- Dec 30, 2017
- 7,007
- 34,283
The fact that we're mostly pirates is a given, but that does not make our criticisms of a game any less valid.I'd like to offer some food for thought. Like many here, I also do agree that this game, as well as most have their flaws & room for improvement. That being said, I have noticed a pattern, not just on this site but globally as a whole, where people can't wait to trash a game. An update just came out &, like with almost every other game on here, the thread is filled with people going on & on trash talking the game & the developer. Now there are 2 things that I would like to highlight.
First, the VAST majority of you are people that downloaded the game for free & have not contributed a single red cent or anything else of value to the creation of the game. In my view, the dev is only beholden to their financial contributer, not the freeloading masses, (the latter of which also includes myself for many games).
Secondly, we all know that many game devs are also members of this same community & read these very same threads.
So, with that in mind, I want you to engage in a little thought experiment. Imagine that YOU are a dev whom has busted your ass, spending most, if not all of your free time coding, rendering & building a game for less than minimum wage, (Where I live, minimum wage is about $11 an hour), especially since many of these devs make only a couple hundred bucks a month, some less than even $100. Your hard work has finally paid off to where you have a decent enough amount of content to post an update & the payoff is a bunch of freeloaders whom contributed nothing to the game ripping it apart & trash talking you.
Now with THAT in mind, is it REALLY that surprising that so many games are abandoned these days instead of completed? Would YOU want to keep investing your time & effort into a game? I wouldn't. A couple hundred bucks a month just isn't worth putting all that effort into making something just to have a bunch of people crap all over it. There are WAY easier ways to make better money. I mean yeah, I know there are a lot of scammers whom just slap a steaming 0.1 pile together so that they can scam some easy money on Patreon, but statistically at least some of the abandoned games here must have come from devs whom just got fed up & walked away. I mean I lost count of how many games I've seen now where the dev started out real active, rolled out 3 or 4 updates, then over time, communicated less before going silent & shutting down their Patreon. If this was how my game was treated, I'd probably do the same. I'd probably just finish it on my own & only share it with select people of my choosing.
So, in closing, before anyone gets butthurt & goes on a tirade about freedom of speech & blah blah blah, I'm not telling anyone not to say what they want. What I AM saying is that maybe there is some degree of cause & effect that you guys need to stop & think about. IF we want these devs to finish games instead of abandoning them, maybe constantly bashing on them & picking apart their work might be just a tad counter productive. Just something to think about.
There is a difference between criticism and being mean spirited.
Mean spirited is just being a jerk who likes to prod people because he/she is protected by distance and anonymity.
Offering honest criticism is not acting out to insult someone for the sake of insulting. True we do review a game rather bruskly but our points are no less bona fide.
If you consider that pirates do not pay it makes us more honest. People paying for a game often are too close to the game and the dev to be objective. We pirates feel no such allegiance. When you see a point which keeps coming up over and over it is something a dev should consider addressing. If you as a dev want to improve your game read this thread's constructive criticism comments. As a group we often bring up and solve issues plaguing a game.
Should you find a wise critic to point out your faults, follow him like you would a guide to hidden treasure.
And as far as feeling bad about people not praising your effort all I can say is not everyone gets a trophy. Putting yourself out to the arena of public opinion is setting yourself up for possible rejection, it doesn't mean you don't do it it just means you do it to the best of your ability and consider if some of the slings and arrows might not be valid. You have to be able to separate you from your work, that is very hard to do but criticism of you work is not necessarily a criticism of you as a person.