Longtime reader first time poster and all that, but: hi
I think the proposed 2005-2020 timeline for Sekai and the Nakayamas would work if we assume, as it's already been posited in multiple occurrences, that Ami might not be 100% real and, in fact, somewhat fictional/fabricated, not unlike the G̶O̶D̶S̶ gods, but based on a human that existed/was about to exist.
If we accept Pareidolia's words as an actual honest and truthful explanation of what a god is (or at least how they come into existence, with Akira pulling aspects out of a wishing well of forgotten deities) and take into account how frequent 'reality rewrites' seem to be within the Kumon-mi bubble, I believe it isn't so far fetched to suggest that:
- Sekai in 2011 ('Kyoto' event) is pregnant with Ami (Akira's child)
- Akira refuses to flee with her
- Sekai dies shortly thereafter (2012) in the car crash
- Ami is created by either one of the gods or Akira himself as a manifestation/result (or taking advantage) of his feelings of guilt: "if only i had left with Sekai and accepted to be a father to her baby, she'd still be alive". Akira makes himself be the caretaker of the baby he rejected and Ami gets retconned into existence, but as being born at a point in time (2005) where it would make sense for her to be the right age to be his niece/student in the present. Also, convienient tool to keep Akira in Kumon-mi and alive: he has to take care of Ami. But if she was still in the womb during the car crash, he couldn't possibly assume that mantle, so she "was already there" and was left orphaned by the car crash.
Akira never mustered the strenght to shake himself out of depression stasis to go get her out of an orphanage, instead while in his episode/stasis he willed her into existence and deluded himself in having gone retrieve her.
- Maya 'the stray with no past' gets created (or drawn from the well) to be his perfect distraction/coping mechanism and an outlet for the predatory urges on minors he "inherited" from his abuser Sekai. Entities hate her because by obsessing on her Akira doesn't focus on what they want him to do: abuse Ami, continue the cycle, thus making her into a new vessel for the voices/gods, as Akira, Sekai and Yuu have been as a result of a 'gifted' relative abusing them.
I am here also taking for valid the convoluted incestuous NiB family tree theory
- Later on Pareidolia comes into being has the perfect scapegoat to blame for urges and actions Akira feels remorseful for
It si, obviously, speculation since there's a lot we still don't know and all LiL narrators are, each to their own degree, unreliable, but i think this could work. Still, I'd be honored if Moonflare and the other loremasters pointed out flaws in my reasoning, love the work you guys do on here