4.20 star(s) 167 Votes


Is there a new update ? As stated on patreon 0.7? Or is there already relative release date for next version?


I hope I could just leave this here:


We've started work on the next update.

It's as difficult as ever to give a progress report on a VN. Except to say, the we've made 64 of the planned 180 renders for the next update, so far.

They've just been rendered, and we still have to do post work on them. But we're quite happy with our progress so far.

Also, about half of the dialogue has bee written.

If things go on like this, we might try to expand the next update further. But we can't yet promise that.

Also, after a long discussion, we've decided that we'll incorporate animations into the game. Now, only the sex scenes, when we get to them, will be animated. But it is a planned feature, and we have a guy that has done very good animations before. So, they will be in the game.

As a reminder, the next update will be released on the 24th-25th March for 10$ patrons. And on the 31th for everyone else.

I'll keep making there progress every weekend, and keep you informed.



Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
After downloading and playing through this still rather short update, I'm completely on board with this VN and the dev has a new Patron. The renders are solid, the writing is solid, but the story and character development are outstanding. Kudos to the dev for getting me invested in this story with an economy of words and scenes. While I do hope for more player agency down the road in terms of decisions having impact (right now it's simply obvious GOOD or BAD choices it seems?), this is a true visual novel that establishes believable characters and conflicts. The innocent wordplay between Mary and the "Uncle" is intriguing, and it's so refreshing to play a game/read a VN where the MC is an adult male and not a vapid asshole while having realistic urges and desires. I look forward to the next update!


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
You can clearly tell by her reactions, when you've made a choice she's not happy with or bothered by... Both in her visuals and her reactions... To really see it, try saving before the choice and try both choices out and you can see a clear difference in outcome... There is no reason at all to put in a visible point system, as it just screws up the immersion and since this isn't a grind game based on points for everything there is no reason for it... If you can't tell a choice has given a poor response both prior to the response and/or after, then it's possible you have issues with the same thing in reality... A lot of the time you can tell before even making a choice between the two, which is probably going to be something not so romantic/loving and what sounds more romantic/loving... There are some choices where it's borderline, but not most of them...
So you've never spoken with another person and thought,

Invite for ice cream === or === Invite to park
"Hey, want to go with me to the ice cream shop?"
"You know I'm lactose intolerant. No, I don't want ice cream." <Big Frown> (hidden -5 points)
"I know that, but I thought the Slippery Ice Cafe had those muffins you absolutely adored?"
"Oh, that ice cream shop! Let's go!" <Huge Smile> (hidden +15 points)

"Hey, want to go to the park?"
"Okay." <Small Smile> (hidden +5 points)

Without seeing the points, is the very first reaction the only thing that matters (i.e. it is frown versus smile)? Is it everything that happened in all the dialogs until the next player choice (i.e. frown-smile versus smile)? If it's the latter, how do I know which the author decided is better? What about when it is like many VNs that have quite a bit of text between choices and it is more like frown-smile-smile-smirk-laugh-stare-pout versus smile-shrug-smile-eye roll-shrug-nod? Even if I know that ice cream is better than park on that single choice, what happens as I get more choices before these 2 threads recombine? Maybe at the park I get 5 additional choices and at the ice cream shop I get 1 choice. Maybe when the 2 different storylines remerge the park has a potential for 50 points total and the ice cream shop only 20. It doesn't matter if I make sure I see smiles every single time.

Not to mention, without points in a game it is often impossible to know:
1. Is being nice my only goal and all that matters?
2. Is there a little bit of a corruption meter and I need to be a bit "not nice" to get the game to move forward?
3. Does this girl like bad boys and I need to be dangerous and maybe even a bit rude at times?
4. Does this game take real-world concepts such as "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and "we want what we can't have?" So I should ignore her a bit and although it will frustrate her and upset her, it will actually make her affection/attraction/interest in me go up?

Also I'll say if a person does have issues judging the reactions of other people in real life, is not a game exactly the type of environment where they can escape that flaw just for a bit? A simple visible points counter can let them enjoy right along with everyone else?

