
Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
It is part of the story, that's why they mention it, to understand the past of the school and the problems that the protagonist has to face.

As you said, if you choose the NTR route you will see the "Flashbacks" scenes, but that depends on your choices, if you choose the other route, you won't see those scenes but they will mention it, it's to let you know the reason why the old teacher was expelled.

Regarding if it happens often or not, as I answered to the other guy, it depends on your choices, if you decide to go the NON-NTR route, they will only mention it 1 time and it is because you must know the past of the school to develop the plot, now if you decide the other route, obviously you will see it mentioned more often and you will see more scenes.
If it's just a specific mention to better understand the story, then I don't care as long as there are no such scenes (flashbacks) on the NON-NTR route.
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Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
I'll wait for a few more updates, and see in which direction the game will develop. It's just that my intuition hints at something.


Engaged Member
Sep 18, 2017
from the comments made by the dev...I believe dev :
a. doesn't know what to do (there's NTR but actually there isnt ...just don't play the game to long cause you might find NTR)
b. doesn't know what NTR means
c. is indecisive if to come clean (yes I WANT NTR ...or NO I DON'T WANT NTR in game)

So for me ...for now I will give this game a wide berth and wait untill the dev knows or can tell what he wants to do with NTR .
PS ...having NTR content accessible in non-ntr route ...is pretty ...well to put it in a not that offensive wording ,.....pretty stupid.
That's why I said "Side events." Not on the main plot. You can avoid them simple by not trigger them
that's really not the way friendo...
Anyway...will keep it under watch for now.
EDIT : If I as a player play a non-NTR route I don't want to be able to find NTR scenes...since...I don't want NTR in game.
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
To get the normal (neutral) (romantic) path do you have to be jumping between submissive and dominant choices all the time? It isn't exactly the system that I like the most. Will you have to choose between dominant and submissive throughout the game? Or, at some point, does the appropriate path to the choices made begin?

Personally, I think a guide might be nice to help with the choices.
For now you have to do that, but the game is still in development, in the next updates the choices will be clearer to know which one to choose.
Personally, having to jump between responses in order to keep the status as neutral is being a bit annoying for me, especially not knowing for sure the points that each choice gives (I suppose generally 1) or knowing the submission / domination points that each girl has. I'd really rather have responses that allow you to follow along without having to constantly try to trade off between dominant and submissive responses.

On the other hand, to follow the non-NTR path, is it through elections or is there a point where you have to choose whether to follow it or not (like choosing if you want a girl in your harem or something similar)?

Thank you for taking the time to write such an extensive and well explained review.

Returning to the topic, I think NTR tag goes when people have a "love" relationship, if there is no love, I don't think there is NTR, but I understand the point of view of many people who do not like to see the girls being fucked by other men.
Either way, I'm going to read about the NTR tag again to see if the game should have it.

The main thing in the game is about the teacher and how he develops his relationship with the students, if they have a love relationship those scenes will not be seen, but if he does not have them in his "harem", they become secondary and there you can trigger side events (Even to seen them, you must activate them first) where you can see these students "take revenge" because his teacher did not want them.
Finally, I am aware of all the comments, but as you and I said before, we cannot make everyone happy, I wish I could, but sadly I cannot.
I will continue to make the game as planned and hope that people playing it, have an enjoyable and fun experience.
I guess if I follow the normal (neutral) (romantic) path with all the girls those events won't exist, from what you've written.
May 26, 2018
Personally, I'm also mostly out for those scenes (even if you don't see them). In fact I answered without having read beyond "They will happen anyway", I didn't need to continue to know that I was not going to play.

In my case, I also don't like domination, but I no longer need to know if the game is centered on it.

In any case, the game is bloodzy's, and I'm not going to tell him what to do or not to do with his game. However, I think that decision can put many potential players back. But I could also be wrong.
nope, not wrtong, at least regarding me. Once I heard "they happen anyway" I lost interest in the game.


