Vega Cifer

Oct 3, 2022
Not covering the "Niki trade true" part of the event - since that's the longest, but as for the variations:

Rin bad homie:
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Rin good homie:
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Niki trade false:
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And there's the guilt of trading nudes, it came sooner than I expected. I think i'm on good homie since I edited this a while ago, but dang this found found out in like two updates. It will definitely be worse when Niki finds out too

Vega Cifer

Oct 3, 2022
I'm pretty sure a redline run is where you intentionally do a run where you miss ALL events that can be missed.

They go on
good uncle, bad homie, not trading nudes and such in a single playthrough, their worst nightmare is not missing an event.
I see, seeing all those missed events would certainly bother me


Jan 9, 2022
Not covering the "Niki trade true" part of the event - since that's the longest, but as for the variations:

Rin bad homie:
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Rin good homie:
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Niki trade false:
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Good homie still looks pretty bad homie, homie. (I do not know the context yet, I am spoiling myself, but I will forget all of this by the time I get time to get to that point again.)


Jan 24, 2022
This is a list of events where Himawari has a physical appearance. She also shows up as a doll in one event, but I can't remember its name.

"room with the clocks", "scientific research", "place she falls asleep at night", "glued to the sky", "three halves make a whole", " a life of prizes (dance party)", "beyond the reach of god", "ad meliora", "hiding in plain sight", "event with the japanese title", "untitled", "rough cuts", "hyzenthlay (not a physical appearance, but what she says as the narrator is relevant)", "fairytale (the end until tomorrow)" (her reveal as a narrator).

Please take note that some of these require either cheating or green route (all events triggered), and can't be seen in replay (unless manually triggered through URM).
Thanks for this, I'll probably go back and take a look at them when I have some time. I haven't looked at everything since the idea that she's a narrator came up or done a 100%. The wiki seems to not acknowledge her yet and list her as a mysterious person or similarly in events (unless I'm wrong and she's listed as something else), which makes it hard to look for one specifically if you don't remember it. I'm sure an hour or two of caffeinated virginity would solve that, but I'm probably not the one to do it.


Jun 28, 2019
The best guess at the moment is Pareidolia. Neither HOPE nor Wires profit from changing things, since the cycles already changed from one to the other for hundreds of years. Following that logic, Himawari should have been working under Pareidolia until saving Ayane.

However, there are four users, not three. So a very strong possibility exists that Himawari's goals aligned with Pareidolia's up to a certain point. But they're not necessarily the same endgoal, and she may be working under USER4 instead. Both of them needed Akira to remember his past, and possibly for Maya to be taken out. Did both of them need Sekai to be brought back, instead of just Akira remembering her? unknown.

Who are the ones that sent Nao-chan to help? It's around that time that things start to get really messy, because it's around the point that Akira is first saved from factory reset by an unknown entity - other than USER1 and USER2 (during "untitled") that the status quo crumbles. It isn't about HOPE versus Wires anymore. Pareidolia makes itself known, and other entities start appearing. So from that point forward, it's also acceptable for HOPE and Wires to start trying to change things too (to restore the old status quo if nothing else).

So we're at a point in the story that every entity has cause for trying to interfere. Which makes it narrowing down that much harder (this may include random gods and the world itself).
Pareidolia does seem to have a good motive to have caused the sinkhole, since he probably needed Akira to start recovering some memories of Sekai before her restoration was possible. On the other hand, I question whether he has the power to cause something like that. Especially since it happens right after Wires's reset, so Pareidolia shouldn't be in control of the Terminal. From what we've seen, the powers of the gods seem to be about affecting people mentally, with some limited ability to reset time, rather than large-scale physical changes.

Another possibility is that it was caused by the World Itself, which might have the power and seems to be at least partially in league with Pareidolia. But that probably only makes sense if the World Itself is distinct from Sekai.

