
Jun 4, 2017
Please be a little aware here. I have no interest in "intellectual sparring." Your style here is even that which most disgusts me, the point-by-point quotation where one scans a large body of text for perceived weak points and quotes them individually to unload sharp barbs one by one to establish the appearance of an overwhelming rhetorical victory. This is how creationists beat atheists in debate, you know. I have no interest in scanning your post for its (numerous I might add) weak points and stabbing them one by one, inspiring you to scan my rebuttals for weak points to stab one by one, etc etc... unto infinity. It is very unpleasant experience for anyone actually interested in communication and not "sparring." And subsequently, after this I will continue not replying to your posts.
You say you have no interest in "intellectual sparring," yet you continue to call people stupid, which is the intellectual equivalent of sucker punching them in the face.

No - your real disinterest is in being called out for intellectual dishonesty and how poorly you treat people. You're just like Selly in that regard again. Go ahead and block me, in the same way he bans people from his Discord. Being an asshole will follow you for the rest of your life until you decide to change.

You find addressing people point-by-point disgusting because you're being treated by me like an equal in good faith, whereas your preferred method of argumentation is pummeling someone on the ground. Having been triggered by mere aesthetics, you are continuing to exhibit the entire crux of my argument and proving me right.

Comparing me to creationists who thrive off the same argumentation style I'm accusing you of is just pure projection.


Nov 22, 2021
He's addressing you point by point you pretentious ass.
That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.

That said, I'll leave the meta posting at that. You all can continue gossiping and shitting on an internet stranger as you like whenever they displease or offend you in some way.


Sep 28, 2021
The true genius of this game is that there are no narrative mistakes. He remembered wrong, or it was a delusion or one of the gods was fucking with him or time fuckery happened. No matter what might look out of place there's always an answer you can apply after the fact while arrogantly pretending that it was obvious all along.


Jun 4, 2017
That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.

That said, I'll leave the meta posting at that. You all can continue gossiping and shitting on an internet stranger as you like whenever they displease or offend you in some way.
Keep posting through the pain, man.



Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.

That said, I'll leave the meta posting at that. You all can continue gossiping and shitting on an internet stranger as you like whenever they displease or offend you in some way.
You can't claim to want "meaningful discussion" when you have been insulting people since your first post here. You came out swinging and are now trying to play the victim, pathetic.


Feb 13, 2020
Yeah, absurd psychoanalysis. Minds are infinite in their complexity and motives are infinite in their arbitrariness. Going around making absent-minded theories as to the inner workings of someone's mind and explaining behavior in a way convenient to you is pretty absurd. If you did that to people in real life they'd punch you in the face or otherwise ostracize you. Ever heard of the fundamental attribution error? It's a bias in which people observing others explain behavior by identifying them as "fundamental attributes," like someone kicking a vending machine to get a drink is just "an angry person" and that's why they're kicking the machine. Whereas if they are the one kicking the machine they instead explain it with momentary or circumstantial reasons, like, "I'm not an angry person today is just a bad day." The position that authors are in is one where thousands of readers are constantly psycho-analyzing them and reading into statements and assigning them fundamental attributes to explain any given act of behavior. That is more depressing than anything. And so far from Selebus being a particular misanthrope in this regard, it's weird people online being weird but not getting the normal social rebukes since it's the internet.

> I'm talking about how he treats people on his discord: he's just a dickhead at times

I would be much more offended by an author lying to my face and talking circles around me to extract more income than one being frank and honest even if their honest opinion happens to be a hostile one. Seriously, why do people bemoan dishonesty so much but then react with such violent negativity to actual honesty when they come across it? Really says a lot.

> I think you're referring to argument in the idealized sense of philosophical debate - that is not what he engages in

Almost nobody engages in idealized philosophical debate. It's too hard for people. Their minds are too inflexible and focused on arguing against what instinctively feels wrong to them rather than searching for a deeper truth. The litany of Tarski is a rare and forgotten song. Ergo, I don't see any reason to demean Selebus's aggressive manner of argumentation. People are, indeed, fragile things, and it is the case that any ounce of hostility can shatter fragile hearts. But one concerned about and focusing all of their dialogue on not upsetting anyone will likely not be able to find themselves honestly speaking about anything. If some shattered hearts are what it takes for honesty I will take it. And those who can't handle it are indeed free to hide away out of side while bemoaning what a meanie someone was to them.
it's fine to prefer an "aggressive manner of argumentation" over dishonesty
it's fine to prefer the smell of dogshit over the smell of horseshit

doesn't mean the smell of dogshit is nice, nor that the "aggressive manner of argumentation" is acceptable

there's no reason for him to be "aggressive" in the first place!!


Nov 22, 2021
You can't claim to want "meaningful discussion" when you have been insulting people since your first post here. You came out swinging and are now trying to play the victim, pathetic.
I'm not a victim. I'm just not interested in talking to that guy for the reasons described.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
There is so much to talk about from this update that everytime I stop to think about it, another thing surfaces.

