I star this game just a few hour ego v0.40 and now i find a v0.45 XD.
What to say... generally i do not play the normal sex game. (i prefer incest game). But some time is fun to change a little bit and try some different. The plot look really solid. And in some way i really like it. As someone else say a few post early, not all the game need to be 100% harem route. And i understand who he wanna say. But... in some way this game irritate me. Not in a negative way. But... as i say i understand that not all game need to be harem. But i really do not like something in this plot.
At the start of the game you
best friend <----
"you best friend" come to you and ask you, if his daughter can live with you for a short time. Now why i say "best friend". Because in you plot perhaps you forgot something.
I think is not right that this guy John come like this and you help him with "Andy" you best friend wife! Ok she and Mike go a divorce. But why the hell i need to help him? Really, also if i know that me best friend are cheating on his wife and now they are divorce, there is no way that i help some old client/costumers with his wife! I wanna stay neutral!
I am not say that i wanna protect me friend, but surelly i do not let another man fuck the ex wife of me best friend.
Also in some way MC look really immature with this choice. When Mary say for me is strange I do not like this situation. MC say you know that she are divorce, you mother is young and can find another love. You need to respect that?
Seriously? This is the most immature answer you can give to a daughter. MC need to understand also that they just divorced.
Mary cant handle it so soon! Give her a little time! No in 2/3 days he gives her to another shark? The ex wife of his best friend!
What a handsome friend that this MC is... really
Till now the game gave me a lot of choices. And i like when in a game i have choice. But i have preferred to have choice also on "Andy" I really do not wanna see/hear her fuck with this John. Ok surelly this man are trying to help me with Mary. But... are he really help me? Or is helping himself? I do not like the way the choice in some way are forcing me.
Look like John are try to do the friend route with me. But he is really a friend?
He start to help me, but in return he are obten "Andy" and after... if the thing go like who he want, Andy move in his house. So Andy wanna her daughter live with her. So This John man in a few step have... "Andy" and "Mary" at his home! I am start to think that is better to not trust in this John.
Now i am at the point where Andy ask me if she can trust about John and she wanna know who i think if she can trust john or not. The game give me two choice:
Yes or
The walkthrough say:
Yes (johngoodman = True) -> It means nothing to this build (maybe next?).
So follow the walk i need to chocie
Yes. But i surelly say
Not! Not because in some way i hope in an harem route. (Yes i am lying in some way, i hope in an harem route

But because i prefer to not know if she go out with someone or not. I just do not like to see other man fuck with the girls/women in me playthrough. The only man that can fuck girls/women in me playthrough is me (MC)

I like to help the women, but the best thing i can do is... o go with an harem route, or help them to stay good
without another man! Yes, I will be selfish. But this is a game. And if the developer give to me the power to do who i really wanna to do, i surelly do this. So... if a days there is a route that let me have also Andy, i surelly choice that route.
Then now lets speak about all the women till now i see in game.
Mary: She surelly is a cute/gorgeous one. But... why always so little? I understand that she need to look younger. But why she cant be more mature in her body? I am not say that she need to have huge bobs! But at last a more mature body.
Blonde? I am not so much into blonde, strangely in me life i have had always blonde girls/women, but surelly i prefer Red Head

Simone: This is who i mean when i say... why Mary need to look like a little one, while her friend look so much more mature.
Surelly in some way i prefer her body to the one of Mary. And not for her bob, but for her leg and ass. I am more into ass and leg.
Andy: I really like her, she is the mature version of Mary. And have the body that i like the most. And i hope that i can have also her in game. If not, at last i hope that i can avoid to let John have her. I prefer just to not know if she... find another one or not. Just i do not wanna see other men with them.
Vanessa: nothing to say about her, is cute but... she can stay with Mike, Andy is much gorgeous so i prefer to have Andy. At last me best friend can have a little happines with Vanessa. Although he would not deserve it for how he treated his ex-wife and daughter.
Anyway for now i am start to like this game. I try to follow every new update and see how this game evolve till the end. I just hope to have more choice and avoid to let this John date Andy. Or every other men

So Thank you to let us play you awesome game.