It seems that you would prefer that the MC be Superman. I think that I can say with confidence that NONE OF US WHO FOLLOW THE GAME IS SUPERMAN!! Speaking for myself (and I THINK many others) and try to recall my life when I was 35 when I play the game, I like to imagine MYSELF as the MC...I'm a 65 y.o. Navy vet who has never been, nor will I ever be Superman. I think that the developer(s) have done one helluva job with this!!
In what sense did I indicate that I wanted the MC to be Superman? the dude has a muscled body without exercising, if anything I want him to be human and give a reason to have the body he has... not just 6 packs for godsake, he has 8!!
I never wanted him to have more than what any of us have, you're a military vet? therefore you probably know your way around guns, armors and vehicles, maybe not an expert but what is necessary to know for your field, you've been to places many of us didn't, you're not superman, you're you.
I'm a Visual production man (photography, videography, editing, post... etc) and an artist, I have certain knowledge of equipment and how they work that others don't, I've been to art galleries and exhibitions that your off the mill Joe don't usually care for, I've met people that Engineers for example don't associate with.. I appreciate Vodka for liquor, specifically GreyGoose, , while I enjoy a good whiskey my body unfortunately can't take much of it and that's me. I'm not superman, but I have perks and preferences, like everyone else. the MC has nothing.
I wasn't advocating for the MC to be a know all super human, on the contrary, I wanted him to have flaws, I want him to have certain experiences, I wanted him to be relatable coz so far he's as stale as Alexa or Siri.
I don't mind it if the game let you be who you are, but unfortunately it's not that type of game, it dictates he's a programmer, it dictates he's loaded, it dictates he had certain relationships, it dictates that he doesn't like or care for certain things, therefore it's not a clean slate that you build, but a poorly predetermined one.
Again, I'm not bashing this "just because!", I really want this game to become better and provide more because I like everything thing else about it. I hope that clarifies my point