a disturbing thought......which means its likely true. Something gave her a little 'push' at just the wrong moment.

Thank GOD God god for that reset...
I have circumstantial evidence at best, thankfully this isn't an actual court of law, but I get a VERY strong feeling the culprit is either an EXTREMELY jealous Ami or an EXTREMELY pissed off Noriko, either having a bout of the 'if I can't have him, nobody can' fits.

I havn't caught up on everything in the latest update, but I have finished Maya's stuff. I kinda feel like she broke him and now she keeps hitting the reset hoping he'll restart as his original self. It would explain why she plays it cool in the very beginning...
the way she'd act if they had a secret relationship. This game is amazing, I don't even have a favorite girl. Well I do kinda, Sara's pretty much at the top of the list, excited/afraid of when we learn more about what happened with her son. But they're all important parts of an extraordinary display of story telling.
She, Maya, might also see that it's Noriko's fault that the MC is the way he is during this reboot, if was even Noriko's fault or Maya's while trying to keep him from Noriko, based on that knee-jerk explosion we saw in the classroom.

/Agreed, like The Last Sovereign in so many ways, I was interested due to the porn and stayed for the story.
Oh no, she's not the one who broke him, she's always been the one trying to prevent that.

Definitely some strong feelings on Maya's end toward Sensei. The constant hateful/disgusted front she keeps up toward him could easily have been her way to cope with Sensei losing himself. Then things start happening that crack that wall she keeps up: the green scarf, Noriko showing up, Sensei having his blackouts around her. I don't have any clue how many loops she's been through, but at this point, she's likely just trying to hang on to her sanity.

Then she gets threatened with a reset herself...

Poor kid :(

HUGS FOR MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Noriko didn't just crack that wall, she busted it wide open with a nuke. There's no way that emotional outburst was a simple crack in the wall. The same with her witnessing the blackouts. I agree with her sanity, she's hanging on by a thread with a significant force trying to break that last remaining thread. I honestly don't know how much more the poor thing can take at this point. She may become the first girl to have a true mental breakdown and I mean something MUCH worse than Rin's depression induced delirium spells. That notion actually has me genuinely worried now, I just had to bring it up.
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May 19, 2021
Over/under on which girl(s) become aware of the loop? A couple of them have already questioned how they're having the beach trip 'again' when its only a few months into the school year...


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Over/under on which girl(s) become aware of the loop? A couple of them have already questioned how they're having the beach trip 'again' when its only a few months into the school year...
I think they all will in time, maybe it will be something that further drives them down the path of Denpa.
4.20 star(s) 296 Votes