I personally like the idea that the sinkhole was caused by Kumon-mi itself. The city is described as a living, evolving thing and it even "moves" (as Yasu says in Pareidolia's Halloween). It seems to have some underlying purpose to it that we still don't know, but it's likely connected to the resets and so might have something to do with fixing its broken inhabitants. Of course that still leaves the open question of why the sinkhole only happened in this cycle, for which I don't have an explanation.
Yes, Akira calls 79/You did it "Long Maya", that's who I meant. The four known Maya freelancers are:

1. 61 6d 20 69 20 6f 6b 61 79/am i okay (shows up again during this update, and showed up constantly in the beginning of the game).
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2. 79 6f 75 64 69 64 69 74/you did it/Long Maya (host of all the interviews, seemed to intend to factory reset Akira during "untitled").
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3. Moyo (eats cockroaches).
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4. Possibly Shadow Maya.
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The reason we call them freelancers is because they change camps and have been seen working for multiple gods (this is an interpretation). Their canonical title is "children of the clockwork", since that's what Long Maya calls herself and Moyo to distinguish them from our Maya (Prime). Long Maya seemed to be working for HOPE during the event that she collects his semen (it takes place inside the church of New HOPE), "untitled" also seemed to be aligned with HOPE. I'd like to know why you associate Long Maya with Wires.

It's definitely possible.

Edit: Added images.
AmIOkay isn't in the scene ("Good Boy") where Long Maya mentions the fourth. The three that are present are Long Maya, Moyo, and "Chair" (who has never said anything). So it's possible that AmIOkay is the fourth, though I think probably not. She's also not present when Long Maya talks about "children of the clockwork" so we don't know if that includes her.

I strongly suspect there are multiple versions of AmIOkay, given how differently she acts in different scenes (or even in the same events, like "The Room with Clocks"). There might just be two of them, as one version of her refers to "The other me. The better one." (I think in "How I Feel"), which could be a different AmIOkay or could just be the "real" Maya. Personally I'm a fan of the idea that each time Maya has been reset, the old consciousness lives on as a new version of AmIOkay. Maybe the longer they've been stuck wherever they are (the wishing well and/or the bottom of everything or something), the less human they become.
Wakana definitely treats her as if she was a plague, a larger than life contaminant. And I see the appeal of Sekai being this absolute evil, a true malevolent person that simply is (which definitely exists to some degree). However, there are two points to this.
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I think we can probably trust the "memories" that the Xoanon shows us in "Mother's Milk", since its role is to be an observer and cataloguer of true experiences. From those we know that Sekai definitely abused him and was the one who initiated it, but apparently also loved him in some sort of twisted way.

I agree the rest of what we know is unreliable. In particular, I think it's possible and maybe even likely that the Sekai in Akira's head is Pareidolia creating a fictional version of Sekai using some amount of the real one taken from Akira's memories. Pareidolia likes to pretend to be others (the other gods, a narrator) and it fits with his name: we/Akira perceive human features (e.g. Sekai) emerging from something inhuman (e.g. a god/user/voice or whatever).
At no point during her first events for this update Akira gave her the idea he wanted to have sex with her. In fact, he tries to leave multiple times. The whole conversation was about her forcing her points on him. When she offers sex, it's a direct response to believing that it's the only way to keep him with her. And that if he refuses, it means he's going to leave her. She's not letting it happen, she's counting on it happening because in her mind it's the way things have to go for him to remain with her. But that's her idea, not Akira's.
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Now, we're all adults, and from the reaction to the event, I think it's safe to say most of us understand that Io's out of her mind. The correct decision is not to engage in her damaged view of the situation, and to prove to her through actions that there is a third way. That way is not having sex with her and proceed to not abandoning her regardless. But we're not talking about how we view the situation, we're talking about how Io does.

I don't even see where we diverge so much in our take of the situation, because you basically explained exactly why she thinks this is a transaction but concluded by saying it's not a transaction. "I was already trash, and this person now knows the part of me I most despise, and didn't want him to find out. The only thing he's interested in is sex, that's the one thing I have left to give. Let's get it over with, this is the only path forward for him to stay with me, and for some reason, I can't bear not having him." That's her logic, it's her last resort transaction.
I think I understand your perspective, but I don't think that I agree with it. I think the talk of a transaction is for Akira's benefit, trying to justify Io's irrational actions. Maybe there's an element of trying to convince herself as well, but I don't think she truly believes it. Instead she's acting out of learned helplessness, as a victim of repeated abuse who has resigned herself to her fate. She's decided that she's a tool to be used, and he's an abuser just like her mother and will eventually get what he wants, so she might as well give in and get it over with.