All games don't need a visible points system, but when the game is using one internally it can certainly solve some difficulties if players have some sort of access to that system. As soon as a player is save-scumming immersion is already a bit lacking (a small number in the corner of the screen doesn't really make it worse). It is much easier for those that want to base progress on facial response and dialog to ignore a small number on the screen or not press the 'S' key to pop up the current score (or some other means of viewing the current score) than it is for those who want/need the help of the score to make do without.
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Nov 16, 2017
So you've never spoken with another person and thought,

Invite for ice cream === or === Invite to park
"Hey, want to go with me to the ice cream shop?"
"You know I'm lactose intolerant. No, I don't want ice cream." <Big Frown> (hidden -5 points)
"I know that, but I thought the Slippery Ice Cafe had those muffins you absolutely adored?"
"Oh, that ice cream shop! Let's go!" <Huge Smile> (hidden +15 points)

"Hey, want to go to the park?"
"Okay." <Small Smile> (hidden +5 points)

Without seeing the points, is the very first reaction the only thing that matters (i.e. it is frown versus smile)? Is it everything that happened in all the dialogs until the next player choice (i.e. frown-smile versus smile)? If it's the latter, how do I know which the author decided is better? What about when it is like many VNs that have quite a bit of text between choices and it is more like frown-smile-smile-smirk-laugh-stare-pout versus smile-shrug-smile-eye roll-shrug-nod? Even if I know that ice cream is better than park on that single choice, what happens as I get more choices before these 2 threads recombine? Maybe at the park I get 5 additional choices and at the ice cream shop I get 1 choice. Maybe when the 2 different storylines remerge the park has a potential for 50 points total and the ice cream shop only 20. It doesn't matter if I make sure I see smiles every single time.

Not to mention, without points in a game it is often impossible to know:
1. Is being nice my only goal and all that matters?
2. Is there a little bit of a corruption meter and I need to be a bit "not nice" to get the game to move forward?
3. Does this girl like bad boys and I need to be dangerous and maybe even a bit rude at times?
4. Does this game take real-world concepts such as "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and "we want what we can't have?" So I should ignore her a bit and although it will frustrate her and upset her, it will actually make her affection/attraction/interest in me go up?

Also I'll say if a person does have issues judging the reactions of other people in real life, is not a game exactly the type of environment where they can escape that flaw just for a bit? A simple visible points counter can let them enjoy right along with everyone else?

All games don't need a visible points system, but when the game is using one internally it can certainly solve some difficulties if players have some sort of access to that system. As soon as a player is save-scumming immersion is already a bit lacking (a small number in the corner of the screen doesn't really make it worse). It is much easier for those that want to base progress on facial response and dialog to ignore a small number on the screen or not press the 'S' key to pop up the current score (or some other means of viewing the current score) than it is for those who want/need the help of the score to make do without.
Typically, for me at least, if I'm playing a erotic/adult visual novel, unless it is designed to be riddled with player punishment dead ends, then I don't feel a need to see scores... These types of visual novels tend to be more Choose Your Own Adventure type games, in a way very similar to that genre of books from the mid 80's... In this particular style of visual novel, scores are usually only wanted by folks who just wish to see as much content over all as humanly possible, without relying on their basic decision making processes to get them through the content... Either out of fear that they might be making bad choices and might miss something, or they just want to see as much as possible without running that risk of accidentally missing out...

Now, in erotic/adult story based games, where grinding stats is a key element in order to open up new content and/or open the gate to particular story arcs, then I can definitely see having stats listed as being a very needed element in that style of game...

Every player and/or reader has different key aspects for game play that they are either used to, find makes their experience easier, and/or plays into their over all needs... For me, I prefer the author/s do what they want and what works for their artistic style, over making everyone happy... Because it is an impossible dream to make everyone happy... What makes one player/reader happy, makes another sad/mad...

The point I was making in the post you quoted was that so far, it has been rather easy to predict what choice will most likely get what type of response... And only on a rare occasion, when I felt it might be up in the air, then it was a good idea to save game, just in case I made a decision with an outcome I didn't really want... And it is pretty clear in most cases, based on the characters reactions to a choice, what way the outcome is swaying... Unless someone has issues with empathy, reading facial expressions, deciphering reactions, and so on, then of course some other system might suit them better... But thus far, I personally have yet to not realize, in most cases prior to making a choice, what response I will most likely get before making that choice... This whole VN/Game is playing out as either a Love/Romance story or the opposite direction, depending on the choices you make... Personally I'm going the love route, so I make the appropriate choices that feel like they will boost that sort of outcome...