Jul 25, 2017
indeed crashing every 2 clicks I saw the "old save" warning but as mentioned in previous comment, U player recurrent error


Aug 17, 2017
Wait till Eve act!!!!!!!!!! well shit, 2 in game weeks of trying every option of places to go 5 times a fecking day and she hasn't acted yet


Active Member
Jun 21, 2018
this for or against NTR bs needs to leave the forum, I see more and more people fighting over it, almost attacking the dev for his choices. the DEV will decide what content will be in the game, we may offer advice but don't threaten him with words like "I will quit the game". unless you actually give the DEV money, your opinion is only your opinion, and even then..

NTR is a choice just like any other, if anything and that's only my opinion ofc... the more variety the better because it means more content. an Harem is nice but sharing is caring, remember that friendship is important. you have a limit with only one dude and 10 ladies, but add a few dudes in the mix and you get far more animations, plot and overall more of something for everyone. if that's not your thing that's cool, this is why we have options. tho if you ask me, the more the merrier, any content is good content. I mean I dislike the pissing tag, but you won't see me screaming at the dev "if you keep this up I'm gonna leave!"

to the dev, did you manage to completely solve the internet problem? so many games have been either abandoned or the devs are just playing around milking the cash while doing as little work as possible. I can only hope your for more content and often, but your personal life needs to be the priority, always. however... telling people the truth is not less important, being honest with the consumers is a must. unless you want to be like that rich asshole who updates his game once every 6-8 months (everyone knows who I am talking about I'm sure XD)


Dec 15, 2018
keep getting a An exception has occurred Keyerror: u'player'. unplayable atm
indeed crashing every 2 clicks I saw the "old save" warning but as mentioned in previous comment, U player recurrent error
It is because the dev changed the player name variable from "player_name" to "player"
You can use UnRen.bat to change it manually (enable console and developer menu in UnRen.bat, then Shift + O in game and type "player = player_name" in the console)


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
It is because the dev changed the player name variable from "player_name" to "player"
You can use UnRen.bat to change it manually (enable console and developer menu in UnRen.bat, then Shift + O in game and type "player = player_name" in the console)
Thanks they really need to stop doing crap like that which breaks the game or just put up a warning need to start over.

Dev cut down on the blush your made the cute Yumiko look like a tramp/whore with the overly gaudy blush. It should be slightly showing and not look as damn bright as her lipstick.
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I dont know how the mechanics work yet, but since i am only interested in the harem route (btw, still missing the tag) every other guy would in best cases be just annoying. Since you can only raise 2 girls stats in school and dont meet the others after school, it is nearly impossible to care for all girls at the same time. I searched for "harem" because i hoped to find a little guide or "must/dont do that" hints to make sure i get this route (currently i have to decide if eve sleeps in bed with me or not, the game hints an important choice, but not where it leads). I was more than surprised, even shocked to stumble over a NTR discussion by searching for "harem"...and the arguments were pretty flat. If you want a harem all girls are loveinterests and every guy who sticks his dick in your plans is NTR...and just not watching the girls with lower stats fucking around is not enough, because the second you need to choose to watch or not is the same second you know it happens whatever you do. Its one thing if your girls play with each other or "lure" new girls in, its one thing if you share them out of your free will with other guys (would never happen if i can decide it myself) but its a hole other topic if they just fuck around because the story says so or because you cant raise ALL girls stats equally fast/high to completely prevent it. So if you really plan to add horny guys to the game or already implemented them, make a global "ntr off" switch to hide/skip all, the scenes, the choices and dialogues that may be a result of those scenes. Harem and other guys dont go along, its either the first or the latter. All mine and free for all cannot work together. Voluntary sharing girls is possible (even if i personally dislike it), but thats all.


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
this for or against NTR bs needs to leave the forum, I see more and more people fighting over it, almost attacking the dev for his choices. the DEV will decide what content will be in the game, we may offer advice but don't threaten him with words like "I will quit the game". unless you actually give the DEV money, your opinion is only your opinion, and even then..

