
Nov 26, 2016
So my save is bugged since Futaba's boobjob option in the dorm is missing and it should be available.

Anyone know what I can do to unlock it? Change a variable in the script or something like that? Like that workaround for Miku's number. Tried editing the save but could not find the variable to change.
Selebus removed a couple of the repeatable dorm sex animations because he thought they looked bad. I'm not super happy with that decision, but it's not a bug, it's intended in .24.


Feb 2, 2020
Selebus removed a couple of the repeatable dorm sex animations because he thought they looked bad. I'm not super happy with that decision, but it's not a bug, it's intended in .24.
This was one of them? I thought he was only unhappy with the blowjob animations and a few events. I saw that the animation was still in the folder, damn.
May 19, 2020
It's really bugging me that I'm missing something. If you could help that would be great. View attachment 1997630

EDIT: Hope I attached the save right. First time doing that.
Nothing wrong with your save file.

Boobjob event is "hidden", you have to open the file game/DormEvents.rpy and remove the hashes "#" from lines 17186 and 17187.


that does the trick:


I attach the file if you have problems, simply replace it with the existing one (make a copy of the original if you think it's necessary).


Oct 7, 2021
im having hard times trying to figure out what to do next after the main event "see you in the morning". Like i have been trying to interact with everything but no event come up. Guys what should i do?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
You had a like until I hit that. Maya is basically the entire reason you're trapped in this endless loop. Then shes a complete bitch to you with you having zero clue why, the entire time she knows *exactly* what she's been doing and the scene with Noriko makes her the villain of the entire story. I'm team 'Maya can die in a house fire'.
If your takeaway is that Maya is a bitch for no reason, you skipped a _lot_ of story. Her relationship with Sensei is probably the most interesting (and feels-y) part of the whole game.
May 19, 2020
im having hard times trying to figure out what to do next after the main event "see you in the morning". Like i have been trying to interact with everything but no event come up. Guys what should i do?
You need to complete the next events and requirements to unlock "The Value of Sharing":
  • Day 200 or later
  • (Last beach event)
  • (Chika event)
  • (Haruka event)
  • (Kaori event)
  • (Rin event)
  • (Sana event)
  • (Maya event)
  • (Miku event)
  • (Yumi event)
  • (Makoto event)
  • (Maki event)
  • (Rin event) [Not listed in wiki]
  • Friday
Source here:


New Member
Aug 23, 2022
Hello fellows! Lessons in Love is truely a great game, I played probably already 100 of hours and I am currently one version prior to the rework update, so probably 0.23. I just have one really big request to you guys, due to me being unable to play the game on my home tower pc right now (i have only my laptop with me) I dont have my save file with me. Well I really could just play through the beginning but I seriously dont have enough time here to play through all of it again and I dont want to cheat my way through either...

Is there some cultured friend who could post me a save file from around 0.24? I just wanted to be ready to play the new updates as I will still be away from my tower for around 6 months.
I hope someone can help me and thanks for reading!

Best regards!


Jul 12, 2022
If your takeaway is that Maya is a bitch for no reason, you skipped a _lot_ of story. Her relationship with Sensei is probably the most interesting (and feels-y) part of the whole game.
I suppose you could call manipulating and controlling you interesting (and feelsy) if you twist it just right. The conversation with Noriko tells us everything we need to know about her. There is no story outside that that matters. Maya can die in a housefire. I won't ever change my mind about that. I'm sorry Maya-simps, it just wont happen.

It is the best part of the game, solely because is the most developed character arc so far.
Maya for 80% of the game: Fuck off, I dont like you
Maya for 20% of the game: secretly betrayed you, kept you from a woman you actually love, *and* trapped in a cycle because... [insert generic bullshit about mysterious here]

Yeah, totally the most developed, over Chika and her little sister. :ROFLMAO:
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Jul 22, 2019
If your takeaway is that Maya is a bitch for no reason, you skipped a _lot_ of story. Her relationship with Sensei is probably the most interesting (and feels-y) part of the whole game.
It is the best part of the game, solely because is the most developed character arc so far. it's incredibly satisfying seeing her go from the calm, collected, seemingly all kowing character that hates you to the just as lost as you, vulnerable girl that actually loves you but can't show her true feelings. She's best girl (at least until Kaori gets more content)


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
There is no story outside that that matters.
Wha? We don't even know the story yet.

Maya for 20% of the game: secretly betrayed you,
Where are you getting all of those cool stories from?

kept you from a woman you actually love,
You mean Ami's mom?

*and* trapped in a cycle because... [insert generic bullshit about mysterious here]
Hello, she's trapped in there too. For all we know, that's Sensei's fault.