I had brought up in the past about how we might not ever see "normal" Nodoka in LiL due to the absurd weight that was thrust upon her by her mother, and I think in her last moments that became even more evidently clear. Otoha questions her over the phone about her obssession over her mother, and well, it really is a curse. Nodoka can't break free of it.
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It falls on her to save not only 23, but 22 as well (one would assume that's what she means by two worlds).

Also, who is Nodoka referencing here? Her own past self? Shiori? Or her mother? Who came into contact with Himawari? One would assume it was one of her past selves.
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Btw, I wonder if there's a hidden meaning to Nodoka being erased by Pareidolia here, since it's the same thing that Sekaori/True Sekai says to Sana:
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I'm being led to believe that erasing is something different from resetting. But I guess we'll find out as we discover what happened to Nodoka.

All in all, Nodoka truly has a tragic tale as it became more apparent with each of these last updates. This update just reinforced that point, and also threw our preconceptions of other hated characters (Pareidolia and Sekai) out of the window (or at least made them less black and white).

Edit: Oh, another very relevant thing: gods have to go inside someone, and yet Himawari can fully materialize without a host. What gives? I mean, both Pareidolia (inside a host) and Nodoka are seeing her, right? This isn't an "Akira imagining her there deal".
Last edited:


Mar 20, 2019
Can anyone help me with this error I keep getting? The game was working fine yesterday, but when I try to load a save from the latest update, this error just pops up every time. Saves for previous updates all work fine.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 914, in execute
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 297, in interact
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 2702, in interact
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 3518, in interact_core
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 47, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 714, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 962, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 897, in handle_click
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 313, in run
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 320, in run
  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 769, in load
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 63, in loads

Lessons in Love 0.44.0
Fri Oct 04 21:01:46 2024


Active Member
May 27, 2020
Post Update Lessons In Love forum in a Nutshell
  • A bunch of new people show up after the update and share they're theories and opinions on the update
  • More theory crafting
  • Even more theory crafting
  • Initial wave of post update previews get posted
  • More theories and discussions
  • A new user manages to piss off multiple people because [insert reason]
  • Person says im not being an asshole because [insert]
Then memes, shit posts, comments about Sensei's weiner along with some more analysis sprinkled in until the next update drops. Rinse and repeat until the two month break when the thread goes to absolute shit.
Oct 1, 2023
The reason why Himawari was never reset is because she was raised in the slipped dimension, where resets are unnaffected, she keeps getting older despite her mother not being able to.
The reason why Ami had pictures of the girls wearing cosplays they never wore before is because they are memories from distant realities that were hard reset, and they were in boxes because it's just the convenient place to put pictures when you want to move a lot of stuff. The boxes themselves are ordinary, but as long as you slip them, they will be safe until the world is back to normal and you can bring them back.

This means that Maya has always been able to slip, and every time a reset ocurred, she didn't do anything special, she just slipped herself and all of her guests alongside.

Ami can also slip but is pretending to be unaware.

Ayane, my new priest, has learned to slip just recently. If Tsuneyo and Yumi didn't remember anything, it's because she willingfully left them all behind. If I wanted things to stay the same forever, I'd pick someone who also wanted the same.
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2020
It falls on her to save not only 23, but 22 as well (one would assume that's what she means by two worlds).
i wonder what worlds 1-21 are like, if they exist

Can anyone help me with this error I keep getting? The game was working fine yesterday, but when I try to load a save from the latest update, this error just pops up every time. Saves for previous updates all work fine.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 914, in execute
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
  File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 297, in interact
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 2702, in interact
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 3518, in interact_core
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 47, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 714, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 998, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 244, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 962, in event
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 897, in handle_click
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 313, in run
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\", line 320, in run
  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 769, in load
  File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\", line 63, in loads

Lessons in Love 0.44.0
Fri Oct 04 21:01:46 2024
Just to confirm, is it a specific save file that's not working, and the other ones around it work fine? If so, the error trace makes it look like a corrupt save file.

One thing you can try doing is going into "LessonsInLove/game/" and move the folder called "cache" onto your Desktop or somewhere else for backup (the key thing is that you move it out of the folder named "game") and then try restarting the game, and it'll regenerate the "cache" folder on its own.

If that doesn't work, your best bet is probably to use one of your other save files (assuming it's only one save that's crashing)


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
I'm not a victim. I'm just not interested in talking to that guy for the reasons described.
Can you do us all a favor and not speak to any of us then? Cause all the regulars are thinking the same thing when you make a new post, "ugh, here we go, Moby Dickler riding his e-peen again...".
  • Haha
Reactions: vehemental


Mar 20, 2019
i wonder what worlds 1-21 are like, if they exist

Just to confirm, is it a specific save file that's not working, and the other ones around it work fine? If so, the error trace makes it look like a corrupt save file.

One thing you can try doing is going into "LessonsInLove/game/" and move the folder called "cache" onto your Desktop or somewhere else for backup (the key thing is that you move it out of the folder named "game") and then try restarting the game, and it'll regenerate the "cache" folder on its own.