As to your points, I can see where you're coming from... And since every author is different in how they structure their choice based content, I can understand the issues you are referring to... But you can't judge every VN/Game based on how a few authors here and there have structured their choices either in an unclear manner or they felt that random punishment was a good idea... In this particular visual novel though, I've not seen that sort of concept played out... Such as with your ice cream example, where how would you know they are lactose intolerant prior to a choice, and therefore are punished when making that choice... In that particular case, I feel the author should have revealed some sort of hint prior to the choice, otherwise it's just bad form to randomly punish a player during such a innocent decision without any prior knowledge... If a decision system is put into place that does that, then it's should be a mark against the overall VN/Game during a review or feedback, rather then just being worked around with a visible point list... It's a sign of a poorly designed system to not provide hints that would allow a player/reader to avoid that type of situation, rather then just being punished for the hell of it...
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Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
First time noticing this game. That was a pretty fun play through and the story did a good job alternating between sweet and bittersweet. I have to admit to some mild disappointment that MC's autism didn't get him into unintended trouble.

Don't know if the dev checks the thread, but I'd urge him to change the image of the MC and Mike, best buds forever intro. I had to stop and check this thread to make sure I wasn't playing a gay themed game.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
In one line Simone calls Mary Mare is that a typo? I don't think she would like to be called a horse.

To me the dad reminds of that whacked out druggy from teachers pet he also looks very creepy and weird whenever he tries to smile but then the MC also looks like one of those creepy ones.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Typically, for me at least, if I'm playing a erotic/adult visual novel, unless it is designed to be riddled with player punishment dead ends, then I don't feel a need to see scores...
I agree with you that not all games need the same systems in place. Playing through this game does currently leave me with the impression (as well as with comments made in this thread) that perhaps there is absolutely no branching. A line or two of alternate dialog and a single image comes up depending on which of 2 choices is made at each stop and then the story resumes regardless of the pick. Then every so often there will be the possibility of a game over based on number of "right" and "wrong" choices.

Mainly though this game is still early in development. I have no idea how the game might evolve. I'm not saying it definitely needs visible scoring, but I can certainly understand how some might find it helpful even now. Also I wanted to point out some things that make visible scoring more important should the game evolve to include some common stumbling blocks.

I, too, tend to play VNs through the first time without paying attention to scores. As soon as I hit my first bad end I tend to start looking for game feedback.

As for a player being penalized for lack of knowledge, I actually find the very first choice in this game to suffer related to this topic. We are introduced to a girl and our first choices are, you have grown since I last saw you, and it is nice to meet you for the first time ever. I am paraphrasing. I feel like it is a knowledge choice to see if I correctly know my history with this girl rather than a decision how to greet with respect/casualness/aloofness/with innuendo/etc.

Also, since it has been stated that the game currently doesn't have a game over situation in it yet and we do not have visible access to the scoring system, none of us actually know if what we think are right choices are leading us to success or failure. One can only know by going into the game code at the moment. Incremental releases can be made into an argument for showing scores. Since a player doesn't get feedback on overall success or failure because that part of the game is not yet implemented, it is nice to have some indication if a player did well or poorly on the part that does exist.

On a separate note, if this game does have game overs once a week or so by checking if number of right choices is greater than some number, I would say that I always dislike this style. My personal preference is for "fast fail." If there are 10 questions and I must answer 6 correct then I would rather start over as soon as I miss a 5th question. Being allowed to continue after I can not possibly succeed means I might overwrite a save point that can still win with a save that has already lost (thereby ruining both saves with no way of me knowing). Or it could just be a new save made from an unwinnable position. I can load that save over and over trying every combination of all choices after that point and keep failing. There is no way to know that that particular save has no way to succeed.


Jan 29, 2018
To much clicking to less action , no peeking and other smart remarks.. This is a very slow story. I like the girl. But her model has been used to many times. Also some more interaction with the people you meet would be nice
4.20 star(s) 167 Votes