NTR is a choice just like any other, if anything and that's only my opinion ofc... the more variety the better because it means more content. an Harem is nice but sharing is caring, remember that friendship is important. you have a limit with only one dude and 10 ladies, but add a few dudes in the mix and you get far more animations, plot and overall more of something for everyone. if that's not your thing that's cool, this is why we have options. tho if you ask me, the more the merrier, any content is good content. I mean I dislike the pissing tag, but you won't see me screaming at the dev "if you keep this up I'm gonna leave!"

to the dev, did you manage to completely solve the internet problem? so many games have been either abandoned or the devs are just playing around milking the cash while doing as little work as possible. I can only hope your for more content and often, but your personal life needs to be the priority, always. however... telling people the truth is not less important, being honest with the consumers is a must. unless you want to be like that rich asshole who updates his game once every 6-8 months (everyone knows who I am talking about I'm sure XD)
In my case, if there is inavoidable NTR, I am out of inavoidable form. And it is not a threat, it is a fact that I won't play a game that I won't like

I think harem games don't go well with including inavoidable NTR (you eliminate most of the audience that plays harem games), and if it's just specific scenes you don't give the NTR audience what they want either. Personally, I'm of the opinion that it is better, if NTR is included in such a game, to be avoidable from the beginning with a choise at the start of the game. I suspect that practically 100% of the NTR dislikes don't want the wrong choice to get them there.

Of course the Dev can create the game however he wants. But if he wants to address a specific audience, it isn't a good idea to include things that greatly displease that audience (and usually NTR is taboo for those who like harem games, including it as an inevitable fetish in one of these games is usually the step leading up to failure).


Dec 31, 2019
So I'm stuck with Yumiko and Anna. Yumiko hints says nothing while Anna says I can spend time chatting with her at school, but I can't? Any help?


Jul 18, 2020
I have a strange glitch in my game. I may have progressed things too fast on Scarlett's route and Lucy is back at school before I got very far with Eve. (The injured girl, forgot her name, isn't back in school yet). Now the school is closed every day. I can't return to the school at all and have to skip time on the main map for time to progress at all, if I try at home it says I have to go to work at school but going to work at school says school is closed no matter what time of day.


Jun 14, 2020
I am totally confused by all the comments. Really.

Like, it's contradiction on top of contradiction.
First of all, I'm not going to go into the definition of NTR for this site, I think everyone who is active here knows what it means.
So what I would like to say is: Dev says it is a side event, however it is reported that the girls "adored" the old teacher and that they talk about their sex experiences with the old teacher and that this is important for the story.

Now entering the field of the NTR itself and on the "rights" of the DEV.
The game belongs to DEV and I think he should do what he wants, if he wants to put NTR go ahead, want to play a gay game, go ahead, want to make the MC become a pokemon, go ahead. It's his job and he uses it as he wants, no one discusses it.
What is discussed is what can we expect from the game, will there be NTR? will there be harem? will this be preventable? or are they just skippable? will it happen even if you don't see it? or can we kill the son of a bitch before he gets close to touching our girls? This is to know if we are going to play or not, nobody likes an unexpected surprise visit, imagine the guy starts playing something that he is interested in and such (sometimes he even invests his dollars) and out of nowhere, BANG, a BBC fucking his girl and you just like the muggle looking there without being able to do anything (yes it is a game and such, but those who like the games usually immerse themselves in the plot). So that's why it's always good, the DEV make it very clear where things are going, it doesn't need the story spoiler, but tell us that it intends to add bizarre things that is always a public divider, example the NTR (some like it, others like it hate).

Now about the game and what I understood without having to play (research is life, DEVs should do this before writing anything and trying to visualize their audience).

Basically the game revolves around a school, where the old teacher fucked all the girls and they loved him for that, now you go to that school and try to pick up the old teacher's fucking bins. They will tell you the wonderful life they had before you arrived, how the old teacher's dick was big, thick, beautiful, wonderful, tasty ... and you as a son of a bitch who is going to get excited and fall in love for those sluts. I hope this is wrong, but that was the conclusion I drew from all the comments.

So good luck DEV, and when you think about creating another game that doesn't have that kind of storyline, I'll be ready to give it a chance, unfortunately this is not for me. And to make it clear, I don't expect all LI to be virgins, I just hope they're not all $ 1 bitches who drool over the first dick that appears in front of them (How am I going to corrupt someone who's already corrupted?).

Don't take my DEV comment badly (I use the google translator, and it may seem aggressive), and believe in what you're doing here, don't let yourself be shaken by criticisms, do what you intend, good luck and maybe someday I will play any of your games, but this is not for me.
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