If that doesn't work, your best bet is probably to use one of your other save files (assuming it's only one save that's crashing)
If I try to load any save file that was made while playing events from the latest update, it will result in the error I posted before. This also happens when I load a save from a previous update, play up till the events of the latest update, and then make a new save, this new save file will also result in the error if I try to load it.


Feb 13, 2020
If I try to load any save file that was made while playing events from the latest update, it will result in the error I posted before. This also happens when I load a save from a previous update, play up till the events of the latest update, and then make a new save, this new save file will also result in the error if I try to load it.
In that case, how did you install the game? Did you apply the update patch? I'd suggest doing a fresh re-install

edit: actually before reinstalling, another thing you can try is close all the other programs on your computer and see if that makes a difference. a simple way to do this is to restart your pc and then launch LiL without launching any other programs (any programs that auto-run would still be running but ideally, none of those would be particularly RAM-hungry)

also, out of curiosity could you share how much memory your computer has? you can follow this guide to find out:


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
There is so much to talk about from this update that everytime I stop to think about it, another thing surfaces.

I had brought up in the past about how we might not ever see "normal" Nodoka in LiL due to the absurd weight that was thrust upon her by her mother, and I think in her last moments that became even more evidently clear. Otoha questions her over the phone about her obssession over her mother, and well, it really is a curse. Nodoka can't break free of it.
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It falls on her to save not only 23, but 22 as well (one would assume that's what she means by two worlds).

Also, who is Nodoka referencing here? Her own past self? Shiori? Or her mother? Who came into contact with Himawari? One would assume it was one of her past selves.
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Btw, I wonder if there's a hidden meaning to Nodoka being erased by Pareidolia here, since it's the same thing that Sekaori/True Sekai says to Sana:
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I'm being led to believe that erasing is something different from resetting. But I guess we'll find out as we discover what happened to Nodoka.

All in all, Nodoka truly has a tragic tale as it became more apparent with each of these last updates. This update just reinforced that point, and also threw our preconceptions of other hated characters (Pareidolia and Sekai) out of the window (or at least made them less black and white).
Presumably, Kyoko dreamed of Himawari which is what Nodoka was probably referring to:
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This Narrator mentions Ai and Yuko, among other things like making the world, and seems to be Kyoko, Nodoka's mother.

In theory: Himawari has been fucking with the timestream for a while, considering all the hints about her being from a future, she's probably one of the main culprits when it comes to timeline manipulation. Albeit, who knows who else is also from a future or something like that.

After the whole Miu Miyahara possibly being Sekai's mother thing (where does her Red eyes come from?) from last update, with Saki seemingly becoming a stalker (Miu and Saki hated eachother and loved Yuu), I've wondered if that's from an alternative route from 'Nothing Is Beautiful'. Like Miu's route led to Sekai, and Saki's led to Nozomu and Akira.

Something then maybe merged certain aspects of alternative timelines for the main timeline, which became 'Lessons in Love'.

Also, Ami now seems to have two grandmas from the Upside Down House apparently. Grandma Saki (Father's side) and Grandma Miu (Mother's side).

I'm also wondering why Yasu claimed 'Nothing is Beautiful' aka Terminal 22 is gone:
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Yet Sensei has traveled to it at least twice it seems, which would imply that he's been time traveling to the past, making him possibly a lot like Himawari. ('Kyoto' takes place after he warned Sekai's mother Miu about Sekai's name, so who knows if he created a new timeline or something)

Theoretically, if one can travel to the past(s) from the present, and back again, there could be some possibility of traveling to the future(s) as well, which may have been shown through timeskips like the one at beachmas. Where Ayane, Maya, and Sensei just wound up 2 months later on the beach.

Overall: Effing time travel.

Also, kind of figured things likely weren't going to go well for Nodoka and she was probably aware of it as well:
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Although, Sensei may have given her some misplaced Hope:
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New Member
Jun 6, 2024
The reason why Himawari was never reset is because she was raised in the slipped dimension, where resets are unnaffected, she keeps getting older despite her mother not being able to.
The reason why Ami had pictures of the girls wearing cosplays they never wore before is because they are memories from distant realities that were hard reset, and they were in boxes because it's just the convenient place to put pictures when you want to move a lot of stuff. The boxes themselves are ordinary, but as long as you slip them, they will be safe until the world is back to normal and you can bring them back.

This means that Maya has always been able to slip, and every time a reset ocurred, she didn't do anything special, she just slipped herself and all of her guests alongside.

Ami can also slip but is pretending to be unaware.

Ayane, my new priest, has learned to slip just recently. If Tsuneyo and Yumi didn't remember anything, it's because she willingfully left them all behind. If I wanted things to stay the same forever, I'd pick someone who also wanted the same.
So you think that the boxes that Maya was having Sensei lug around were full of photos and memories? That's a sold theory, I like it. Possibly why they would be in Ayane's house, since she saw them during after that reset and is trying to "bring Maya back".

Side note: I was thinking about why Kaori was ignoring Maya, if she has Sekai in her it makes sense because Sekai hates Maya. In Something Everyone Knows and Ignores that's all Sekai does is ignore Maya. Wild ass event too.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: DeSkel15
4.10 star(s) 305 Votes