If this was really about a transaction, she wouldn't be choosing to make the offer at the very point where she is most disgusted by Akira and his "love". Prior to this event, she was excited about Uta having sex with Akira as her proxy. Now she'd rather keep him away from Uta. She views him as an animal acting only on instinct. She has to try to tell herself that "maybe he's not so bad" once he starts raping her (verbal consent or no, she clearly doesn't want it). And if she was really so concerned with keeping him in her life, she wouldn't be kicking him out and indefinitely ghosting him after it's over.

Edit: I don't think Io was talking about her father killing himself and her mother. The "maybe he's killed them both" seems like it's referring to God.
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Nov 18, 2023
Alright I finished 0.41.0
This time I typed out my impressions for each set of events as I went
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If you read any of this, thanks for reading. I'll be going through what I missed in the thread now.
Jan 1, 2024
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I honestly believed we'd never see Ayane's room in the mansion.

Also it never crossed my mind until
Ami started trying to fuck the girls but man, I really wanna see Ami dom the girls. I wonder which girl is gonna be Ami's first and her chances. I'd say Nodoka might be the highest chance of accepting Ami's approach while Yasu is the least likely.

Oh dear, that mismatch of expressions does not bode well.
I'm thinking it's just Akira walking to them or something similar, it just seems so normalish, Imani just looks surprised that Akira's there while Chika is happy about it.


Feb 6, 2023
Honest question, those who follow a green path, may I ask why? A lot of you guys seem to dislike doing some of the choices for it, so I'm sort of confused why you guys push on.
Jan 1, 2024
Honest question, those who follow a green path, may I ask why? A lot of you guys seem to dislike doing some of the choices for it, so I'm sort of confused why you guys push on.
Because when I play something and I liked it, I always want to at least 100% it, that includes going red path after green path, any endings LiL has weather it is 100 endings or 2, 17 or 1 secret endings, anything, I'll get it all. Because if I don't then it's like eating a chicken leg but leaving the bones which is stupid, eat the bones too.
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Feb 8, 2024
for those who dont know.
updating game reverts disabling drm and game deletes your save files. back up your saves before.
selebus that little fuck. I was gonna support him after I finish the game.
now he can eat my dick.

if someone have save file after beach event where u didnt betray rin. I would appreciate it


Jan 24, 2022
I think we can probably trust the "memories" that the Xoanon shows us in "Mother's Milk", since its role is to be an observer and cataloguer of true experiences. From those we know that Sekai definitely abused him and was the one who initiated it, but apparently also loved him in some sort of twisted way.

I agree the rest of what we know is unreliable. In particular, I think it's possible and maybe even likely that the Sekai in Akira's head is Pareidolia creating a fictional version of Sekai using some amount of the real one taken from Akira's memories. Pareidolia likes to pretend to be others (the other gods, a narrator) and it fits with his name: we/Akira perceive human features (e.g. Sekai) emerging from something inhuman (e.g. a god/user/voice or whatever).

I'm also somewhat partial to the idea that Sekai might not actually be appearing in some scenes, but it's hard to tell for certain. We can be sure it's not all the time. She has too much influence and skin in the game otherwise. We're even shown that she "appears" before Akira and Ami at her grave to talk to Ami, but in that case neither can actually see or hear her (Although sensei might have noticed something strange? I can't quite remember.) Is this a different version, or just her loving Ami like a normal mother despite being kind of mental? I guess I'm saying I don't know how I'd differentiate in every case, and it might be ambiguous or non-concrete on purpose.

Pareidolia's name itself it very on-the-nose, though, unless it's to throw you off or just sound cool. So I think it lends credence to or plays into Akira's delusions. If you put on your tinfoil hat, you could probably even speculate that Pareidolia is literally 'an instance of pareidolia', and that every interaction with him and his appearance is simply 'made up' because it's Akira's mind interpreting something incorrectly or filling in information gaps (e.g. making up dialogue for him despite Pareidolia not actually "speaking," but communication/affecting him in a way he can't comprehend.) Or perhaps he doesn't even exist, and maybe someone else does, but Pareidolia is a stand in to explain the effects of that person's actions. Keep in mind that I'm not actually positing that as true, and I am a stupid ape. It's a fun thought, though.
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