Hehe, great update, I really like that even Mare is growing to be more sexual and naughtier (albeit still clueless about certain things, which is of course given and not a bad thing), and she's more and more confident and playful too, always liked her but I like her more and more with each update too

Simone is hot, and interesting enough that I have to have a secondary save just to see how things with her would go, can't pass on a tanned, curvy brunette like her, though I'd much rather not include Mare in my activities with Simone, kinda would prefer keep the two separated in that aspect, but I'm having a wild guess here that that won't be possible, it's either Mare- only or a threeway route
It's been a great year dev, thank you for all the hard work you've put into the game, it really is one of my favorites!
Merry Christmas/Fapmas to you and all the fans of the game alike, and I shall see you when the next update pops up!