VN Others Completed Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- [v4.0.6 - v2.5.2] [FreakilyCharming]

4.50 star(s) 113 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
So I just chat and pat her head? not a big molester guy ..or is that where this game is supposed to go


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
i'm confused.... how does this game works?
if you molest her, she dies after three days, no further interaction.
if you pad her head and talk to her i can go with her in the town, but thats it. chat/pading/hang out in town and she is dead after 11 days. Is this a bug or feature? :D
LOL what I am trying to figure out.. yet to get any option to go to town after 3 days of chat and patting head


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
i'm confused.... how does this game works?
if you molest her, she dies after three days, no further interaction.
if you pad her head and talk to her i can go with her in the town, but thats it. chat/pading/hang out in town and she is dead after 11 days. Is this a bug or feature? :D
...treat her like a real human and she will survive. seriously, when i began playing it i managed to make her live on at the first try. how the heck can so many other players fail there? XD
treat her like a REAL person, give her proper food, let her rest, spend time with her, bring her the joy of life back.
the buttons are even colored to tell ya what will kill her (a bloody button vs. not so bloody button) and what not.


Mar 19, 2017
how the heck can so many other players fail there?
People think that porn games are just that. Games with porn. If there's not porn in the first 3 minutes, the game is "shit". Also, a LOT of games have rape/molestation on then. When they realize that you can't fuck Silvye "the normal way", they jump the gun and click on the molest button, she dies and the game is bad because it's not working as they want, when THEY are not working as the game wants.

I call it the DSP syndrome. "If something is not working, it's the game fault, not mine."


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
People think that porn games are just that. Games with porn. If there's not porn in the first 3 minutes, the game is "shit". Also, a LOT of games have rape/molestation on then. When they realize that you can't fuck Silvye "the normal way", they jump the gun and click on the molest button, she dies and the game is bad because it's not working as they want, when THEY are not working as the game wants.

I call it the DSP syndrome. "If something is not working, it's the game fault, not mine."
that made me laugh quite a lot xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
yea I just been playing as a human being and a doctor.. treat her to chats and pat her on the head alot.. and feed her. Been treating her like an emotionally scarred girl and seems to be working fine for me so far.
And got her the purple sundress.. looks so damn cute. Paternal protective instincts kicking in.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
yea I just been playing as a human being and a doctor.. treat her to chats and pat her on the head alot.. and feed her. Been treating her like an emotionally scarred girl and seems to be working fine for me so far.
And got her the purple sundress.. looks so damn cute. Paternal protective instincts kicking in.
seems like you finally understood the soul of the game ;).
now starts the real game. have fun!


Aug 10, 2018
Is there any guide for this game? I'm interested in all options for "prepare". Is there anything that can help remove the scars? I think I've seen some pictures with some scars removed. How does that work? Also what exactly do those blue and pink flowers do? Is there a side effect of drugs?

Well I'll add one more questions since we are here... what is the role of Mood status and how is it affected. It keeps going from Calm to Normal and back.


New Member
May 8, 2018
Hello , i really like this game a lot . If possible , i have seen ppl say that there are mods for the game , can anyone send me a link / show me how to use them if possible ? And is there anykind of walkthrough / things to do in order to get all the scenes ?
Would appreciate the help , thanks in advance !


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
uh. the OP is quite messed up. download for base game doesn't tell ya what version you are actually downloading. the combo download uses a really old version. changelog doesn't say shit... just bugfixes, or major update. but i wanna know WHAT bugfix was done and what was included in the major update. telling people that details are in the txt file is nice and all, but i wanna check out the changelog to see if it's actually worth downloading the game to update it. having to download the game to check out if it's worth downloading is just...weird and makes the whole changelog here obsolet in my opinion (and that doesn't happen only for this game). i also don't understand why the content of said txt file wasn't just copied to the changelog spoiler? or is it fully in japanese? in that case, telling others they can read it up in the txt file without stating it's actually in japanese doesn't make it better for them XD.
english patch also doesn't have a version number. so you cant see, if the english patch is actually working for the newest version, or not. you gotta download it and read it up either in the txt file or by simply doing a trial and error.

i don't wanna sound ungrateful or so, but due to that lack of information i get from OP i will wait with the download 'til this mess is cleaned up a bit and i can then actually see what i am downloading.
I uploaded the base game in Japanese. It says so on there. ``Untranslated Base Game: RJ162718``
And it's "unmolested" so you're getting just the base game. Now, the Japanese game naming style is RJ followed by numbers. Google it and it'll show results all leading to "Teaching Feeling" in Japanese.

Also, when you download it on the OP, it's kinda hard to miss the big letters saying "READ THE INSTRUCTIONS". I know people are reading it but if they don't actually read the instruction, then I really can't help them.

The decision to not combine it into a single download with just the base game and translation is due to two reasons: First reason is if the patch is updated, we just need to upload that patch. It's better than mirroring 1+ gb all over again. Second reason is because several helpful people who work with the game do not like it when the translation is added to the base game for several reasons.

Personally, I'd combine them and say "That's it. Any future update, you figure it out!" You can try to make it an "idiot-proof" but it's a lost cause. Let me remind you of the posts saying "sylvie died" when the post right above that is YET ANOTHER POST explaining how NOT to let her die. I could continue citing examples but I'd don't have all that time.

The changelog is is Japanese and covers several pages. I took a stab at using translation sites to translate the changelog in blocks but ray's writing style is quite condensed but precise so when it's translated, it's still mostly gibberish. We need help with translating it correctly and I don't know Japanese at all.

As to the patch not having a version number correlating with the game itself, that's understandable. Thanks for pointing that out so what I'll do now is add the versions to the downloads. But if people are still having trouble after that, I really can't be bothered to help...


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Edited the OP for clarity.

NOTE - When the mod pack brings 2.3.1 mods up to 1.9.2 'standards', I will remove the 1.9.2 links from the op.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Read the OP and did what it said and shit worked fine for me. Guess some ppl are not so good.
My question though is, it says some of the pics are censored and some are not in the english version. Just started earlier and the first sex scene is mosaic.. assume rest will be also.
Figuring out the sex scene interface is somewhat confusing for me at the moment hehe but will figure it out.
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Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
hmm..i'm good at being a "good guy" and the graphics are quite cute..will give this a shot and see if i'm truly as awesome as i deluded myself into thinking :D


Aug 20, 2017
whats the difference between having the game and the eng patch and the teaching feelings thing? cuz one is lower version??


May 14, 2017
Is there any guide for this game? I'm interested in all options for "prepare". Is there anything that can help remove the scars? I think I've seen some pictures with some scars removed. How does that work? Also what exactly do those blue and pink flowers do? Is there a side effect of drugs?

Well I'll add one more questions since we are here... what is the role of Mood status and how is it affected. It keeps going from Calm to Normal and back.
I haven't seen that before, but if I had to guess it's either a mod or fan art, mods aren't fully moved over to the latest version so using them may cause issues. Also the mood is basically how she is feeling generally, it's mostly flavor, as far as I know. The flowers are different, blue makes her less lewd, pink makes her more lewd. Basically you keep giving her pink for maximum lewdness only giving her blue flowers if you missed a certain scene.
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4.50 star(s) 113 Votes