Agree that D is a total brat, which is what made this scene extra fun :evilsmile:
Did you get that scene out of a dream?
Besides that a romantic route is possible for those two.
They can be dependant on each other, one get sick or injured, the other takes care of meals and fire at night.. no fire at all at this point besides that this island is too small to get much wood out of it, raft is possible but to make one all trees on this island must be cut down
They can get closer to each other by daily activities, bathind, fishing swimming, hunting, starting fire and taking care so it won't be put out in the future
Pirates or other survivors can add spice to this story
In a month on island they would no longer wear cute and clean clothes but ripped in few places and with lighter shade of their colors
Possible events: Falling from a palm tree.. most likely father,
- drowning, father/doughter and the other one needs to do cpr
- trying to make a raft, sailing or rowing out in the sea, get overthrown on big waves and landing on second bigger island on which living comfortably without civilization is possible
- building hut, huts, cutting down trees, making carpentry with clay
- making primitive tools
- shark attack
- pirates, cartel, smugglers etc. have sailed to this island with a prisoner, potential relative, passenger or other, might be a woman to spice things up.
- woman gets freed by Us, herself, gets shot but lives with our help..
- now we have additional character with us
- gathering provisions for daily activities might be something similar to currency in this game
- making water distiller, water purifier, gatherer etc to get clear drinkable water
- building signs on beach with stones and building big ass fire to be started when they spot plane/boat
- repelling criminals with help from additional character
Romantic scenes can be waved into the story, like casual touch from distanced and not sure to confident then to kisses and more and more.. make sure that your doughter is in a relationship with you before additional characters appear becouse all our effort in building that relationship will vanish in thin air and we will return to be just a father and doughter
- So it is possible for them to be sexual with each other but it needs damn time for them to think that they won't have a chance to fuck others or returnt to civilization in a month or two..
Potential for this game is damn great, but please, retarded main characters are not cool to play with..