Yeah, totally the most developed, over Chika and her little sister. :ROFLMAO:
That's fine, totally a matter of personal taste, but you're inventing stuff we know nothing about yet.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
Literally a scene between Maya and Noriko that explains it all. :ROFLMAO: It's like y'all just skip the parts that make Maya as bad as the MC. :ROFLMAO:
This conversation explains jack, it designed to be vague and suggestive, like everything in this game. It's like you just skip the rest of the game that equally vaguely hints at Maya's circumstances, possible dangers of forcing Sensei to remember stuff from his past, supposed damage Noriko's would have done to his fragile psyche back then and alleged damage her involvement did to Sensei in the past cycles.

We're not even clear on whatever what they were talking about were happening outside of time loops, in a "real world" (which again, we don't know if even a thing) or in some alternative timeline. This conversation even suggests that Noriko might know something "meta" but somehow unaware of time loops. It clarifies almost nothing and just adds questions.

I get that you like Nikki, so do I and there's certainly nothing wrong with disliking Maya, but you just zeroed in on this scene like it explains shit to us, when, I remind you, we still know nothing about story, aside from bits and pieces.
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Oct 7, 2021
You need to complete the next events and requirements to unlock "The Value of Sharing":
  • Day 200 or later
  • (Last beach event)
  • (Chika event)
  • (Haruka event)
  • (Kaori event)
  • (Rin event)
  • (Sana event)
  • (Maya event)
  • (Miku event)
  • (Yumi event)
  • (Makoto event)
  • (Maki event)
  • (Rin event) [Not listed in wiki]
  • Friday
Source here:
ah ok thanks. I have one more thing want to ask. i donwloaded the compressed version and didnt realize that is censored version so i will download the uncensored one now. Will my previous save files work on new version?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
It seems like you skipped all the content relating to this.
How much of the game did YOU skip if missed all of hints on Sensei's feelings for Ami's mother (that groomed him), him feeling inadequate and inferior towards his brother because of it (i'm sure being molested and maybe fucked by his wife also contributed)? This was hinted at almost from the beginning of the game, even before remake.

It would be a real shame if Sel hadn't slipped Maya standing there looking disapprovingly at them about to kiss.
>looking disapprovingly
Uh-huh. This is something you project straight from your imagination.

Seriously. I get that you're hard simping for Maya, but she's not some innocent bystander. :ROFLMAO:
I'm simply pointing out that we barely know anything about the story and the dynamics of those two characters.


Niki. Your 'old fiance', according to the wiki
Did you read wiki instead of playing the game? Also, this may change, but as of now she's a side character, which we know won't be getting their own endings. This right there should tell you how close she is to being a "love of his life".


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
This has fuck all to do with Maya is a manipulative bitch thats kept Niki and Noriko (and who knows who else) away from him. Stay on topic. :ROFLMAO:
I am. You are just ignoring the fact that we don't actually know what happened and rely solely on Noriko's words, how she percieved what happened. In a world where, need I remind you, perception and memories are highly unreliable.
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
Maya herself tells you when Noriko is introduced. She literally screamsget out, get out you fucking cunt. :ROFLMAO: While in class. Did you not read anything? Maya and Noriko have an entire dialogue about this. Maya confirms it. :ROFLMAO: We know exactly what happened: Maya made choices for the Sensei. Maya manipulates the Sensei through the entire game. :ROFLMAO: That you refuse to understand it isn't my fault. Maya is just as trash as Sensei is.
You literally ignored everything else I laid out in previous posts. You don't need to justify your hate for Maya by projecting conclusions you made up in your mind, based on rather incomplete set of facts in a setting where perception and memories are unreliable. You've already shown how little you understand.
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May 19, 2020
ah ok thanks. I have one more thing want to ask. i donwloaded the compressed version and didnt realize that is censored version so i will download the uncensored one now. Will my previous save files work on new version?
Yes, the base game is the same.
Only some parts of the content have changed in the dialogues and scenes between versions, so saves are compatible.
The problem is all the lore and H stuff you've missed.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
None of the simping
You keep accusing me of simping while I simply try to be careful with swiping judgments about what happens when we lack proper context, when even a nature of setting still in question. Did any of that actually happened? Are anybody other than Sensei even real?

Maya has made multiple choices for the Sensei.
Which Sensei? Was he the same Sensei we know, or already someone else?

For all we know she's going to keep him trapped until all the competition disappears.
Keep who trapped? We don't even know how often (if ever, before this cycle) the "real" Sensei inhabited this body in previous cycles. She herself clearly can't tell. What we do know is that she's trapped herself, is afraid of getting a "factory reset" and want to continue through cycles with this version of Sensei, while being content staying away from him and watch him fuck other girls.

The facts are Maya knows what's going on
She doesn't.

and has controlled
She didn't.

what the Sensei wants a single time.
Does he know? Which Sensei? We haven't seen any of those "single times", however many were there.

Maya isn't any better than he is. She's a pretty shitty person.
Based on what again? Noriko's words about her "puppetering" Sensei, whatever this actually means? That she "took him away", whatever this means? This, again, might change, but so far we haven't seen her groom or assault anyone.
You simply trying to justify you bias against her.
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